My Hands On with Halo 4 at Fan Expo
My Hands On with Halo 4 at Fan Expo
I got a chance to play Halo 4 at Fan Expo in Toronto. I got about 8 games in. Here are some of the notes i took from my experience:
· BR - Felt great, i used this gun the most
· DMR - very accurate, seemed like i could spam it much faster and be more accurate than from Reach
· AR - very powerful, most people were using this gun. I got into several fights with people with the AR and i had a DMR, it was a 50-50 fight, very even fight. One weird thing was the DMR loadout, the AR was a selectable weapon, which made this loadout over balanced.
· Pistol - seemed like the same pistol from Anniversary, great secondary weapon
· Scattershot - loved this gun, killed a guy on a ghost from about 15ft away with one shot. Very deadly up close
· Sniper - i don't like the sound of it, seemed i didn't have to lead my shots, i had to be very accurate...
· Sword - seemed to make you run faster, just as deadly as before
· Rockets - came loaded with 6 rockets, seemed pretty comparable to the rockets we all know and love
· Needler, Carbine i didn't get a chance to use
Things I liked
- Ordinance drops were cool. Showed a logo of the gun that just dropped. Seemed like there was about 5 different random locations a weapon could drop at
- Personal ordinance drops were also cool. Once your meter fills up, it gives you 3 weapon options. Once you select it, wherever you aimed , it will drop within 2 secs. I had a couple team mates steal my drops, annoyed...
- BR was awesome, glad its back
Things I didn't like
- Seemed like ammo was a problem. They had about 6-7 loadouts to choose from. So everyone was picking different weapons. Which results in less ammo on the floor to pick up. I ran out of BR ammo several times and couldn't find replacement ammo. Very annoying. This could be a problem moving forward if so many loadouts are available...
- the sound of the sniper gun
- grenades seemed flat, with little more bounce than Reach's nades
Armor Abilities
- Promethean Vision was very helpful when i couldn't find anyone near me. When you wear headphones it might be too much intel
- Thrusterpack was useless, its basically the replacement for evade from Reach but it didn't move you as far, and only let you use it once before a long cool time
- Hologram is exactly the same as Reach
- Hardlight Shield was ok, once you press the button it comes out right away but when you're done with it, it took some like maybe 1 full second to put away, so it left you venerable afterwards.
Things I Noticed
- grenade indicator when a thrown nades lands near you, ALA Call of Duty
- Overshield looked like an blue bubble around the player, much like Halo 2 or 3 but blue and much thicker...
- there were power weapons at the start of the matches. We rushed for Sniper on Longbow all the time...
- loadouts were adjustable during the game
- instant respawns
- all the control schemes were there (thank god Legacy was there)
- Running was alittle odd at first. THe added button to the layout will take some time to get use to. I switched my buttons to "Recon" which had run as the "X" button which was very weird...
- The running animation was more like the BF3 jog, where you're whole body is moving unlike Reach's run animation which was more stiff...
- i got to play all three maps shown so far, Haven, Adrift and Longbow
- Haven: Symmetrical Map, very bright, seemed like a cross between Guardian and Narrows from Halo 3. Two floors with a center point on top mid that everyone was fighting at. Cool map IMO
- Longbow: Somewhat Symmetrical Map, snowy environment, much bigger than the other maps. I'd say size wise on par with the Halo 3 map Standoff
- Adrift: Only got to play this map once. Seemed like a cross between Reach's Countdown and Condemed. Very dark, and confusing hallways. If i got to play onthis map more i might know my way around it more.
If you watched last nights episode of Thick and Thin, we discuss my experience in more detail. Check out the stream at
I also was able to record 2 games. Here are those games:
If you guys have any questions just let me know...
Thanks for the report i6 Hitman. Your efforts are appreciated.
Soon we will get to compare this E3 build with the PAX Prime build.
I wonder how different they will be like...
AR overpowered? booo

50/50 against a DMR doesn't sound overpowered, unless this holds true at all distance. The AR is a close range weapon, it should win battles against the DMR instead of beng the doorstop / paperweight it is now.
Have to agree. Seem like if someone gets in close the AR is there to punish that.
a lot of the noobs at the event were using the AR and were getting a lot of kills with it. I was shocked how fast it was killing me. After my first game i learned to stay away from an AR noob. Another conern i had with the AR was that it was the default secondary gun to the DMR, that loadout was heavily over powered in this build IMO
DMR still overpowered from previous showings? Last I heard if you could aim, the DMR would win most battles, even up close, with the BR.
Thanx for the report Hitman. Now where's that coundown clock?......
I have no problem with the AR outkilling DMR/BR's in cqc. I do have a problem with the ratio of winning/losing a BR/DMR vs. AR battle in ranges outside cqc. It should not be 50/50.
Yeah, a strong AR makes balance an interesting predicament, especially with an expanded sandbox, as I assume we'll have.
Thanks for the report and videos. I'm liking Longbow - looks like an interesting map.
I'd like some more details about the grenades, please. What do you mean by 'flat'? Do the H4 grenades seem weaker than Reach grenades?
If so, I approve.