Offline topic: What I do (or did) when I'm not on Forza (offline as it were)...
Offline topic: What I do (or did) when I'm not on Forza (offline as it were)...
A small peek into what all you reprobates do when you're NOT on the track with each other!
For instance, yesterday the father n law and I climbed on our Harleys and rode 20 miles or so out of town, through the Cherokee Forest, up a mountain side (love them Tennessee roads!) to a little place called Shady Valley, bought a soda and sat on the wrap around porch and shot the "shit" (I think this is an American euphanism) with other riders passing through for an hour or so and then rode home. Best Pepsi I've had all week!
[url=]bike posse 002[/url] by [url=]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
That's my '07 Heritage on the right, wife's '07 1200 Low on the left, father n law has an '05 Peace Officers model, blue over blue but I don't have a shot of it.
And you?
Parcells played 150 hands of bridge over the weekend.
All hail Mr excitement. 150 hands of bridge, you're a wild man Parcells.
I box, work on music, walk a couple of miles to the pub with my wife, play dominoes, write lyrics (or am supposed to). That's about it.. I'm pretty boring really.
You must have read it wrong Mikey, looks good to me.
gotta love that edit button eh bruv?
I'm with oldschool. :)
Hey Bash, does it take you 3 hours to wash yours?
There's an edit button?
Work, Kids, Forza, TV sleep and beer.
Pretty much it for me
Oy! You're on diaper detail, aren't ya? Yikes!
rFactor 1, rFactor 2, iRacing...sleep now and then.
Settling into the new house.
Tinker on car projects.
rFactor (GBR & efnet)
Might catch a movie at home or fire something up on the PS3 or Wii.
Going to try to get back on the bicycles soon to.
beer, bike, making electronics dodads and mods.
As for how long it takes to wash the bike... That depends entirely on how retentive I am on a given day. :) What often happens is I see a speck of something and rub it off. This leaves a small mark. I then decide to wax the bike whole bike. :)
Lately almost all of my free time has been spent, creating... The guys over at GBR know what I'm up to, but I'm not QUITE ready to tell this large group. :)
He he...
Cook/Grill out
Go to concerts when someone decent comes to town
read comics
watch baseball games either in person or on tv
Destory paper targets at gun ranges (at least once a month)
Mostly work but I do get to take my baby out to chase some cones from time to time...
I've been to the Dutch TT (MotoGP) last weekend, three days camping, lots of beer and motorracing. Best weekend in a long time!
If you ever get the chance to go to a MotoGP do so, prices are reasonable compared to other high-profile races and the sound! Tose small Moto3 bikes are LOUD, 250cc 4-stroke single cylinders are even louder than the big GP bikes. Ido miss the sound and smell of the 2-strokes though.
I get on on my bicycle and go for a ride of 30-50 miles about once a week. Also ride a bicycle to work almost daily (16 miles round trip). I'm training for a 64 mile bicycle ride in August and hopefully a 100 mile ride in September. BBQ a lot, drink a beer or 3 or 6 now and then. I like to punch holes in paper targets with bullets, but don't get to do that as much as I would like anymore. Get the BMW K1200LT out for a ride now and then (sometimes the wife even goes with me). Spend a day with my kids at least once a month. Don't play Forza that much anymore since I re-discovered PC Sim racing and GBR.
What is your gun of choice for the paper targets?
I will shoot anything. When I was in the Marines my favorite type of shooting was the long range rifle shooting, especially the 1000 yard line. Very satisfying to send a bullet over a half mile and hit what you are aiming at. Now that I'm getting a little older I like pistol shooting better. Any gun that is accurate and has a smooth trigger pull is good.
Same here, I´m planning a trip to local gun range next week. First time this year, hopefully not last time...
I'm in San Antonio this weekend, bitches. Drinking Margaritas and touring the missions like a fucking Okie or something. Riverwalk and the Alamo are next. How is it even possible that San Antonio is hotter than Fort Worth? The heat is deadly as fuck but I'm having a great time!
If I'm not racing, then I'm playing my guitars. Plain & simple.
You call yours a guitar?
Had to be done...
The last time I was in San Antonio, the riverwalk was still a conceptual painting. I've seen photo's since and it looks beautiful.
The heat's crazy everywhere, last week we went over a hundred in the Appalacians, and I'm told records are popping everywhere. So I went to Florida last Friday, down where the flooding hit from that last storm, and the standing water combined with the heat equals worlds largest sauna...
60 ounce Margaritas on the Riverwalk...oh, hell yeah!
within walking (staggering) distance of the hotel room?
Nah...we had a room across from market square so we would have easy access to I-35 and La Margarita. We paid $15 to park near the Alamo and took care of all the downtown/Riverwalk stuff in one shot. We toured some of the Spanish Missions and Brackenridge Park (Japanese Tea Gardens and miniature train) on Saturday and hit downtown later that night.
I'm usually trying to figure out how to trick the wife into having sex
Same here. When I am not doing that, or spending time with my two beautiful kids or sim racing, I like to play non-racing games on my PC, Xbox or PS3. During football season, I watch a lot of college and pro football. I am a diehard Oakland Raiders and Washington Huskies fan. I get NFL Sunday Ticket and I use it, every week, wherever I am.