No excuse at all, and as the site is trying to reach out to new members this "It's always been this way" is exactly the same as saying "everything is fine and we need to change nothing" I see you have been around for ever, and as such deserve the respect due someone who has supported the site for years, but it is a very different place, thousands rather than hundreds and because of that I think this deserves a little thought. I am not really talking here about what was posted here, it just made me think...if as a site we want to attract new members then our shop window, the open forum is what they first see...What is deemed the most important threads? are they about games? is the hottest discussion here stickied? No, its naked women and simulated sex. Fine for a back street men's club, but a gaming site?...I would argue not.
Part of it comes from knowing the readers are +25.
But mostly - we like it that way.
Exactly correct. The content shown is with knowledge of our age group as well as our culture here at 2o2p. Also, we don't allow for all out nudity as it break the TOS so if you see any fully naked boobies just let me know and they'll be deleted.
On a side note, more then likely when I get to consolidating the main forums, these posts will head back into their rightful place of NSFW, but will still remain. The off topic post is a product of when our site was in Beta and we needed more testers on the site. It was a side joke that stood from that time period. However as your clan mate Sherb said, people have a right to post just like they have a right to NOT CLICK. So long as the post is properly tagged with NSFW then I see no reason to ban this thread.
P.S. While you're right when you say not everyone is included with the "we" statement in Taxi's previous quote, we do have a culture that we're built on here. It is impossible to please everyone and I won't make any attempt to do so. You don't have to be mainstream in order to have an active or even large community. Just take a look at The site is ranked 135 in the world of over all traffic and yet has a diverse community of members. Some posts on there are NSFW but are tag as such and let other members freely ignore this type of content. This is the goal we have here at 2o2p as well.
Doing things like properly tagging posts, putting them in their correct areas, and generally warning people of content should allow for all types to exist on 2o2p and get what they want out of it. I have to make the assumption that anyone over the age of 25 has some sort of sense of personal responsibility. If they click on a link that clearly infers there is not safe for work content and then complains about that content I have to ask; well why did you click on it?
I will concede these thread are in the wrong location (a product of beta that needs to be cleaned up), but the threads them selves are %100 avoidable. Also, the NSFW forum will follow the same standards as the last one on 2o2p, which is to say it will not be open to the public. Hopefully this answers the majority of your concerns.
No excuse at all, and as the site is trying to reach out to new members this "It's always been this way" is exactly the same as saying "everything is fine and we need to change nothing" I see you have been around for ever, and as such deserve the respect due someone who has supported the site for years, but it is a very different place, thousands rather than hundreds and because of that I think this deserves a little thought. I am not really talking here about what was posted here, it just made me think...if as a site we want to attract new members then our shop window, the open forum is what they first see...What is deemed the most important threads? are they about games? is the hottest discussion here stickied? No, its naked women and simulated sex. Fine for a back street men's club, but a gaming site?...I would argue not.
Part of it comes from knowing the readers are +25.
But mostly - we like it that way.
Exactly correct. The content shown is with knowledge of our age group as well as our culture here at 2o2p. Also, we don't allow for all out nudity as it break the TOS so if you see any fully naked boobies just let me know and they'll be deleted.
On a side note, more then likely when I get to consolidating the main forums, these posts will head back into their rightful place of NSFW, but will still remain. The off topic post is a product of when our site was in Beta and we needed more testers on the site. It was a side joke that stood from that time period. However as your clan mate Sherb said, people have a right to post just like they have a right to NOT CLICK. So long as the post is properly tagged with NSFW then I see no reason to ban this thread.
P.S. While you're right when you say not everyone is included with the "we" statement in Taxi's previous quote, we do have a culture that we're built on here. It is impossible to please everyone and I won't make any attempt to do so. You don't have to be mainstream in order to have an active or even large community. Just take a look at The site is ranked 135 in the world of over all traffic and yet has a diverse community of members. Some posts on there are NSFW but are tag as such and let other members freely ignore this type of content. This is the goal we have here at 2o2p as well.
