Halo 4/Forward Unto Dawn Live Action film, behind the scenes.

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#1 Wed, 07/11/2012 - 06:38
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Halo 4/Forward Unto Dawn Live Action film, behind the scenes.

Scabbed from HBO.

I can't wait until they put all of these pieces together.


Wed, 07/11/2012 - 09:52
Grex's picture
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article from the LATimes and with some behind the sceen pics.




...Financed at a cost insiders pegged as between $5 million and $10 million, “Forward Unto Dawn” represents the technology giant’s first significant step forward into the traditional entertainment world. Its backers hope the step will allow 343 Industries, the Microsoft subsidiary that oversees everything “Halo,” to tell new types of stories and reach new audiences....


Come on Microsoft you can do better then 5-10 mill.  I basically see this as an extended commercial which in that case is a very expensive commercial. Which looks pretty sweet btw.


Read full article here

Thu, 07/12/2012 - 11:01
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Frankie 7.12.12 Regarding Foward Unto Dawn movie distribution.

Originally Posted by Genesis Knight: View Post
Confirmed by Stinkles yesterday to be a download code. The game hits manufacturing before the movie is even done - no way to have a Blu packaged inside.

It could never be Blu Ray as a pack in anyway. If it had been a pack in it would have been a DVD because everyone has a DVD player. Can't say the same for Blu Ray. We'd be impacting the value for a huge percentage of potential players. And we wanted it to be HD for everyone - so... there we have it.

On a related note, LE packaging is done and it's mmm-mm good.


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