Sucks because the default variant looks like shit, and I want to get my Chief on. I guess all the more reason to terminate scrubs in MLG. ;pDo you know what the default variant looks like?
We have a ton of armor options (both new and familiar) in Halo 4. We'll be going into more detail on some of those, sooner than you think, while others we're likely to hold back until launch.
This is not the default Armour for Halo 4.
Mon, 08/13/2012 - 08:44
This is not the default Armour for Halo 4.
There has been an uproar lately about MC's armour not being in Multiplayer. The default armour presented thus far is being spit on. 343i replies on NeoGAF.
David Ellis 8.12.12
Well, unless they are going into detail "NOW", then it's not "sooner than you think" (or at least sooner than I would
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the new "body suit" style armor. I want the chief to look like a walking tank. I also don't understand why they're not sharing more info. Everything is done by now isn't it? There isn't enough time to make any huge changes like that, so give us some concrete info already!
I'll give them a bit of a break though. It's seems 343i is busier than Bungie was at this point in previous productions. Perhaps 343i doesn't want to leave as much on the cutting room floor as Bungie was willing to.
PAX Prime is at the end of the month and it a much bigger event than PAX East. I imagine 343 will have info that they drop that weekend in an attempt to steal some thunder away from other game devs.
Who cares about what your character looks like. The only time you see it is through the Death Cam. As long as the armor doesn't affect game play, Spartans can run around in thongs for all I care.
i like to look at my sexy self when i go mongoose splattering..gif)
I don't want to see Man Ass, Wam. Neither should you LOL
I think there are plenty of us who like to customize our characters. Some of us get into these little details just the same as game play..gif)
LOL, agreed..gif)
Some also like to cap gameplay using the flying camera in theatre which can be redirected back on the character, alive or dead, but looking good during dirt naps is cool too.gif)

I don't care what they say about you. You're my favorite.
this doesn't have anything to do with MAN ASS does it?.gif)
Don't be jealous. You're still my third favorite set of cheeks.
Just make sure you pick your wedge afterwards.
Nightmare Mode [ ON ]
HAHAHA, I am sure the PC version could be modded to make this happen lol
While customizable armor isnt a big selling point for me, I do think its pretty cool to be able to change how your Spartan looks.
The Thong idea isnt bad, as long as the front part is mesh.gif)
Ever since they started letting us customize armor I make my toon look like MC, if I were denied that option I would be disappointed but its not a deal-breaker by any means