8/10 Booze n Blops (Dolphin Dive Fridays)
8/10 Booze n Blops (Dolphin Dive Fridays)
So, a few of us Shoot peeps were talking about getting together Friday night 8/10, drink heavily and go back to playing Blops for a night(I know, we were drinking when we came up with this).
Anyway, we figure the more the merrier so I want to invite any 2o2p members that want to join us. Figure we start about 8:00ish EST and continue till we all pass out or rage quit (due to lag of course). Send a FR to X Gunnybass X (subj: DolphinDive) or sign up here and we'll all have it!!! If we get enough, we will do some private, sandy vag matches i.e. uzi's w/acog, M60 FFA on Nuketown.
Disclaimer: For those not familiar with 2old2shoot...much alcohol, much BS and sh*t talking, always a good time had by all.
oh, and....
In like Flynn!
If lala's there I'll probably be busy. If not I'll show up. Basically fuck lala.
See +1 ftw.
im in, but i might be late....
Good games, great times guys. Look forward to it again next week!!!
yes, cant wait for next friday!
yeah lots of fun looking forward to it again!
Great games on Friday. Had a blast playing.