Doing things like properly tagging posts, putting them in their correct areas, and generally warning people of content should allow for all types to exist on 2o2p and get what they want out of it. I have to make the assumption that anyone over the age of 25 has some sort of sense of personal responsibility. If they click on a link that clearly infers there is not safe for work content and then complains about that content I have to ask; well why did you click on it?
I will concede these thread are in the wrong location (a product of beta that needs to be cleaned up), but the threads them selves are %100 avoidable. Also, the NSFW forum will follow the same standards as the last one on 2o2p, which is to say it will not be open to the public. Hopefully this answers the majority of your concerns.
First Bold, mate I don't give a flying duck about off topic posts, this thread has no real topic anyway. Thought I had made that clear earlier..rereading that wasn't what you meant...LOL
Second Bold Really? Ah bless.
Finally, Grand, all I was saying is the open forum is not the place for it...You seem to agree so I assume it will leave it's current location sometime down the line and the open forum will be a fit place for everyone.
First Bold, mate I don't give a flying duck about off topic posts, this thread has no real topic anyway. Thought I had made that clear earlier.
Second Bold Really? Ah bless.
Finally, Grand, all I was saying is the open forum is not the place for it...You seem to agree so I assume it will leave it's current location sometime down the line and the open forum will be a fit place for everyone.
Your first and third statements contradict themselves.
You seem to be concerned that off topic posts that are stickied and public contain boobs. You seem to care enough to post about it over and over again (3 times in this thread) and discuss how you are an Admin on another site that is less "Smutty". Is it hard to post on 2o2p from your high horse?
Enjoy the day :) though I would imagine it is night for you. Cheers
First Bold, mate I don't give a flying duck about off topic posts, this thread has no real topic anyway. Thought I had made that clear earlier.
Second Bold Really? Ah bless.
Finally, Grand, all I was saying is the open forum is not the place for it...You seem to agree so I assume it will leave it's current location sometime down the line and the open forum will be a fit place for everyone.
Your first and third statements contradict themselves.
You seem to be concerned that off topic posts that are stickied and public contain boobs. You seem to care enough to post about it over and over again (3 times in this thread) and discuss how you are an Admin on another site that is less "Smutty". Is it hard to post on 2o2p from your high horse?
Enjoy the day :) though I would imagine it is night for you. Cheers
Quality addition to the discussion and I'm sorry I didn't realize my credentials were so well known as to be not worth mentioning. Also statements one and three were on two different points so they would be hard pushed to contradict each keep up.
I didn't realize my credentials were so well known as to be not worth mentioning.
Your credentials on a site outside of 2o2p are not known and not worth mentioning. But you were kind enough to remind us all of your Admin status on another site in a previous post in this very thread.
Saying you don't care about "off Topic posts" (your first point) and then arguing the point that there is just too much Smut in the Off topic posts (your third point) that is called contradiction. Saying 1 thing and then saying another in the same statement. There was a nother guy who used to do that a lot on this Site..... I Don't remember his name............ Agustus maybe
so Yes, I will try to keep up, but you flip flop on things alot. Normally I would just call you a goatfucker and move on. :) (that is called Joking)
As long as it's tagged NSFW, I know the subject matter may be potentially objectionable to others and to enter at my own risk (in other words, stay away from at work).
I could see the benefit of threads as such to be located in a NSFW Sandbox, to keep the general public forums more "clean". But I don't know that I would neccesarily support a full on censorship of said threads. There is so much PC crap floating around NW Washington you can choke on it.
Everything i've typed further (3 or 4 attempts) starts turning political.....So I'm just going to stop now.
Oh sure mate behind closed doors, that is fine. I am only talking about the shop window, I might also point out the acronym NSFW might not mean a thing to a new member.
It's not censorship it's respect, respect for those that may be offended, respect for folk who may have a child on their lap while surfing. It's not...don't post's for heavens sake don't post it on open threads in an open forum, and for gods sake don't sticky it for all to see as soon as they arrive.
No that is unnecessary profanity and a not at all veiled insult. My first comment was about posting off topic comment in thread, something I do myself, most of us do, the last was on smut and naked ladies, neither of which in my opinion belong in an open forum, so you see not a contradiction. Forums by the way are places for opinions and discussion of opinions.
