Reminicing on Halo Maps.

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#1 Thu, 06/28/2012 - 18:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Reminicing on Halo Maps.

It never fails that when are about to take on a new Halo title, we begin to reminisce about the multiplayer maps that came before. By the gods, we've all had some fun on one map or another.

Why do you like certain maps and for which titles?

Why do you not like certain maps and for which titles?

What maps will you miss?

What maps do you want remade?

Name one, or list them all. It's your choice. It's your opinion.

Please refrain from having an opinion about someone else's opinion though.


Thu, 06/28/2012 - 18:15
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I'm going to cheat and start this off with something I posted from another topic.


Something went wrong with Bungie's plans for some of REACH's non-Firefight maps. I am still learning some of these maps. Too many maps, too many variants and not enough time. Here's my brief comments.

Sword Base - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it.
Countdown - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it. Not as confusing as some people say.
Boardwalk - I love this map.
Zealot - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it but it's no midship. The zero G area was too much.
Powerhouse - I love this map, a lot. I'm rarely confused about where I am.
Boneyard - Generally like it. Poorly setup for BTB. I'd make changes if I could but there's nothing to work with and of course there are framerate issues. I am not fond of invasion. It's obvious Bungie made it too big because the gametype objects never use a lot of it. Should only be used for BTB Heavy style.
Reflection - Great remake and I love it.
Spire - Similar problems as Boneyard. The Spire looks great but all that travel time is dumb. I made a variant that cuts the Spire out. I love my variant almost as much as other people hate it. ;)
Anchor 9 - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it. Shotty Swat mostly.
Tempest - I love this map. It's good for most gametypes.
Breakpoint - Similar problems as Boneyard. I do like it but it needs a lot of people for a fun game.
Condemned - I'm always a bit lost. Mostly okay.
Highlands - A great map that we are only just starting to learn what settings to use.
Battle Canyon - Great rebuild. We play on it a lot.
Ridgeline - We rarely play default games on it but it's good. I have a Gauss Hog variant that's a hoot on it and we frequently play SWAT Sniper on it.
Breakneck - Just like the old days but AA do change it a bit. Frequently turn off the Banshee.
High Noon - Used to love the Halo 2 version but I do not stand a chance on this map with DMR's and especially with the TU turned on. Still like it though.
Penance - Never played the original but I do like this map. We usually play default slayer, oddball and SWAT shotguns.
Solitary - FFA gathering games. Always lost. I wouldn't miss it.

Forgeworld Maps
Hemorrhage - It's okay but just doesn't work like the Halo 2 days. I really miss Valhalla everytime I play on it.
Asylum - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it.
Uncaged - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it.
Pinnacle - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it. Doesn't quite work as well as the original.
Paradiso - It's fine and have had a lot of fun on it.

Thu, 06/28/2012 - 19:35
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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(I actually had to look up some of these maps)

Sword Base: Possibly the worst medium sized Halo map ever.  It's right up there with Epitaph and Ghost Town from Halo 3.  If you're scoring from home, the order goes Ghost Town, Epitaph, then Sword Base, although I'd be willing to swap Epitaph and Sword Base around if provoked.  It has horrible flow and turns into a camp fest.  I think some people hear about tactics and strategies and "holding a setup" on a map and see how you can do that on Sword Base, except it all funnels down to the lifts.  If you've got a bad start on this map, and end up spawning at the bottom, under sword, you're going to have a very bad time on the map.  Quirky, asymmetrical map which plays better?  Turf, from Halo 2.  Even though that map had a few areas that were bad, the positives outweighed the negatives and it ended up having some good flow.


Countdown: Too many enclosed areas.  It's an attempt to have a map like Construct, and King Of the Hill might not play too horribly on it, but it eventually falls flat.  If you control the outside/top lift area, you're pretty hard to defeat.  The lifts are a bit of an equalizer, but there's a long, pretty enclosed walkway you have to cross (and a tight doorway) to get to the lift area.  I wish you could forge out that stupid spaceship, at least.


Boardwalk: As far as bigger maps go, it's really not too bad.  It's still a little too enclosed to my tastes and there are still myriad ways to get from point A to B, but as far as big team maps go, this doesn't hold a candle to Valhalla, which is the best big map (honorable mention to Coagulation/Blood Gulch, Headlong, and Relic).  Compare and contrast the two: Boardwalk has a lot of tunnels and places to get to, and Valhalla really has few hidden areas.  Boardwalk has spawns you can never see, especially if you're sniping and your team is pushing the other side and influencing their spawn.  They can practically spawn right behind you, at the foot of the stairs and cause you some headaches if you get caught in a bad spawn time.


