Like to know who would be interest in a Madden 13 league?
Tue, 07/31/2012 - 19:57
Like to know who would be interest in a Madden 13 league?
Want to know with the release of Madden 13 29 days and counting who would be interest in a Madden 13 league? Right now we are trying to gauge the interest in this league project. So if you think you may be interrest in this then you can put your name on this list. We would like to see if we have any real madden players on this forum and in the Geezer clan that will make this an enjoyable experience. Once we have the players we will decide the rules and playing settings that the league will play on. So why not come aboard and make something happen peace ALC
The game comes out in about 3 weeks and we havent gotten one person or player to show interest in playing in a Madden 13 league. The post will still be up for another week strong if by next week no interest have been shown this post and ideal will be done. Thank you ALC
It official this is a done deal so BUMP BUMP BUMP
The game is awesome.
Glad you enjoy the game ragingpdm and monkey house also said that he would like to give a go to a madden league. Maybe in time there might be a few more that come around to this ideal about a madden league here on the forum. Peace ALC
I would join.
We still on the look out for madden players on this sports gammer forum. We are set to launch our madden 13 league and we will be having a xbox live party to begin league operations. We will decide on the name and rules and team that we play with in the upcomming season. Why not you come in and get your pick of any team while they are available. We still have room for players that want to come in and play with in the league. So if you are a gammer and have gotten a chance to play the demo why not play the real version and be apart of the madden 13 league here.The motto is "we all in this together" and that is nothing but the true. So just to let you know you can still sign up either here with a post on the forums. Please inclued your name and GT or you can either email me put league interest. Or you can messages me on XBL at CHI Bravestarr and give a small messages about wanting to join the league. Once agin thanks and we hope some one or somebody decide to give us a try Peace ALC
if there is anyone else that is still playing madden........i would be game for a league once i get the online pass to play online......
You may add me on XBox Live and I will play you. Please be aware that I have been out of the game for awhile, but I always willing to play Madden when I get the chance to play with someone that isn't a total ass online
AKA: Flyboy80498