Phantasy Star Online II
Thu, 07/12/2012 - 20:26
Phantasy Star Online II
I don't know how much Japanese you guys know, but it might warrant a look for some of you until an English version is ported.
I heard rumers this is going PC only.
me2. A man asks why? For a man believes that a company made lots of coin off the consoles on a companies previous installment of a game.
I believe that PSO/U and all its versions likely saved Sega's bacon back in the Dreamcast days. I honestly don't understand why they would not be willing to release this on console.
but they of course are going to release a completely compatible version on the PS Vita, Makes sense I know hahaha
At least its free to play. Maybe thats why no console release.
Anywho its available in Japan right now and I will post a link to tell you how to get it in another topic.
In case anyone is interested I play this game on the Japanese servers. I also have an english translation patch that will translate a good portion of the game for you. I can walk anyone through step by step to set up an account and get the game running me and a buddy of mine play on ship 10 and are currently level 23 I a force he a hunter. The game is awesome and if anyone would like to boot it up and needs a hand getting it going let me know.
I have it all set up on my PC but haven't gone to far in it. The control scheme reall7y put me off. I do want to play it more but right now with the other games I am playing I don't think I can give it a decent go.
my buddy just uses his 360 controller to play it. Seems to work well for him I am a more micro manage kind of guy so I stick with the mouse and keyboard.