I did think about ending like you by pretending not to call you anything derogatory by calling you something derogatory and then putting a smiley after it and calling it a joke, but I'm sure you would see through such an obvious ploy.
Theres no reason to ague with each other. The thread has perfectly sound concerns of which I hope I addressed in other threads. No reason to sully a good conversation because of disagreement. I have to say the overall addition of these treads has been extremely positive and I'd like to keep it that way.
let me clean this up a bit for you since you seem so easily offended.
This is the internet and while it is all text based, people can joke and laugh and call each other names and not mean it in a malicious way at all but to simply throw something out there to see if Maybe, just maybe there is a slight sense of humor and sarcasm on the other end. Clearly there isn't.
So I'm so sorry with my unnecessary profanity. But telling these forums you come from another forum "Less Smutty" than 2o2p offends me. Don't shit on 2o2p like that.
Oh and lighten up, it's the internet.
Edit: in my original post that was here I was using what I said as an example of what unnecessary profanity might be and not directing it towards you, but I am sure you could see that...
I wouldn't let any one person be the reason you don't talk to the site at large. Not liking every body is a fact of life. The amount of good posts that have come out in the last 6 days have out weight any negativity by large amounts. Personally I've got more feed back, more fixes, and more views then I ever would have in the past.
Heh lighten up it's the internet...I've been sitting here with a bemused smile wondering why yer man is throwing his toys out the pram and having a go at me...Unfortunatly people read tone of voice in a post that then colours their opinion of the poster. they then respond not to the post but the perceived tone. They then attack the poster not the point of the post. I have not defecated on 2O2Play far from it, I have at all times suggested ideas and entered the debate in a constructive way if I disagree with a point, I debate the point not attack the person making it.
I will be as close to the decency boundary as anyone with people I know well, people I have developed a rapport with, not with a complete stranger. As people keep pointing out this is the internet and everyone is here, people of all persuasions so I prefer to remain polite and not use profanity until I know them better.
I think the site should do the same...note...I think. It's just my opinion and as such is open to debate, so far I have been met with derision and personal attack...okay fine, it tell me nothing of those who do it because they are not attacking me, comments used to describe, me do no such thing, those that know me know that to be true.
Now my friend from Malta has just walked through the door so I will leave this thread to it's own devises.
ya know...every few years a "newbie" to this site, gets their panties in a wad over SOMETHING, be it political, religious, or over profanity, or boobies. They state their opinions, then they get all "butt hurt" when they realize that "going against the grain" leads to more arguments and problems than the first original issue. 2o2p has always been about games, friends, clans, stupid shit, bacon, boobies, and so on. All forums are open for opinions, debate, suggestions, and entertainment. If you dont like what you see....move on to the next topic, or take your ball and go home.
This is my opinion....and opinions are like assholes......everyone has them....just some are shittier than others....(.I think Shakespear said that)!!!
are we really arguing over dirty words? really? i mean if i photo shopped my cock on a picture of lala and then posted it yeah i can see people getting offended. we are grown ass folks we wipe our own asses and pay out own taxes (well idk how it works in the uk about taxes) easily offended never worked in 2o2p. there are times when people piss me off here even in my own clan i ignore them and move on. if 2o2p were a bar and everyone drove their forza car here everyone, and i mean everyone, would get their tires pissed on eventually. i believe ive heard doddi say before no matter what he does people are going to bitch about it. some people bitch just to bitch cuz it makes them happy.
I wouldn't let any one person be the reason you don't talk to the site at large. Not liking every body is a fact of life. The amount of good posts that have come out in the last 6 days have out weight any negativity by large amounts. Personally I've got more feed back, more fixes, and more views then I ever would have in the past.
And I guess that indicates what your goal is. Glad I could help.
Look, I'm not offended. I'm also not impressed with Fire's command of the english language. It's simply immature, and I saw no humor in it, I don't care what the tone was. It made no contribution to the conversation and was a waste of pixels. In our hidey hole we have a saying, No Timmies, and that was a prime example of why. Boobs or no boobs. I'm for, not against, BTW.
The rest of you reprobates seem okay to me, and that's just my opinion, it's not like you're trying to win the Miss America pageant, and I get that.
