Wed, 07/25/2012 - 20:54
Hey guys,
Just thought I'd let y'all know that I will be moving this weekend so I'll be off-line until Monday at least. The good news is that I will now have my own Man-Cave. You know what that means....I will be transitioning to the wheel again and probably no more whispering during races. Unless you guys still want me to whisper. LOL
The long term goal (Christmas) is to get an rSeat Evo V3.
Also, my work schedule may be changing soon so I probably won't be around nights. I'll be on more of a Euro schedule.
Thanks, Snappy
Sounds like a move up. Hopefully around xmas I will be on a wheel/rig setup as well. Have fun moving lol
Hmmm, is that in reference to the Evo seat/man cave or racing with the Euro crowd? I guess we'll never know.
Good look chap
@Parcells2 Racing with the Euro Division obviously (Need to balance the happy posts)
Good luck mate hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Evo seat/man cave... I have raced with most of the devisions and they all have great people to race with.
This means more track time with Snappy! hehehe...
I've had this conversation wit Parcells before any more dissing of the Euro crowd will result in a message to Gizzie regarding a certain Canadian's future in the Euro Club. You have now been officially warned.
Hmmm, Parcells may have to reconsider his perception about the Euro crowd. I've always loved racing with you guys which is in part why I intentionally left my response "open to interpretation". But based on Fitzy's response he seems to think I was dissing the Euro crowd so maybe he knows something about the Euro crowd that I don't which would persuade my otherwise positive attitude of you spill the beans which one of you guys has mental problems (Gizzie aside, we all know he lost it years ago)?
This confuses me and just before I depart on a two week vacation. Further reflection has me come to the below conclusions that I'm either...
a) totally over analyzing this OR
b) Fitzy isn't as smart as I've given him credit for
What do you guys think is going on here?
Just how precious can the Euro's image be?
I mean, they let me in, right?
(Take a number, get in line here...)
I always take C ?
I really thought Parcells knew me well enough by now, the correct answer is as Oldschool said C. Which is Fitzy just enjoys stirring the shit. Thank you for listening.
I may clown a tad, but I usually listen...
Can't wait Snappy!