BTW, brown pants my ass! SHit woulda been everywhere! And screaming like a girl...evident even at the distance that guy filmed it, clear as could be...they'd a known I was still alive...all the way down...
Yeah, saw that at least. Doozy. There was another one too, one of the Unlimited cars w/ Dallenbach at the wheel. I guess the throttle stuck, shot straight through a corner, narrowly missing spectators (who were lined along the outside of the corner ) and careened through the trees. Ended up needing some stiches on his hand, but other than that was ok.
Yeah, saw that at least. Doozy. There was another one too, one of the Unlimited cars w/ Dallenbach at the wheel. I guess the throttle stuck, shot straight through a corner, narrowly missing spectators (who were lined along the outside of the corner) and careened through the trees. Ended up needing some stiches on his hand, but other than that was ok.
Why do people do that.
Seriously though if anything goes wrong do they think it will tighten up through a turn?
Yeah, saw that at least. Doozy. There was another one too, one of the Unlimited cars w/ Dallenbach at the wheel. I guess the throttle stuck, shot straight through a corner, narrowly missing spectators (who were lined along the outside of the corner) and careened through the trees. Ended up needing some stiches on his hand, but other than that was ok.
Why do people do that.
Seriously though if anything goes wrong do they think it will tighten up through a turn?
I saw this a few days ago... whoever built that roll cage needs a raise.
Good on them - balls out on that corse! Glad the cage held up.
Looked more like a Church than a Gizzie...
I need to send him an invoice for using my signature move
Wont let me link the video correctly..gif)
BTW, brown pants my ass! SHit woulda been everywhere! And screaming like a girl...evident even at the distance that guy filmed it, clear as could be...they'd a known I was still alive...all the way down...
Yeah, saw that at least. Doozy. There was another one too, one of the Unlimited cars w/ Dallenbach at the wheel. I guess the throttle stuck, shot straight through a corner, narrowly missing spectators (who were lined along the outside of the corner
) and careened through the trees. Ended up needing some stiches on his hand, but other than that was ok.
Why do people do that.
Seriously though if anything goes wrong do they think it will tighten up through a turn?
One could ask you that question....gif)