Poker Night!
Tue, 08/21/2012 - 02:32
Poker Night!
The front page says it all. Who wants to play? Also, do I have any volunteers to help run the tables? Thank you Doodi for all your help with this.
Looks good. I love poker just a shame I live in the UK and this will be in the dead of night for me
I would love to play, but I already have plans for this Saturday night. If you guys are still playing past 11-12 EST, I might be able to join.
I'm definitely in next time though and I can run tables if needed.
I'm 90% sure I'm in and if I do I can help host games if need be. I'll have a definite by tomorrow night.
I may be able to make this.
Hell may be freezing over...
I told my wife about this and she says she would play. This may be my chance to get her in to video games. Would it be a problem if she plays even though she's not part of 2old2play?
She may need to play on my account as I'm not sure it supports split screen MP. If it does though, we will both be playing.
Ok, i'm stupid, lol. I didn't even think about that.
Well you will see one of us that night for sure. Thanks for setting this up!
Is there a name we need to add to friends list or do we just search tournaments and look for your name Lou?
I might show up. If you can tear me away from CS:GO. Boom headshot!
Change my potential to a definite! I'll be there!!!
I have the game and still play it occasionally if nobody else is on. I would definitely join you. One problem. I have a shitty work schedule Saturday nights so the earliest I could be on is 11pm EST. Worst case scenario I won't be on until 12:30am. I can host games too. So if it's still going late I may be able to join. Let me know.
Gonna try like hell to make this Lou. Sounds like good times.
Looks like I will be on later and not be able to make the start time.
I want to give a BIG Thank You to Lou, Rascal, Torture, Poonga, and anyone else I may have missed that helped my wife during her game time on the 2old2play poker night. She had a blast and I think she may have started to realize why I get soo much enjoyment out of gaming and gaming with 2o2p folks more specifically.
THIS is what 2o2p is all about and why I joined in the first place. Like minded and age minded gamers who don't care about about skill level, only care about having fun.
Again, Thank You for helping her along.
I set her up with an XBL Gold account for this occasion and I think she may actually take advantage of it.
You're very welcome Leviticus. It was a lot of fun donating money to her just to be spanked by her anyway. The whole night was a blast even though it was only a few of us. I definitely wouldn't mind having poker night every week or two. Hopefully next time we get a better turnout. Lou, thank you for getting it all together.
Is this something that is going to be occuring again in the near future?
No takers yet? I'll take a whack at it I guess.
If the tentitive plans I have tonight fall through, count me in.
I'd like to join you, if that's ok?
I didn't see the last one until the day after you had it.
My GT is MrsDixon4O That's an "oh" not a zero.