Zealot: Half great, half horrible.  The tubes to space play horribly, as we saw when the game first came out and some teams would win 5-0 because they got some quick kills and fled to space.  I'd put the shield door idea as a strong negative.  It didn't work in Snowbound from Halo 3 and doesn't work here.  The other terrestrial part of the map is great.  There is a lot of similarity to Midship, and for good reason.  It has to be a lot larger, though, for sprint.  Sprint would allow you to get from one side of Midship to the other in practically no time flat, which is a main argument against the sprint armor ability (you have to make all maps bigger to make up for someone using it, yet the map can't really be adjusted for jetpack.  Ugh.  Jetpack.)

Powerhouse: Has a few interesting parts to it, but the powerhouse is too enclosed, the map itself is too big, and there are a lot of places to squirrel away.  I get the feeling that this map, without armor abilities, would be a good one.  It's a good concept with the circular area, mostly open, put the armor ability in the middle, and the power weapon jutting out over it, exposed to fire from all sides.

Boneyard:  Fuck.  This.  Shit.  Played it a few times in the beginning when it was supremely unbalanced and the attackers had no distance weapons to defend themselves and distinctly remember some teams never making it to the ship in the first wave.  After they fixed it, that helped the attackers immensely, but the game still sucked.  Invasion, as a gametype, is an interesting idea, but the execution is shoddy.  With Invasion Slayer, for example, there should never be an area where drops just happen.  Those end up being kill zones.  People should just get to repick their new loadout after each wave/milestone and keep the flow moving.  Base it on the players' standings in relation to the others (person with most kills gets the rocket launcher and DMR as a secondary, next person down gets a noob combo, down to the person at the bottom, that just gets to repick their initial loadout over again.)

Reflection: Out of all of the maps to remake, they pick this one.  It was a middling map in Halo 2, and it's a middling map now.  It's a very pretty remake, even with the changes to the lift side, but it's still just meh.  I suppose it still plays well for one bomb, but I haven't played it on the remake, with the Armor Abilities.

Spire: Same as Boneyard, where I appreciate what they were trying to do with Invasion, but it just came out flat.  Way, way too big.  It just feels incredibly unfocused.  For some folks that want the feeling where you have a more sandbox-y experience, I assume this plays to them.  Here.  You spawn with a weapon.  Go forth and explore.  That's fine, except doing that usually doesn't win you any games or work out as far as a plan goes.

Anchor 9: Never played it, but after looking it up, it says it "fills the niche left for The Pit" from Halo 3.  Hell, that sounds like a perfectly fine idea.  I'll have to try it and get back to you.

Tempest: Don't think I've ever played it.  According to the wiki, it has two Mongooses and two Warthogs at spawn.  Yeah, not my cup of tea.

Breakpoint: Haven't played it, but it's an Invasion map, and the gametype is bad news bears.

Condemned:  I don't think I've played it, but if you go from regular gravity to zero gravity and back, it's pretty gimmicky.  It has some similarities to the Halo 4 map we've been seeing a lot recently.  I remember a clanmate's comment about it about the zero gravity just after they released it and how he didn't like that aspect either.

Highlands: Wait, I know why I haven't seen this or Condemned.  I never even bought that map pack.  I didn't buy the Noble Map Pack either.  Well.  That solves that.

Battle Canyon: 10/10, would bang again.  Great remake, even the variant with the little tubes around the sides, by the ends of the creek is kind of interesting and adds something to the level.  Best map in Reach. 

Ridgeline: Meh.  I've played about ten games on this map, I think.  Too big.

Breakneck: Eh.  Huge map.  I don't think I've played a game on it where some of the other team didn't quit out.  Still too big, but not nearly as offensive as some of the other massive maps, expecially the Invasion ones.

High Noon: This was never my favorite map, and in the Halo 2 remake, I remember it being a little lower in the list of maps I liked to play, but here on Reach, it gets bumped up, mostly because the other maps are pretty bad.  After getting a second look at it (I didn't play it in CE), I like it more, though.  It's still a touch big for my tastes.  Cut the map in half, and you have something closer to my suggestion for fixing Powerhouse.

