Red ring of death
Red ring of death
Is this the last straw? my xbox has died, it's has just been one thing after another, My internet connection seemed to be passable today so I thought I would have a run in the Radical, and try a few online races if anyone was about, but like I say Turned on the box to be greeted by the RRD. I was concerned Track Night when the whole thing shut down during a race, it fired up again but I had a feeling it was about to die...die it has. So now I wonder...Do I bother with another one. Some of the shine has gone off racing in Forza, I still enjoy thinking up new ideas for series to run on Tuesday nights and take a lot of pleasure from the enjoyment the guys that race in them have, I was looking forward to the Radicals and the next EUSL, but all tainted by issues with my internet and the MSL update that is still I'm sure messing with my wheel, though it may have been part of my Box slowly giving up the ghost...
Just fed up has come back to life...well lets see if it lasts, my wife uses it too so I guess in retrospect another one will have to be bought I just hating spending money to stand still.
Wish you luck buddy. I tore mine apart recently and did a clean up as it quit reading my disc, I love google/youtube...(sides, the warranty's long gone....)
Knight what did you do in your past life? You must have seriously pissed someone off fella.
I really hope your luck turns soon fella. About time someone gave you some slack.
Heh, yeah it has been one thing after another, and I'm such a good boy. Honest, faithful and kind to animals...even when they piss in my computer.
It all comes out in wash chap
You know what? things could be a lot worse. I have a wife I love more than life itself, the rent is paid and there is food in the fridge. Next week I start to build a beast of a gaming computer and I'm a hell of a lot better off than so many others...It's all temparary shit that wont kill me, so what the hell.
+1 on that Chap.
The shit we worry about
I have found it hard to get on Forza after getting started in iRacing again. Not to mention F1 2011 on the pc.
Oi mate. You just can't catch a break.
Hope it hangs in there for a bit.
And true that on the big picture in life.
Glad to hear it came back alive again. Even happier to hear about your life and your attitude to it in general! :)
Heh I try to be as Zen about life as I can...sometimes it just takes a while to kick in. I am after all a domesticated primate thats first reaction to being frustrated is to start throwing the nearest vegetation around...
Agreed, flinging feces and random stuff around you is a quite normal reaction (perhaps not the feces part) to most frustrating things!
New 250gig Xbox ordered, so that is that sorted...just wish I could get a new internet supplier as easy.
I've had 3 consoles rrod. Have you checked with ms trod was covered for 3 years and under UK trading standard laws electronic goods are covered for 6 years.
The rrod is a well document and admitted fault by Microsoft so you should get sorted.
Double post sorry
I have had three replaced under the extended warrantee and it has long since expired, this one has done about 2 years and has worked it socks off, both me and my wife use it for hours on end so I can't complain. UK trading laws don't count for much here
we were thinking about getting a newer one anyway, just planned on a couple more months.