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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I got a spare code and i want to do a name in hat comp. so wants in and i need a somone with a web cam to do that draw and post to youtube that person being excluded of course.
I'll drop my name in. That way I can paint some for those that get it.
(Not planning on getting Horizon so this is my shot at the car).
Me too, please!
Put me in the hat please.
If it's not too late I wouldn't mind having a chance to win aswell :)
plenty time left no need to rush.
I'd also like a shot at it
well hell I want a piece of the action too. Please add me to the hat.
I'm in for the draw also, would enjoy this much!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
I'll drop my name in. That way I can paint some for those that get it.
(Not planning on getting Horizon so this is my shot at the car).
Me too, please!
Put me in the hat please.
If it's not too late I wouldn't mind having a chance to win aswell :)
plenty time left no need to rush.
I'd also like a shot at it
well hell I want a piece of the action too. Please add me to the hat.
I'm in for the draw also, would enjoy this much!