Penance: Never played the original either, and don't like it here.  It's a gorgeous map, but it plays too slow.  There's just too much around.  You could chop off a decent portion of each side of the map, keep the middle, and have something to work with, though.

Solitary: Eh.  I'm not sure I like it much.  I think I'd have to play a few more games on it, but I could see it grow on me a little bit. 

Hemorrahge: Eh.  It feels like a knockoff brand of macaroni and cheese.  It's not too bad, but it isn't quite what you were expecting.  When MLG folks complain about how Blackout wasn't like Lockout and how some of these other remakes don't feel the same way after some remakes (and tweaks), this is pretty much how they feel.  Despite that, it's still a perfectly good map.  If Blood Gulch/Coagulation never existed, I think people would like it more.

Asylum: Argh.  A glorious, glorious map, ruined.  Forge World causes it to lag and the MLG remake is superior in every way.  This is the rare map where the jetpack isn't too horrible.  Getting up onto Ring 3 is a pretty decent concept and adds to gameplay.  (Yes, you can just hop up onto Ring 3, but the jetpack certainly does make it easier.)

Uncaged: Not bad.  A perfectly solid map, but jetpacks, especially skilled ones, ruin it.  It plays a little smaller than it is, which I think is in direct relation to the Armor Abilities.  If this map were in Halo 2/3, I think people would have taken more of a shine to it.

Pinnacle: Meh.  I felt the same way about this map as I did about Ivory Tower.  This wasn't an explicit remake by Bungie, but they certainly did create it in Forge World (for whatever reason).

Paradiso: Huge map.  Don't really like it much.  Parts of the map are appealing, but other parts/all put together, it doesn't seem to work right.


In conclusion: I'm pretty sure we aren't even playing the same game.  Heh.  For me, by far, this is the worst collection of maps.


To the first post....

I want no maps remade from Reach.  I'd like to wake up, after Election Day, and pretend that Halo: Reach never even happened.  

What maps would I like to see remade?  Well, let's assume there are 10 maps at release.  We've seen three of them, two decent sized, one bigger.  I'll opt for 7 "normal" sized maps and 3 big ones.  My 5 would be a map that fits in the asymmetrical mold; one like Guardian or Lockout would be best, although I don't really want/need to see a remake.  I'd like to see a Zealot/Midship kind of map.  I'd like to see a remake of The Pit, I'd like to see a Construct-y kind of map, with multi levels, although if they remake it, that won't break my heart, a Beaver Creek remake, and a Warlock kind of map, possibly a remake.  The two big ones would be Valhalla and Relic, maybe Valhalla and Standoff.  I wouldn't mind a Standoff-style map if you take out the Beaver Creek remake (too soon, I bet).

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 01:00
wamam87's picture
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Sword Base - over saturation killed this map for me
Countdown - i like this map. it gets to campy, but it's still pretty good.
Boardwalk - best REACH map. love this map and can't get enough of it.
Zealot - it has it's issues, but it's not to bad. it's really, really fun for a full party ShWATgun multi-flag
Powerhouse - good
Boneyard - HATE!
Reflection - i love playing SWAT on this map.
Spire - worst REACH map. i hate it and wish it didn't exist.
Anchor 9 - not really a fan, but i can tolerate it.
Tempest - awesome
Breakpoint - terrible
Condemned - i can't even remember what map this is. lol
Highlands - lots of fun on this map.
Battle Canyon - not so much
Ridgeline - this is a really good map
Breakneck - another fun one
High Noon - i hate this map for slayer. the closed areas suck and the open area is to big. i like playing snipers on it and that's weird because i don't really like playing snipers.
Penance - pretty cool
Solitary - i could live without it.

Forgeworld Maps

Hemorrhage - the only reason i don't totally hate this map is clan night customs. good times :)
Asylum - love it! this is the best symmetrical map.
Uncaged - i like this map a ton. the spawn at sniper drives me nuts. you snipe two guys at tower and they'll spawn right behind you.
Pinnacle - SUCKS!!!
Paradiso - i like it, but rarely see it in MM. fun customs though.



