New Mass Effect 3 Single Player Content Leviathan and Firefight Pack

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#1 Thu, 08/02/2012 - 16:21
Slater's picture
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New Mass Effect 3 Single Player Content Leviathan and Firefight Pack


Today we are pleased to announce a new Story-Driven Single Player DLC for Mass effect 3 – Leviathan!

Something lurks in the dark corners of space, something powerful enough to kill a Reaper. Shepard must discover the most closely guarded secret in the galaxy before the Reapers silence it forever. Discover more about the origins of the Reapers as you race across the galaxy to find the Leviathan. Unravel the dark history of the Reaper Race before it is too late. Coming later this summer there is no war, only the harvest.

Taking place during the events of Mass Effect 3, players will be thrust into the darkest corners of space where they will hunt a mysterious being rumored to be powerful enough to destroy a Reaper. As they race against time, they will begin to unravel the secret of the Leviathan. Explore uncharted systems and new areas on the Citadel, interact with brand new characters, unlock the AT-12 Raider shotgun and M-55 Argus Assault Rifle and discover more about the mysterious history of the Reapers. Available for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 for $10 or 800 MS points..


Firefight Weapons Pack

Players will soon be able to arm themselves with the Firefight Pack, a new Single Player Weapon Pack available for download August 7 for $2 or 160 MS points. The Firefight Pack will feature two powerful new weapons and five bonus weapons to use in the fight to Take Back Earth!

The Firefight Pack includes the following weapons:

Indra Sniper Rifle: Fully automatic sniper rifle.

  • The Indra's low-powered scope leaves it most effective at medium range, but many soldiers believe this limitation is offset by the gun's rapid rate of fire. The Indra is the first military-grade, fully automatic sniper rifle. It has an extremely efficient heat-sink system that allows a surprisingly large number of shots to be fired before the weapon ejects its thermal clip.

Krysae Sniper Rifle: Heavy turian sniper rifle with explosive rounds and an automatic scope for all-range fighting.

  • This turian antimateriel rifle is modified to kill Reaper enemies. The Krysae's scope uses a rangefinder that adjusts to keep the target in proper proportion to the shooter, which comes in useful when the sniper is forced into close range. Its specialized ammunition is both armor-piercing and explosive. In a desperate move, the turians released its specifications over the extranet so that nearly anyone with a fabricator could manufacture this weapon to help the war effort.

Reegar Carbine: Quarian electrical weapon that's best at close range.

  • This electrical weapon improves upon the arc pistol's design by generating a sustained current on its target. This weapon is named for the quarian Reegar family, whose marines have served valiantly against the geth.

Harrier Assault Rifle: Full-auto Cerberus rifle with low recoil and heat generation.

  • These Cerberus-modified Mattock rifles are fully automatic. Cerberus gunsmiths reined in the recoil issues, resulting in a gun that stays on target but delivers slightly less punch per round than a standard Mattock. As such, the weapon is typically utilized by Cerberus's elite troops who train constantly to make every burst count.

Geth SMG: Fully-automatic geth submachine gun. Its rate of fire increases when the trigger is held.

  • This submachine gun works on the same principles as the Spitfire: it shoots superconducting toroids that break apart on impact, retaining an electrical charge that flash-converts the shrapnel into plasma. Unlike the Spitfire, however, this smaller geth weapon has been modified to take thermal clips. Holding down the trigger speeds up its rate of fire, rapidly depleting the gun’s heat sink in exchange for nearly continuous fire.

Blood Pack Punisher SMG: Submachine gun with a secondary barrel that fires armor-piercing rounds.

  • The Punisher features a secondary barrel that fires one armor-piercing round per main-barrel burst. It was developed by Blood Pack gunsmiths who found that their vorcha recruits frequently forgot to optimize ammo loads in the heat of combat. This configuration makes the process automatic and highly effective at penetrating armor.

Adas Anti-Synthetic Assault Rifle: Electrical weapon that's effective against shields and synthetic targets.

  • Named in memory of the quarians killed in the Morning War on the planet Adas, this weapon's electrical attack has been optimized for medium- to long-range firefights. Alliance marines take issue with calling it a "rifle" since, technically, it has no rifling in its barrel. The quarians shrug this off, as quarian weapon terminology rarely translates flawlessly into human languages.
Fri, 08/03/2012 - 11:51
MrManbat's picture
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Well will add a bit more this is on the ING home page with a trailer

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 13:58
Slater's picture
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Because I am relatively new to Xbox and all of the games I have played to this point have been out for a while, this is the first time I have had the opportunity to play DLC fresh after release. Up until this point I always downloaded the DLC prior to starting the game and it was incorporated into the game so that I was unable to distinguish what was the game and what was DLC. It feels pretty wierd to play something that is set during the story that I just played through. I mean, I already finished the game and know the ending. How is this supposed to change any of that? Dont get me wrong I will download and play it because I love this game. It may give me a compeling reason to do my insanity run to boot...

