I have 2 black mushrooms
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 17:56
I have 2 black mushrooms
No, that is not code for something dirty!!!
I have had 1 sinice my first playthrough on normal.
One just dropped in Inferno. Both are in my stash. They didn't combine or anything.Each just sits in its own slot. lol
I guess I thought you could only have one. Has anyone seen any other of these items double?
yes. you can carry multiple but it does you no good. I had a second one after crafting my staff. I just dumped it on the ground. it's useless to have a second one.
I have two black mushrooms and a foot .... no idea what to do with either.
they are account tied. You can't sell them in the AH or to a vendor, and you can't give them to someone. Just drop any extras..
It's for the secret cow level of diablo 3. They are ingredients to make the staff. You need a few others and then you can open this:
That used to be a good place to farm stuff but not anymore :(
sadly nope :( tho it is still quite entertaining to be killed by a teddy bear