How many days have you played Reach?
Wed, 08/29/2012 - 08:16
How many days have you played Reach?
I'm just curious on this. I know that it at least seems that Reach is/was played less by our most active Halo members, so I am just wondering what the playtime is showing for you (can be found in your profile on under service record.)
I gave up on Reach pretty early, although I play some occassional clan nights.
18D 16H 43M
28 days 20 hours!
~28D 10H
Only added about 24 hours for campaign time. The remaining campaign time was played with rubber bands
Reach: 8D 22H 06M
About half of that wasn't until the Halo CE anni lists came out. Roughly 1300 games total. I found out real quick it was a game that just wasn't fun to play for me.
40D 23H 54M - would Forge hours be lumped in Custom category??
I have no idea!
@ Spar- wow!!!.gif)
I am fairly sure Forge time is not included.
44D 23H 06M
19 days 5 hours. Im surprised to see I even played that much. The game came in waves for me. New release hype - Hated it - played BLOPS - got sick of BLOPS - Gave reach a second chance got into it more than the first time - confirmed I still hate the game - picked up MW3 - playing Reach again for Thurs. night mixers.
14D 10H 52M
3 days, 20 hours, 46 minutes.
and just think Dixon still sucks at minecraft
Hence my optimism about Halo 4.
In Halo 3: 19.05:42:09
THAT'S better.
A better game, yes. I played a fuckton of Halo 2, too.
11 days 00 hours 34 minutes. This makes me positive that Forge time is not included or mine would be 3x that.
35D 15H 15M
Too much Reach. I was late to the hate on Reach party.
The hate is great within me.
Oddly enough though I'm super excited about Halo 4. Not even sure why; maybe my hate is finally on vacation.
73 days, 4 hours, 12 mins.gif)
It would be interesting to know how much of that time was spent crouching. :D Heeheehee.
49d 16h 19m for me.
Ready? -- 89D 07H 14M.gif)
I read so much crap about how horrible REACH is and then, a ray of sunshine like this. Makes my day.
The irony here is that I have played much less Reach in the last month or so since I maxed out on rank. Been focusing a lot of my time going back and playing SLASO (Mythic) campaign missions on the other HALO games. So far I have one done in H3, 2 in ODST and 4 in CE Anniv.
I'm not sure why it would make you feel better. It shouldn't matter one way or another. I just hope Halo 4 gets me playing again.