As for newbie, I'm not as green as you imply. And just because everyone will never get along doesn't mean I have to like it.Personally I don't care if anyone gets along, I just popped out to have a look around, and was treated to a barrage of shit that would make a longshoreman proud. And then told it was all in jest. You'll forgive me if I don't drink the koolaid. I prefer to avoid the docks. Its my choice.
As for new buttons n such, how about an ignore button?
You know what, fuck it, offended I was not, newb I am not, and condescension does get my don't fucking get it, and I'm done trying to explain myself. what a bunch of tossers.
That seems to be the kind of thing some of you are looking for so for you there it is, a thoughtless reactionary post that communicates nothing constructive...It is not whoever how I feel.
I was not offended, am not offended and was simply joining the ongoing debate on how we may bring in new members, as part of that I thought the shop window of the site should hint at the fact that behind closed doors there could be an adult oriented style. But as anyone of any age and any mind set could see that shop window maybe just that publicly viewable part of the site could be a little less tits and ass and a little more gaming...Not a demand, not a crusade and it didn't need people to attack it, just debate it.. So I seem to have touched a nerve, and all kinds of justifications have been made to demean me and the thought; I've not been here long enough, I'm too sensitive I'm dissing the site. so I throw some of your words back, chill dudes, it's only the internet.
You know what, fuck it, offended I was not, newb I am not, and condescension does get my don't fucking get it, and I'm done trying to explain myself. what a bunch of tossers.
That seems to be the kind of thing some of you are looking for so for you there it is, a thoughtless reactionary post that communicates nothing constructive...It is not whoever how I feel.
I was not offended, am not offended and was simply joining the ongoing debate on how we may bring in new members, as part of that I thought the shop window of the site should hint at the fact that behind closed doors there could be an adult oriented style. But as anyone of any age and any mind set could see that shop window maybe just that publicly viewable part of the site could be a little less tits and ass and a little more gaming...Not a demand, not a crusade and it didn't need people to attack it, just debate it.. So I seem to have touched a nerve, and all kinds of justifications have been made to demean me and the thought; I've not been here long enough, I'm too sensitive I'm dissing the site. so I throw some of your words back, chill dudes, it's only the internet.
Exactly correct. The content shown is with knowledge of our age group as well as our culture here at 2o2p. Also, we don't allow for all out nudity as it break the TOS so if you see any fully naked boobies just let me know and they'll be deleted.
On a side note, more then likely when I get to consolidating the main forums, these posts will head back into their rightful place of NSFW, but will still remain. The off topic post is a product of when our site was in Beta and we needed more testers on the site. It was a side joke that stood from that time period. However as your clan mate Sherb said, people have a right to post just like they have a right to NOT CLICK. So long as the post is properly tagged with NSFW then I see no reason to ban this thread.
P.S. While you're right when you say not everyone is included with the "we" statement in Taxi's previous quote, we do have a culture that we're built on here. It is impossible to please everyone and I won't make any attempt to do so. You don't have to be mainstream in order to have an active or even large community. Just take a look at The site is ranked 135 in the world of over all traffic and yet has a diverse community of members. Some posts on there are NSFW but are tag as such and let other members freely ignore this type of content. This is the goal we have here at 2o2p as well.
Doing things like properly tagging posts, putting them in their correct areas, and generally warning people of content should allow for all types to exist on 2o2p and get what they want out of it. I have to make the assumption that anyone over the age of 25 has some sort of sense of personal responsibility. If they click on a link that clearly infers there is not safe for work content and then complains about that content I have to ask; well why did you click on it?
I will concede these thread are in the wrong location (a product of beta that needs to be cleaned up), but the threads them selves are %100 avoidable. Also, the NSFW forum will follow the same standards as the last one on 2o2p, which is to say it will not be open to the public. Hopefully this answers the majority of your concerns.
First Bold, mate I don't give a flying duck about off topic posts, this thread has no real topic anyway. Thought I had made that clear earlier..rereading that wasn't what you meant...LOL
Second Bold Really? Ah bless.
Finally, Grand, all I was saying is the open forum is not the place for it...You seem to agree so I assume it will leave it's current location sometime down the line and the open forum will be a fit place for everyone.