Fri, 06/29/2012 - 08:26 (Reply to #4)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Sword Base - Terrible for 2 team playlists, wonderful for multi-team 4/10

Countdown - Great map.  One of the few maps where jetpacks don't absolutely ruin it.  8/10
Boardwalk - Wonderful map.  Ranks up there with Standoff for the best one-sided objective maps out there. 9/10
Zealot - I like this map.  Never had a bad time playing it.  Too easy to force-spawn your opponents though. 7/10
Powerhouse - Decent but not great. 6/10
Boneyard - Too big even for big team.  Need to cut half of it out.  4/10
Reflection - Doesn't flow well and I rarely have fun on it.  3/10
Spire - Same with Boneyard, need to ax about half of it.  3/10
Anchor 9 - Okay.  Nothing too negative about it but also nothing really positive. 5/10
Tempest - Great map for objective and btb.  9/10
Breakpoint - Don't play it too much, but one-sided objective isn't that bad.  6/10
Condemned - Similar to Anchor 9.  5/10
Highlands - Not enough cover in the middle.  Need to remove snipers for better flow or it becomes a base campfest. 4/10
Battle Canyon -Terrible 2/10
Ridgeline - Decent but players blend in too well to the environment.  Also sniper haven.  5/10
Breakneck - Pretty fun but traversing can be difficult with open areas and snipers about. 6/10
High Noon - Not impressed.  Too campy.  4/10
Penance - No real opinion. 5/10
Solitary - Too easy to force spawn opponents.  4/10

Forgeworld Maps

Hemorrhage - Surprisingly, territories is absolutely fun on this map.  Other than that, it has no redeeming qualities. 3/10
Asylum - Jetpacks and camo absolutely ruin this map.  Decent for slayer but real easy to force spawn. 4/10
Uncaged - Terrible 2/10
Pinnacle - Terrible x2  1/10
Paradiso - Good for only 1-sided objectives.  3/10


Reach maps I would like remade for Halo 4:




Fri, 06/29/2012 - 05:50
CBOE01's picture
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- Why do you like certain maps and for which titles?


Battle Creek (ffa oddball)

Blood Gulch (ctf, ts, modded rock AR funz)

DeathIsland (ctf)


Mostly all were/are awesome.

Zbar, Coag, Headlong, Turf (bomb, single ctf, ctf, ts)


Valhalla, Zbar remake (ctf, bomb, ts)


- Why do you not like certain maps and for which titles?

Reach tops the list of shit boards. For reasons most speculate, and because of the bad "physical" play design.


- What maps will you miss?

H1 never has been missed. Have hundreds of boards to mess with.

H2 miss all. That game/time WAS a genration jump for the industry. LANs are still great.

H3 most all missed. Zbar and Coag were/are the best of the remakes.

Reach miss none. Been quite disappointing from the beginning.


- What maps do you want remade?

NONE. Really tired of the non-creativeness of this/these MS companies.

ex. LockOut got so screwed in H3. Don't see how it play tested well.

They will remake some. It's a given. So make Blood Gulch, Zbar for sure.


Sadly one can see by the vids of mlg messin' on H4's boards that the "design" of the gaming area won't and hasn't changed. Lookin' like they wantin' ya to just run around a boring metalbox/sandbox once in Reach.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 07:46
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm in agreement in that I do not want to see any remakes either. Often times they don't live up to the memories, especially when you have to take into account armor abilities. If there are remakes planned for Halo 4, then I will be EXTREMELY disappointed if we get a remake in the first set of 10 launch maps. If that happens that kind of sends out a signal that 343 is out of ideas. I want all new maps for an all new game.

However, maps "inspired" by certain maps like The Pit, Valhalla, Guardian and Standoff would be ok, but I want NEW maps with fresh ideas. Kind of like how Haven looks like a map ispired by Narrows, but with a twist. Haven looks fun. Adrift looks like a CQC map that I will be "meh" about playing.

Oh and Dixon, let me assure you Anchor 9 does not play like The Pit. The niche it fills is another wannabe map with another one of those annoying antigravity areas. However, it's actually not a bad map but the outside antigravity area is a constant source of annoyance. 

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 09:16
ekattan's picture
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Original Lockout and Midship.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 09:18
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Halo maps I wouldn't care to see again or disliked.

Halo 2

Colossus - I found the geometry uninspiring, dark in places and the addition/subtraction of the bridge between sides confusing. I never liked the drop to bottom middle. This map frustrated me if BR was the starting weapon.

Foundation - Had lots and lots of fun on this map but the geometry is uninspiring. A similar map can be made in Forge fairly quickly. I hope it is never remade by the developer.


