Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - FORD F-150 SVT Raptor - D350 Class
Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - FORD F-150 SVT Raptor - D350 Class
[url=http://myForzaGarage.com/viewCarDetails.php?carID=542&unqID=615&hideHelp... El Kochino's custom [2011] FORD F-150 SVT RAPTOR [D 350] [/url]
Tune at my STOREFRONT...
Brakes: Race
Springs and Dampers: Race
Front Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Rear Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Chassis Reinforcement & Rollcage: Race
Clutch: Sport
Transmission: Sport
Driveline: Sport
Differential: Race
Tire Compound: Sport
Front Bumper: Street with Light kit on Roof
Rear Wing: Street
Build/Tune Rules:
* All participants cars must be built to the specifications laid out by the series coordinator.
* Tuning is allowed on any adjustable parts that may be on the car. No replacing/adding of parts.
NOTE : This will be an Open Tune, meaning you either can use my tune from the storefront or you can use your own tune but you must have the required parts.
Livery requirements:
Cars must have a Racing Number on the sides, hood and rear bumper of the car and with their GamerTag on the door panels.
*Not a must but makes for good video, a racing livery
* It is the room hosts decision of what handicaps to be use.
Amateur/ Pro-Amateur/ Pro / Veteran
Starting Grid:
The order of the Starting Grid is GROUP and then LOBBY is RANDOM
Seed Time:
Seed time is the average lap time around the track
Select the car and track for the up and coming event, then run 5 laps and post your average lap time, note do not post your fastest lap time.
Please enter your seed time by clicking here [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdHBqWXNGVTZiOS1...HERE [/url]
Date and Time:
10:00pm – handicap ranking
10:30pm – Race
20min race, Laps will be determined by Seed Times
September 4th - we will run all the tracks as practice
September 11th - Indianapolis Motor Speedway -The Brickyard Speedway
September 18th - TopGear Test Track - Outer Loop
September 25th - Infineon Raceway - Long Course
Racing Etiquette:
* Race Cleanly, give room
* No Cutting corners
* No Blocking, racing line is not blocking
* Call your intent
* No conversation while race is on, as communication between other drivers cannot be heard.
* During a Caution all chatter should be to a minimum, this will help get the cars in line for the restart
* You can call a caution if someone causes you to lose position during the race through physical interaction
* If you cause your own departure from the track, or accident or whatever, you cannot call a Caution.
* Once you call a caution, everyone will slow down to 30mph. Do not come to a complete STOP
* Racers go back inline. Restarts are single file.
* Room Host will call out a countdown, 3*2*1 GO, once all racers are grouped up (within a car length of each other) and up to caution speed (30mph).
* No passing on restarts until the end of following corner after the re-start of the caution or when the series coordinator calls “YOU CAN PASS”
* No cautions on the last 3 laps.
My future in this series is going to depend on my internet connection in Toronto. I should have a high speed connection, but I don't believe that I'll have any control over the router, so my NAT settings might be screwed up. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I won't have any problems
I'm In...Sounds.....OUTSTANDING!!!!!

need help with Track selection, run this monster and post TRACKS you want to race on
How about 1 Oval Track for these Monsters...Daytona?

Tracks will lots of elevation changes come to mind... Maybe Infineon and Sedona as a possibility?
How about a track that's in the game?
See that 'Ol School...That is the Number One Reason to not have Seniors around...Senior Moments..Thought for a Second there that I was with Parcells Playing GT5 Running Daytona!!!

Really, I thought we run a track that wasn't in the game.gif)
hahah! First mistake, hanging around Parcells, second mistake, admitting it!
Indianapolis Motor Speedway -The Brickyard Speedway
TopGear Test Track - Outer Loop
Infineon Raceway - Long Course
Enter your SEED TIMES [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdHBqWXNGVTZiOS1... HERE [/url]
Just ran some practice laps at the Brickyard...Love the Tune..Love the Truck...Sounds BAD!!!!...Any possibility of paints on the horizon?
P.S. Ran your tune AS IS!
P.S.S. Run ALL your races AS IS!!

that's good to hear.gif)
Oh I'm no painter but if you put up some jpg's of a LIVERY and it doesn't look to difficult I can take a crack at it
Wheels meet your RAPTOR, check your inbox
my entry
OUTSTANDING!!!!!...Thanks a Million!!!...I LOve It!!!

Going to be getting ready for this one early! Should be a lot of fun!
Hey Kochino,
Could you gift me the setup for this pig... er... truck? I need to fiddle with the brakes.
Next time I'm in practice with you guys, I'd like to get a lesson on restarting as the leader. I got all rattled last night and messed it up. Sorry if anyone got caught in the ripple. I should know better.
This is important because I plan on leading a lot of races.
Don't feel bad..Every race I started from the rear and ended up close to the rear at the end!..Somebody has to do it...Might as well be me...Just gotta take your lumps!!

P.S. Any luck on the brakes post the tune on your storefront as long as it is OK'd by the Kochino!
I think the braking difficulty is related to that 6200 lbs number. I just want to increase the pressure so I don't have to push the pedal so hard. I doubt that it will slow up any better, but I'm happy to share. Might help others with load-cell braking.
Thanks...Always looking for any help seeings how I don't tune!
Here's a thought, we could make this a full contact race! No need for brakes! J.K.!...mebbe...could be a race winning strategy and they are "Built Ford Tough" aren't they
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/6504702457/]Forza109[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Wish you guys ran an hour earlier!
Just show up, you can sleep at work.gif)
Guys i will make a huge effort to show up tonight Kochino could you or someone shoot me the tune?
I been having Forza withdrawal!!
I won't have time to get the TUNE to you... just pick it up from the STOREFRONT
Dressed and ready for the races!
Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads
All I can say is WOW , what a race last night at Infineon...
These trucks ROCK !!
Looks like we will not need any handicaps this time as we were all runnign the same times... +/-1sec