weekly race for beginners
weekly race for beginners
Just wander if anyone interested in starting a weekly get together for beginners (f, e d cars) mostly practice races just a friendly not too aggressive 'lets have fun' kind of thing. If this is already exists, I am interested, if not and there is an interest in this I would like to start one. I am not a fast driver and some times feel that I should not be in real fast races as I would be on the way of other faster drivers. This is why I almost always just on empty track or competing with AI. But get together with the group with the similar skill level to do practice races would fun. Just let me know what day of the week and what time would work the best. I would prefer around 10 pm est any week day would work for me.
There are pick up groups most any day, but usually earlier than that. I do 3:30 to 6-7ish some afternoons. real life permitting, and if I do , it's usually C-A but I'm easliy talked into the lower stuff.
If you see me on, just join up. And if you're not on my list, fix that! ( if it says full, let me know, I'll punt soemone who's been missing......)
my reall life does not permits me to play that early:):) Looks like you have 2 accounts listed on xbox. Please feel frfee to send me friends request.
Hmm what time is 10PM EST in Sweden? ^^
I could be up for it whenever. Just add me on Xbox!
For the EU guys Gizzies track night is on every Wednesday night starting from 8:00 pm BST.
Starts from F class and runs all the way to R1.
There are not points or places recorded just some good fun. I normally just run cars I never have as its noncompetitive.
I did have exactly that running some months ago, I stopped due to lack of interest after it had been running for a while, trick here mate is to just dive in and do it, pick a day and time, tell everyone about it and see if it floats...
Track night not competative? LOL it is in it's own wierd and unique way. Just not always about actually winning
I have this Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - SMART FORTWO - D350 Class going on, you are welcomed to join us
We started with F Class cars and are moving every month up a Class till we hit C Class then we will go back to F, trying to build some skill
There are some rules
but it makes for some great racing
Also you can try this out
[FM4] PROAM Dual Series - Thursdays P9:00pm EST R10:30pm EST
I want to ytry it out. What are the rules and how do I join tuesday nights?
Heya Metalhead....I'm on the west coast...I'll make sure to be on tonite @ 10PM your time....send me an f/r and I'll get you hooked up for the Kochino's Tuesday nite race and the ProAm Series. We can run some laps in the Smartcar to get you ready for tomorrow.
I'll find ya if you don"t find me.
Oh yeah....if you don't have the dlc for the smartcar....there is an alternative
Friend Request sent
ProAm is a great place to start, Gizzies track nights are also good for mixing it up with some fast guys who are more than willing to point you in the right direction. EUSL caters for all skills but its more league racing.
You'll get faster racing with us lot, just give it some time :)
Metal/Midnite.... I got cars ready to gift to you....race ready. Can't send till you accept f/r. I'll check for ya again after work tonite.
IF the Healy's don't run at 4pm EST today, I will be opening a random pickup room, lower classes for a couple hours, sooooo...
No mate healy is postponed for a week so JD doesn't miss the last race, I'll look out for your room you never know I may get a race in...
Not such a big if after all LOL
Hah!, good one!
Okay, Pick up room opening on or before 4pm EST, we will bounce from E-B I reckon, so, bring something to read/drink on the straights!
Oh, will probably set it multi-class so everyone can hang in their comfort zone.
Oh, and we won't be running just the mini tracks ( No Ring Knight, well, probably no Ring, maybe...)
If it is aimed at novices then the ring is not the best choice....just saying LOL Mind as I am betting I will be lagging as usual it's all academic.
Have you run the Ring in F-D? The scenery is amazing...
Oh I've spent many a happy wednesday taking in the scenery...to be honest I prefer the wide open vistas of the alps
I seem to have traction issues there....
Just checked my connection speed and won't bother turning out tonight, as usual of late it is unusably low...have fun and I hope to be back soon.
Ran a couple hours starting 'round 4, good turn out, got to run abit with Hatter, who's very quiet, and in general everyone laughed, pointed, laughed some more and ran what ever the mood struck. At the end, Tesla's, Hennessy's and Ultima's hit the track. Just for perspective you know.
Knight I got an idea for a quick 3 week series. Stone stock ( no tune) Hennesy's at Camino Extreme, Road Atlanta and Infineon IRL!!!
Why not do that while I am off the grid? nice short series to get the new guys up to speed...Damn this is frustrating!
Umm, Okay, I'll wrangle Church for a little forum support and give it a shot.
something on thursdays would be coo. I know there is a pro am thats pretty late but maybe something around 2-4PST just a thought.