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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I thought all his other STD's ganged up and killed off the Gonorrhea.
Lala Calamari wrote: I thought all his other STD's ganged up and killed off the Gonorrhea.
You can't stop Gonorrhea, you can only hope to contain it.
2fat didn't get Gonorrhea, Gonorrhea got 2fat
admin wrote: 2fat didn't get Gonorrhea, Gonorrhea got 2fat
Truer words have never been spoken
Shiiiit, you gave me scare there. For a minute I thought he was going back to work.
Whats the difference between gonorrhea and marriage?
Gonorrhea is for life.
He hasn't even seen this post yet.
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
I thought all his other STD's ganged up and killed off the Gonorrhea.
You can't stop Gonorrhea, you can only hope to contain it.
2fat didn't get Gonorrhea, Gonorrhea got 2fat
Truer words have never been spoken
Shiiiit, you gave me scare there. For a minute I thought he was going back to work.
Whats the difference between gonorrhea and marriage?
Gonorrhea is for life.
He hasn't even seen this post yet.