Your first and third statements contradict themselves.
You seem to be concerned that off topic posts that are stickied and public contain boobs. You seem to care enough to post about it over and over again (3 times in this thread) and discuss how you are an Admin on another site that is less "Smutty". Is it hard to post on 2o2p from your high horse?
Enjoy the day :) though I would imagine it is night for you. Cheers
Quality addition to the discussion and I'm sorry I didn't realize my credentials were so well known as to be not worth mentioning. Also statements one and three were on two different points so they would be hard pushed to contradict each keep up.
Your credentials on a site outside of 2o2p are not known and not worth mentioning. But you were kind enough to remind us all of your Admin status on another site in a previous post in this very thread.
Saying you don't care about "off Topic posts" (your first point) and then arguing the point that there is just too much Smut in the Off topic posts (your third point) that is called contradiction. Saying 1 thing and then saying another in the same statement. There was a nother guy who used to do that a lot on this Site..... I Don't remember his name............ Agustus maybe
so Yes, I will try to keep up, but you flip flop on things alot. Normally I would just call you a goatfucker and move on. :) (that is called Joking)
My take....
As long as it's tagged NSFW, I know the subject matter may be potentially objectionable to others and to enter at my own risk (in other words, stay away from at work).
I could see the benefit of threads as such to be located in a NSFW Sandbox, to keep the general public forums more "clean". But I don't know that I would neccesarily support a full on censorship of said threads. There is so much PC crap floating around NW Washington you can choke on it.
Everything i've typed further (3 or 4 attempts) starts turning political.....So I'm just going to stop now.
Oh sure mate behind closed doors, that is fine. I am only talking about the shop window, I might also point out the acronym NSFW might not mean a thing to a new member.
It's not censorship it's respect, respect for those that may be offended, respect for folk who may have a child on their lap while surfing. It's not...don't post's for heavens sake don't post it on open threads in an open forum, and for gods sake don't sticky it for all to see as soon as they arrive.
Hey Knight, hope you slept well,
So so Oldschool...I see what you did there by the way
Knights hardly calvary, and can roll in the gutter with the best, but he seems to have a sense of his surroundings.
Beyond that, I really don't get your point.
I like boobies
Church, put yur shirt back on!
No that is unnecessary profanity and a not at all veiled insult. My first comment was about posting off topic comment in thread, something I do myself, most of us do, the last was on smut and naked ladies, neither of which in my opinion belong in an open forum, so you see not a contradiction. Forums by the way are places for opinions and discussion of opinions.
I did think about ending like you by pretending not to call you anything derogatory by calling you something derogatory and then putting a smiley after it and calling it a joke, but I'm sure you would see through such an obvious ploy.
Theres no reason to ague with each other. The thread has perfectly sound concerns of which I hope I addressed in other threads. No reason to sully a good conversation because of disagreement. I have to say the overall addition of these treads has been extremely positive and I'd like to keep it that way.
let me clean this up a bit for you since you seem so easily offended.
This is the internet and while it is all text based, people can joke and laugh and call each other names and not mean it in a malicious way at all but to simply throw something out there to see if Maybe, just maybe there is a slight sense of humor and sarcasm on the other end. Clearly there isn't.
So I'm so sorry with my unnecessary profanity. But telling these forums you come from another forum "Less Smutty" than 2o2p offends me. Don't shit on 2o2p like that.
Oh and lighten up, it's the internet.
Edit: in my original post that was here I was using what I said as an example of what unnecessary profanity might be and not directing it towards you, but I am sure you could see that...
And this is why we don't mingle much. Ciao.
I wouldn't let any one person be the reason you don't talk to the site at large. Not liking every body is a fact of life. The amount of good posts that have come out in the last 6 days have out weight any negativity by large amounts. Personally I've got more feed back, more fixes, and more views then I ever would have in the past.
And again with the poking me with a stick....sigh
You can ignore Knight, Church and OldSchool all you want but they're still going to annoy people. We've tried and failed.