It just seems like a DLC that is set within the story arc is strange to me. I would have prefered something that fell outside of the main story arc. Either taking place after the game was "over" or another story that played parallell to the main story. Perhaps incorporating a different charatcer that has a different POV to the events that were taking place. One area that I felt did not get enough attention was Omega in the ME3 story. It was such a huge part of the first 2 games. How cool would it have been to play as Aria T'Cloak and try and retake Omega from the Illusive Man? The sidekicks could be some random characters from the Multiplayer side (Vorcha, Ex-Cerberus, Krogan). I have not played the Batman game but from what I read , they did a little bit of this with the Catwoman character and it added some depth to the game overall. The Gears 3 game did it too with some good effect, having you switch back and forth between squads. Just a thought.

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 23:17
Barheet's picture
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I'm fairly certain they will have some DLC involving Aria and Omega. They foreshadowed that incessently within the game and in the comics. 

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 23:19
Barheet's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
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Oh and I'll be getting the Firepower pack. How else can I get those guns? I sure as hell can't get them from random packs in MP. Is it just me, or have they made the MP characters way better than playing as Shepard?

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 11:37 (Reply to #5)
LocGaw's picture
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Barheet wrote:

Oh and I'll be getting the Firepower pack. How else can I get those guns? I sure as hell can't get them from random packs in MP. Is it just me, or have they made the MP characters way better than playing as Shepard?


Yes, playing the MP guys rocks.

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 12:52
CHIRONATOR's picture
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Will get the DLC for the compaign but passing on the Firefight guns.

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 16:27
MrGuster's picture
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I'll be getting the campaign DLC for sure. As for the guns, probably not. Can't be bothered with it.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:39
Slater's picture
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This is froom Bioware:

Hi Everyone!

We are extremely pleased to officially announce that the Mass Effect 3: Leviathan single-player DLC will be released on August 28th for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC (Please note that on Playstation 3 in Europe, it will be available on August 29th.) 

To celebrate, check out the newest wallpapers featuring Leviathan!

Get ‘em here:

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 14:44
Slater's picture
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So this is live as of today. Anyone play it yet? Without spoiling it, how is it? How many hours did it take to play? 

I can't decide when to get it. If it plays within the story arc then I will wait and buy it once I start my Insanity playthrough. If it is completely unrelated, then I may just go ahead and buy it abnd jump on in.

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 18:50
Barheet's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
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Well, I haven't played it yet, but I have played all of BiowEAr's other DLC and I think I can answer your question. 

Let's see, BW says it's a few hours long, so that means it can be played in about 90 minutes. It has vague, if meaningless, references to the main storyline that change only superficial parts of the ending. It's good quality, ranking up there with Shadow Broker, but it's also nothing groundbreaking. You get a couple of new weapons, one of which you already have if you preordered the game. You can play it anytime before the end of the game, but you'll probably get more enjoyment out of it by waiting until later in your game when you're more leveled-up. 

Also, it's 800 points if you buy it today, but the price will come down 4 or 5 times between 6 and 18 months from now. 

Does that pretty much cover it?

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 21:35
uomdeacon's picture
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Played the DLC the other day and I must say that it was a complete waste of money. There was no real challenge though the story elements were interesting. It opens up a lot more questions about the ME universe though, which is unfortunate, since the trilogy is over. In terms of the actual game play, it was just all re-hashed enemies and nothing particularly different or challenging. Definitely not as good as the Shadow Broker DLC, since there wasn't even a "boss" fight, the mission just kind of ends and you're back on the ship.

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 11:06
Wikiri's picture
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I finished it yesterday and I think I mostly agree with you, uomdeacon.  It was mostly exposition with some wasted opportunities for doing some cool stuff.  I'd recommend it only to the ME completists.  If you're looking to save some coin skip it and just watch the plot exposition on YouTube.


SPOILERS: (highlight to read)


*  The rolling deck on the water planet was kind of neat

*  The mining colony had a cool, creepy atmosphere, but they really wasted a chance to do some cool things here.  Perhaps they could have had the miners trying to kill you?

*  The underwater sequence was a complete waste.  I rode this modified atlas down to 4000 m below sea level and all I get to do is walk around?  Dumb.

* Why not a set-piece where you fight alongside Leviathan controlled Reaper forces against Reapers??

*  Leviathan, let me get this straight.  You saw the younger races make a mistake by creating AI, so you created AI to fix it?  *facepalm*

*  The dialogue between Shephard and Leviathan kinda sucked. 

L:  We're not going to help you.

S:  Please help us.

L:  Well, you are unique this cycle, but no.  We'll just keep you down here because..LINE.....because we're bored.

S:  The reapers know you are here now and will kill you.

L:  We're pretty old and smart, but that point escaped us.  Thanks for bringing them here by the way...jerk.

S:  So, you'll help us?

L:  You're arguments are pretty unpersuasive, but you're the Shepard and it's in our contracts to help you.

S:  Having met you I can see why the Starchild sucks so bad. (Leaves)

L:  *cries silently in the dark*

End SpoilerEnd Spoint

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