I put eastern in orig post 'cause most folks ive played with seem to be midwest or eastern zone and i didnt register you'all mentioned CT; appologies for mixing my locale and time zone
in any case, Friday Sat or this holiday Sunday would work for me
Sunday is great for me and I am available at any time after 7 PM EST. I will be able to play until around 2 AM. It may be a good idea to play a few games together before we begin our tournament run, to to get used to each other's play styles.
We are on for 9 PM CT this Sunday! If anything comes up, don't hesitate to post here about it. I will be on for a while before 9 in case anyone would like some warm ups. I play a lot of Grifball, so I can give advice.
The day doesn't make much difference to me. I'd prefer sometime after 9CT but could start earlier if needed.
After 9:00 central for me. I am good with any days but not on Friday or Saturday
i'm west coast so i need weeknight games to start no earlier than 9:00 Eastern, preferably a bit later. weekends are more flexible.
Thursday is my clan Halo night, so i prefer other nights :)
I can't start at 11PM CT on a weeknight. Single, do you have any time on Friday's or Saturday's at all?
Edit: I could do this Sunday night since Monday is a holiday.
9 eastern=8CT=6PT
I put eastern in orig post 'cause most folks ive played with seem to be midwest or eastern zone and i didnt register you'all mentioned CT; appologies for mixing my locale and time zone
in any case, Friday Sat or this holiday Sunday would work for me
Sunday night would be perfect for me. No school on Monday means I can play at whatever time is good with y'all.
Can we say 9 Central this Sunday then? I'll be on earlier if possible.
9PM CT Sunday should work for me
9:00 CT works for me
GGs - Sorry you couldn't make it Splat but thanks for filling in Nunder!
wish i could have been there! im glad Nunder was able to sub in, though..gif)
got the score. hope to have winner announced later today!.gif)
I'm still waiting to see how MML team did.
There is Wam time and everyone else time.
dig deep and unbunch your panties boys