The Big Race
The Big Race
I wrote a blog a couple of nights ago entitled The Big Race, which I intended to be nothing more than a short, humorous piece. Although it was certainly inspired by recent events that occured right here in these forums, it was in no way intended to mirror those events. As part of the 2o2p writing staff it is my job to create content for the website: the more eyes we have on the website the happier Doodi gets, and I often use my blog, both here and at wordpress, to hone my craft...such as it is. I tend to have a self-deprecating sense of humor, and sometimes I inadvertently include those around me. If anyone was offended by blog, I do apologize. I intentionally wroote the piece to not include specifics, because it is a work of fiction, and used no names. Only those most sensitive to the inspirational origin would be able to recognize the similarities, an outsider would not. This was not intended to be a form of mockery, only entertainment, and if I have offended or failed to entertain then I am truly sorry...that was not my intention.
Heh just read it...I've seen you be much more offensive than that, are you mellowing in your old age
I have never read a more inaccurate description of our leader, the one I know couldn't scare the piss out of an incontenent poodle with a nervous disposition. Other than that I didn't see a problem with it. If you need a character reference give me a shout.
Where can I find this? I'd love to read it.
Goto Blogs on top right of page and click latest blogs.
Just read it. Had me laughing, very well done and classy!!
I'm surprised you got away so easy. I would have taken your left (omitted because of decency standards) instead.
It would have reminded you every time you sat down.
Or just made you run with me in a 40 lapper full sim damage race. Then I could laugh at you while you limped around the track. 
Although the rules section was one of the few things I have read in it's entirety. A hell of a lot shorter than some disclaimers that we are subjected to on a daily basis.
My fav is usually at the bottom..
All rights reserved, rules subject to change...