Halo 3

Snowbound - Too white or something. If I stepped outside in a BR game, I was toast.

Foundry - The default was uninspiring. Boring. Great for FFA gathering games though. Never liked the Forged maps either. Colour problems like REACH forged maps.

Orbital - Always freaking disoriented/lost on this map.

Longshore - Always freaking disoriented/lost on this map.



Solitary - Always freaking disoriented/lost on this map. Only good for tooling around.

Spire - Too big and travel time to/from top Spire is a waste and bores me.

Boneyard - Too big and poorly setup for BTB.

Breakpoint - Too big and poorly setup for BTB. They didn't call it Breakpoint for nothing. Without that big outcrop splitting the map the framerate would dive so much it woul not be playable. Stand at Banshee spawn and the framerate drops when you look at most of the map. This a a real case of fluff over practicality.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 10:32
DarthTabasco's picture
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I have a question for you Halo vets concerning Snowbound. Why is this map disliked by so many people?

To put things into context, I didn't play Halo online until 2008 and H3 was chugging along nicely. I'd played the previous games, but never tried the multiplayer. I undestand the map went through a couple of variations with Boundless being the final version. I did play the version of Snowbound previous to Boundless though - still had the shield doors.

I will admit that while not my favorite H3 map, I usually enjoyed the map.

Perhaps we could ask people to post maps they personally like that would make others

Thus I submit, I enjoyed Snowbound (or more to the point Boundless without the shield doors).


Fri, 06/29/2012 - 11:04 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

I have a question for you Halo vets concerning Snowbound. Why is this map disliked by so many people?

To put things into context, I didn't play Halo online until 2008 and H3 was chugging along nicely. I'd played the previous games, but never tried the multiplayer. I undestand the map went through a couple of variations with Boundless being the final version. I did play the version of Snowbound previous to Boundless though - still had the shield doors.

I will admit that while not my favorite H3 map, I usually enjoyed the map.

Perhaps we could ask people to post maps they personally like that would make others

Thus I submit, I enjoyed Snowbound (or more to the point Boundless without the shield doors).


Boundless pretty much fixed the shotgun camping inside the garage. That was one of the big complaints for 1v1, which was popular at the time.

Personally, I found being outside too exposed and getting killed by the Guardian around the edges was annoying. I was bored with the smooth snow cover too.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:47 (Reply to #11)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

DarthTabasco wrote:

I have a question for you Halo vets concerning Snowbound. Why is this map disliked by so many people?

To put things into context, I didn't play Halo online until 2008 and H3 was chugging along nicely. I'd played the previous games, but never tried the multiplayer. I undestand the map went through a couple of variations with Boundless being the final version. I did play the version of Snowbound previous to Boundless though - still had the shield doors.

I will admit that while not my favorite H3 map, I usually enjoyed the map.

Perhaps we could ask people to post maps they personally like that would make others

Thus I submit, I enjoyed Snowbound (or more to the point Boundless without the shield doors).


Boundless pretty much fixed the shotgun camping inside the garage. That was one of the big complaints for 1v1, which was popular at the time.

Personally, I found being outside too exposed and getting killed by the Guardian around the edges was annoying. I was bored with the smooth snow cover too.


Pretty much this.  The shield doors and bubble shields ensured stalemates, especially in such enclosed areas, where anything can and does happen.  The second part is why some don't like the close quarter stuff either.  You're able to out-skill someone over distance, usually.  Superior aim and team shooting/communication take over with clear firing lanes.  Close quarters means anything happens.  Even with the spike grenades, the way sticky grenades bounced off of other things/explosions, or the mini-nuke grenades of Reach, close quarters is bad news.  Typically, that means you're playing the map, but when the map forces you into those situations, well, there, you see why some of us dislike Reach.



Maps we love that others would detest?  I'll take Forge maps, please.  I liked Amplified, Onslaught, and Countdown.  In Reach, Android is a great one.  There are a couple of other arena style maps in Reach's Forge that are pretty good too.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 13:18 (Reply to #12)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:
  In Reach, Android is a great one.  