Heh lighten up it's the internet...I've been sitting here with a bemused smile wondering why yer man is throwing his toys out the pram and having a go at me...Unfortunatly people read tone of voice in a post that then colours their opinion of the poster. they then respond not to the post but the perceived tone. They then attack the poster not the point of the post. I have not defecated on 2O2Play far from it, I have at all times suggested ideas and entered the debate in a constructive way if I disagree with a point, I debate the point not attack the person making it.
I will be as close to the decency boundary as anyone with people I know well, people I have developed a rapport with, not with a complete stranger. As people keep pointing out this is the internet and everyone is here, people of all persuasions so I prefer to remain polite and not use profanity until I know them better.
I think the site should do the same...note...I think. It's just my opinion and as such is open to debate, so far I have been met with derision and personal attack...okay fine, it tell me nothing of those who do it because they are not attacking me, comments used to describe, me do no such thing, those that know me know that to be true.
Now my friend from Malta has just walked through the door so I will leave this thread to it's own devises.
Now everybody smoke a joint & chill out. We're all adults here rememebr?
ya know...every few years a "newbie" to this site, gets their panties in a wad over SOMETHING, be it political, religious, or over profanity, or boobies. They state their opinions, then they get all "butt hurt" when they realize that "going against the grain" leads to more arguments and problems than the first original issue. 2o2p has always been about games, friends, clans, stupid shit, bacon, boobies, and so on. All forums are open for opinions, debate, suggestions, and entertainment. If you dont like what you see....move on to the next topic, or take your ball and go home.
This is my opinion....and opinions are like assholes......everyone has them....just some are shittier than others....(.I think Shakespear said that)!!!
are we really arguing over dirty words? really? i mean if i photo shopped my cock on a picture of lala and then posted it yeah i can see people getting offended. we are grown ass folks we wipe our own asses and pay out own taxes (well idk how it works in the uk about taxes) easily offended never worked in 2o2p. there are times when people piss me off here even in my own clan i ignore them and move on. if 2o2p were a bar and everyone drove their forza car here everyone, and i mean everyone, would get their tires pissed on eventually. i believe ive heard doddi say before no matter what he does people are going to bitch about it. some people bitch just to bitch cuz it makes them happy.
new clan..."Easily Offended"
Well at least you will only piss on my tires and not shoot them up
And I guess that indicates what your goal is. Glad I could help.
Look, I'm not offended. I'm also not impressed with Fire's command of the english language. It's simply immature, and I saw no humor in it, I don't care what the tone was. It made no contribution to the conversation and was a waste of pixels. In our hidey hole we have a saying, No Timmies, and that was a prime example of why. Boobs or no boobs. I'm for, not against, BTW.
The rest of you reprobates seem okay to me, and that's just my opinion, it's not like you're trying to win the Miss America pageant, and I get that.
As for newbie, I'm not as green as you imply. And just because everyone will never get along doesn't mean I have to like it.Personally I don't care if anyone gets along, I just popped out to have a look around, and was treated to a barrage of shit that would make a longshoreman proud. And then told it was all in jest. You'll forgive me if I don't drink the koolaid. I prefer to avoid the docks. Its my choice.
As for new buttons n such, how about an ignore button?
You know what, fuck it, offended I was not, newb I am not, and condescension does get my don't fucking get it, and I'm done trying to explain myself. what a bunch of tossers.
That seems to be the kind of thing some of you are looking for so for you there it is, a thoughtless reactionary post that communicates nothing constructive...It is not whoever how I feel.
I was not offended, am not offended and was simply joining the ongoing debate on how we may bring in new members, as part of that I thought the shop window of the site should hint at the fact that behind closed doors there could be an adult oriented style. But as anyone of any age and any mind set could see that shop window maybe just that publicly viewable part of the site could be a little less tits and ass and a little more gaming...Not a demand, not a crusade and it didn't need people to attack it, just debate it.. So I seem to have touched a nerve, and all kinds of justifications have been made to demean me and the thought; I've not been here long enough, I'm too sensitive I'm dissing the site. so I throw some of your words back, chill dudes, it's only the internet.
That's the Knight I know.
Where's that +1 button?
You want to talk about a crusade against profanity and nudity? I have one word for you...... fivesolas.
Remember that guy?