Inter-Club Racing...
Mon, 08/20/2012 - 13:42
Inter-Club Racing...
Got a club invite the other day from Don Robertoli to join a club called 1 Forza Club Germany.
I respectfully declined the offer but then recieved a message back that was rather interesting.
Hallo Shaggy, thx for your message, it was the only possibility to communicate with you. I am Vice Pres. by the german Club 1.FCG and we want to drive with/against other Clubs only just for fun. Interrested?
I'd be interested if I was a bit more active in the events we run within 2O4F, but I don't want to speak for everyone else.
Would anyone else be interested?
Would anyone else be interested?
He didn't have any posts on so regardless of our answer I'm going to point him towards the Clubhouse forum over there unless you know of other good car clubs they could race against.
Essage the guy & tell him to message me. I'd be interested to see if we couldn't work something out to comete against another club. It might be fun if we could agree on something to run.
I'm thinking some sort of team based spec series would be kind of cool.
Thank you, sir. I'll essage him tonight. :-)
Tee hee
Depending on their driving - I might be interested and I'm sure some of the other Aliens would like this... :D
So I've spoken woth Don Robertoli & we're planning on meeting up this coming Saturday Nov. 1. We'll be running as opposing teams with each club choosing a track & class in alternating fashion. WE figured it would be best to start simple.
Post up here if you'd be interested in joining in.
Once again that's
Saturday November 1 at 7pm ggmt, 2pm est, 1pm cst, 12 noon MST, 11am pst
thought it was november 1st?
Today is Sep. 1.
He's a really nice guy. Good clean racer.
I'm up for it as long as I can make the cayman series.
Yes, We'll definitely have to wrap up before then. I've got to host that too lol.
can anyone join,skillwise i mean?
I'm interested if you need some fillers.
Yes, All are welcome. I want to try & fill 8 spots. That will cover our group. WE'll leave the rest for Don Robertoli's crew.
You can pencil me in if you want cotter.
Also do we know what tracks we will be running. Will get a few cars set up ready for them
No idea I'd suggest having at least one all around car for each class though at minimum. Track & class selections are to be made in the lobby on raceday.
Just a reminder gang. WE'll be running today at 1pm cst.
Shit. I had a brain fart & typed november, when I meant september. My bad. You know how we stoners can get.
REally enjoyed racing with them :)
I could probably get 5/6 from RaceDepartment to an event with a bit of notice? Let me know.
Sounds good bro. We'll chat about it soon. I'd like to work out something a littl e more organized than our last session.
I've started the ball rolling at RDDC.
Sounds good fella
So how was the racing? Give us the scoop.
it was pretty fun. It was pretty much like I run my casual rooms with each team choosing a track & class. Only 4 of the other club's guys showed up, so competition was a bit lopsided.
In the future, I would like to perhaps see each club alternating choice of a sigle "stock" car & trak, or prehaps an agreed upon build spec for a single car. Just to make the competition more even.
Already had couple of bites at RaceDepartment . What day would these events run on?
Well. I'm assuming that most of your crew is on that side of the pond. So something on the weekend would probably be best. I'm sure I can wrangle up a few guys for Either a Saturday or Sunday session. Sometime around 8 gmt-ish maybe>
Just let me know when you're guys would like to do it 7 I'll take it from there.