I like Android and pull it up for FFA gathering quite often. First map of the night. Default Slayer though. There are a couple of other MLG maps I pull out too.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:33
wamam87's picture
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the thing that bothered me about snowbound/boundless was the number of people using the carbine with a rapid fire controller. it drove me so mad I bought my own and turned it on when the other team was using them.
Fri, 06/29/2012 - 13:39
DarthTabasco's picture
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I get your meaning on Snowbound. I tended to stay out of the shotty area and bases. Guess I liked playing in the snow too much.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 13:49 (Reply to #15)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

I get your meaning on Snowbound. I tended to stay out of the shotty area and bases. Guess I liked playing in the snow too much.

Snowbound, when remade bigger, is a little like Standoff.  The two bases weren't bad, and fights above ground were interesting.  It just turned to hell when you went into the tunnels.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 14:27
Ghost92's picture
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I disliked Amplified with a passion.  Talk about another map where the spawn system broke it.  Ons was good though.  Part of the reason I like it was the spawning was well thought out.  Spawn traps were prevelant, and while it sucked getting in one and getting out, it brough a level of tactics and coordiation that was fun to try and pull off.


I really liked Select in Reach.  I thought it was well thought out, had some good shooting lanes, easy to transverse.  Jet pack made it less playable though.  And then they removed it for other crap like Midas, which is just a stupid map.




Fri, 06/29/2012 - 19:30 (Reply to #17)
wamam87's picture
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Ghost92 wrote:

I really liked Select in Reach.


a very simple map, but was nice to play. i like maps where there is no arguable advantage at the start of the match...for slayer anyway.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 23:52
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I didn't really like very many Reach maps. Boardwalk, Uncaged and Tempest are my favorites. Alot of them don't feel really well designed and while I like the idea of jet-packs they ruined most maps especially the CE remakes.


If they remake any maps for H4 I want to see Standoff, Midship and the real Lockout.

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 10:29
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I did like alot of the community maps. Select, Synapse, Enclosed are well designed. The new ones like Midas and Pulse are also alot of fun. I'm really hoping 343 can take forge to the next level with better framerate and designing tools so the maps aren't so bland. If forge is done right it will add so much life to H4.

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 06:37
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Until I joined 2o2pHalo, I did a lot of Lone Wolfing in H2 and H3 and really didn't have much of an opinion on the maps one way or the other except for those H2 maps where you could super bounce.  I had a lot of fun on Foundation in a Rocket game super bouncing up top and blasting away.  Drove those Timmies crazylaugh

For me, the major problem with most of the Reach maps are the lack of good color contrast.  This does become an issue for me in team games where the opposing team's color tends to blend in with the background for peeps like me with not the greatest eyesight.  Doesn't mean I won't play though, just makes it a lot more challenging.

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 07:13 (Reply to #21)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:
for peeps like me with not the greatest eyesight. 

LOL. I wish you had bad eyesight. wink

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 14:43
moesley's picture
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Joined: 10/23/2005 - 23:00

i miss all of the previous maps, and i want them all remade. and i don't mean some all-grey forge remakes.  i'd like actual maps, with multiple f*cking colors for a change. i spent $300 on a f*cking console that supposedly has improved graphics and capabilities, yet my preferred game has uniformly grey maps. wow, thanks. if 343i can somehow muster up the nuts to figure out the coding to allow shading and coloring into forge, then we should see some nice forgemaps in h4.  don't get me wrong, there are some great forgemaps out there, but i'm sick of every map being grey. 


Tue, 07/03/2012 - 16:19
Double T's picture
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Only maps I miss are Turf and Burial Mounds.

Tue, 07/03/2012 - 17:46
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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Joined: 01/17/2011 - 23:00

Burial Mounds might be my all time favorite. I know a lot of people hated it but to me it was the perfect map for everything. Standoff probably comes in a close 2nd. I really liked playing one flag or assault on Zanzibar and Relic. Beaver Creek was awesome but I really dont care for the Reach Remake, the AA's take away from it.

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 13:14 (Reply to #25)
w0rm's picture
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Mjp2519 wrote:
Beaver Creek was awesome but I really dont care for the Reach Remake, the AA's take away from it.


Agreed.  Jet packs ruin objective games on Battle Canyon.

I prefer to play the Anni maps in the classic playlist with no AA's.

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 20:00
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Joined: 02/13/2009 - 23:00

Burial Mounds was a good map. Theres not enough middle sized maps with vehicles.

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 21:51 (Reply to #27)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

Burial Mounds was a good map. Theres not enough middle sized maps with vehicles.


I have fond memories of that map, but I wouldn't like it as much today.

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