Garfy college bound for the next 3 years!!!

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#1 Thu, 08/09/2012 - 13:29
Garfy99's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 01/09/2009 - 23:00

Garfy college bound for the next 3 years!!!

      Some of you are probably saying, "you mean that bastard is still alive???" (LOL), sorry I haven't been on the forums much, let alone playing on the PS3; been so busy with working for the Public Works (Environmental Services Dept) with the City of Windsor, Ontario.


      Also been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off in regards to prepping myself for full time studies at St. Clair College in September; I got a last minute phone call last month and was granted a seat in the brand new Respiratory Therapy Program which is 3 yrs in length, so I've had to get immunized for just about every single disease and virus conceivable, felt like a human pin cushion sometimes (LOL); and of course had to obtain a special police clearance through the RCMP because of working in hospitals and high risk sectors in the medical field.


      I work a weird continental shift for the City of Windsor, I work eight (10 hour shifts) then granted 5 days off, was suppose to return to work today, but the dentist was unable to remove broken infected left molar yesterday, so I have to wait till Friday to have emergency oral surgery to extract the impacted roots inside my lower left jaw, and of course for whatever reason, my body has an unique immune system that literally rejects freezing and combats the effects of oxycontin and percs, etc; so I am just trying to ignore the pain which is immense right now. So I will be definitely sedated for this experience, hopefully I don't wake up midway through the bloody process???


     Still playing Skyrim a bit on the 360 when I can, and somebody gave me a copy of the new Spiderman game for the PS3, it's not bad, plays similiar in nature to Batman: Arkham City (have to get a new copy, accidentally broke mine, so I will pick up the GOTY), I have however plunked down some cash on Dishonoured for the PS3, and Borderlands 2 (Special Edition) and HALO 4 for the Xbox 360

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 21:49
Biznass's picture
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Grats Garf

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 07:23
mdl70's picture
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Good luck!

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 09:24
twitchy's picture
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Sat, 08/11/2012 - 11:40
BlowMonkey's picture
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Still in school man you've become a career student :) I wish I was - I loved college.

A lot of people go to college for 7 years.  They're called Doctors.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 11:00
ImMrPete's picture
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Nice Garfy,  I'm back in school as well. I'm enjoying it so much more than I did when I was younger. Although at times I feel like a dirty old man when I see some of these young co-eds in my class. It is however, eating a majority of my gaming time. That explains why I've been practically missing for the past few months. 

Sun, 08/19/2012 - 23:34
Assassin's picture
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Congrats Garfy, I am just finishing school myself. I only two weeks to go in my capstone class. Good luck.

Mon, 08/20/2012 - 10:27
twitchy's picture
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Have Fun , Garfy.


I've been back in school since January, myself... and I'm actually enjoying it immensely.

only part time here, but hey whatever works.




Tue, 08/21/2012 - 19:49
Garfy99's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 01/09/2009 - 23:00

Thanks everyone for the kind words, after spending a very long time in the auto trade I decided I have had enough, there's no job security anymore; so I was actually challenged by my friend Ashley Stevens who is a professional model (probably can find some of her work in Maxim, etc) to actually go back to college and do upgrading first, I ended up a straight "A" student with 98% averages or better in all courses, she actually was tutoring me between photo shoots, I owe her a great deal.


The Respiratory Therapy Program is one of 3 of the brand new medical programs that came to the City of Windsor and are in such high demand, I feel honored being choosen out of 1600 applicants as one of the lucky 26 people that got accepted, but I also worked very hard and studied my ass off my the medical exams that I had to do as part of the pre-admittance for consideration, and yeah I definitely enjoying all the eye candy around the campus, but now I have to apply myself even harder than ever, it's going to be a dod eat dog competition as to who walks away with graduating with honors and offered a prestigious career offer, I plan on being that individual.


Best of luck to everyone else who is attending school, may you all succeed in your future endeavors!!!   :)

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