Used Fanatec Forza Motorsport CSR Wheel for Sale - SOLD

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#1 Mon, 08/06/2012 - 14:50
Zero7159's picture
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Used Fanatec Forza Motorsport CSR Wheel for Sale - SOLD

Hey guys, the time has come for me to sell my Fanatec CSR wheel.  I am selling it because I already have two excellent wheels, the Thrustmaster T500RS and the Fanatec CSR Elite wheel, and I want to raise the funds to get a new Xbox and Tritton Warhead headset.  I have owned the CSR since October 2011, and it has never had any significant problems.  When I originally got it, I had problems with saving settings, but that issue was resolved with a firmware update.  I used it heavily from October 2011 until December 2011, and then I switched to the Elite as my wheel of choice.  I can provide a copy of the Fanatec invoice so that you will be able to get warranty assistance, should you need it in the future, and I have the original box it was packaged in, and the box that it was shipped in.  Payment will be accepted via Paypal, and then I ship.

The CSR is Forza branded, and it is compatible out of the box with Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.  There is plenty of literature on the web about this wheel, and so I won't bore you with details about it.  For example, here is the link to ISR's review of the Forza CSR wheel, which is entirely consistent with my thoughts about it.

I will throw in for no additional cost a Fanatec CSR sequential shifter, which I have used only once or twice, as well as a set of chopsticks which you can use to mount the sequential to the CSR wheel.  


Mon, 08/06/2012 - 14:54
brntguy's picture
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Heck of a deal! I got two fanatec wheels already lol!

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 15:01 (Reply to #2)
Zero7159's picture
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brntguy wrote:

Heck of a deal! I got two fanatec wheels already lol!

I hope so, I am trying to be as fair as possible.  Also, I don't want this wheel to collect dust on my shelf at home.  Rather, I want someone to use this wheel and enjoy it.  That was a big factor in my decision to offload my M$ wheel, which Randy H ended up buying, and my Logitech Driving Force GT wheel, which I shipped off to Spaz.  My understanding is that those guys are still getting good use out of their wheels and pedals that I sold them.  I take good care of my electronics and so I expect the CSR to have a lot of life left in it.  Its a superb wheel.  I need to get some $$$ back from the sale of it so that I can better explain to my wife how we can afford to get the new Xbox and Tritton Warhead headset.  devil

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 14:55
Sherb's picture
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I got dibs on your CSPs if you ever decide to upgrade and off them.  wink

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 17:18 (Reply to #4)
Zero7159's picture
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Sherb wrote:

I got dibs on your CSPs if you ever decide to upgrade and off them.  wink

Of course, if I decide to sell them, you have the first option on them.  I looked at Hawks' Clubsport V2s on Saturday, and they sure are nice.  But, I am not sure they are so much better than my existing Clubsports to justify the additional cost and hassle of ordering and installing them.  indecision

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 15:01
KRGDRK's picture
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No!  Will not happen.  Budget set for new PC gaming machine... stay focused!!


Mon, 08/06/2012 - 15:46
Fitzy's picture
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Not fair I think living in Ireland doesn't count as mainland USA. :(

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 16:45
Sherb's picture
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Talk to him, if you're game, I doubt he'd be horribly opposed to shipping there...if you wanted to pick up the difference in the postage.  But there is the kicker, I wouldn't be surprised if the postage bill brings it to damn near what you can get a new one for.  sad

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 17:06 (Reply to #8)
Zero7159's picture
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Sherb wrote:

Talk to him, if you're game, I doubt he'd be horribly opposed to shipping there...if you wanted to pick up the difference in the postage.  But there is the kicker, I wouldn't be surprised if the postage bill brings it to damn near what you can get a new one for.  sad


I am not sure this wheel would work in the EU, due to the electrical differences.  Don't we use different PSUs here in the US, with different plugs?

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 17:10
Sherb's picture
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Ooo, didn't think of that would likely be an additional cost....and probably make it not really worth while.

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 13:40
Tourni6's picture
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Paparazzi might be in the market for it not sure :)

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 16:25
jcotter13's picture
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I wish I had some cash to spare, but alas, I'm broke atm. Good luck finding a buyer bro.

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 16:29
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Stupid question.  Just the wheel or wheel w/ pedals?

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 18:28 (Reply to #13)
Zero7159's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal wrote:

Stupid question.  Just the wheel or wheel w/ pedals?


Wheel, plus CSR sequential shifter and chopsticks.


Its been sold to a guy on iRacing.  Thanks for the interest.

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 17:35
mavictb's picture
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for that price im guessing wheel only.

Tue, 08/07/2012 - 19:29
Wheels's picture
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Congratulations...I know somebody just got a GRReat Deal!!coolcoolcool

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