Payday Racing...
Fri, 08/31/2012 - 06:44
Payday Racing...
Saw this on another forum and thought it would be quite cool.
The concept would be that you get a starting fund to which you can go and spend on a shiney new car... now after that starting fund you can earn a monthy wage which is paid at the start of a month. Any upgrade costs money which is set on a spreadsheet along with transactions for each Gamer.
You also get to win money by taking part in race events, 1st, 2nd 3rd per class get winnings.
Not sure about any other details yet, but thought this could be a fun concept.
Here is what i've devised so far.. what do you think?
It's not letting me have access to the link.
access allowed now :D
I"ve often thought about doing some type of "budget" race series. I think it may be cool to do a "reverse budget" where after each event, the lowest placing racers get a bigget budget to build for the next race, thus giving them an edge.
Yeah i did think about that - but wondered if it would cause sandbagging to get a higher earning?
The amounts are just made up at the moment to get an idea of what it would look like, but i thought that we should give the slower people an initial advantage with the money also : )
The way I'm thinking, we could make it long term. Allow people to hold on to their money if they like in order to upgrade to a different car . or they could upgrade a little & then save some for their next car. The trade in value of their old car could be figured in as well.
Then people would have options. Lose for a hile in order to make some bank, or shoot for the moon with every race. know what I mean?
Never thought of it like that J, a good point. What if we gave last place a 2k cash bonus, but only last place! so its less than first but still some thing?
I was planning for a long term idea, and produce a transaction list for the movements on peoples accounts. But didn't know what sort of details or when to run it.
Could even have series money, where they have to pay to enter a race? So many possibilities here!
As far as selling a car goes, then its the credits a the game gives you for it, the sale of parts are worth 50% of the new part in the price sheet?
Could be really interesting/funny to see how it all went, we'd basically start from F class and work our way up.
I've also got some ideas. Perhaps we can get together this weekend at some point & have a chat rather than spending all day typing back & forth at each other. Not to mention, I'm about to leave for work too.
I guess I should say if you're okay with having a series co-host. perhaps we can chat. Didn't mean to start horning in on your thing.
I was going to suggest that actually - I think i'd need one as i'm running two big events at the moment :)
I'll be around late saturday (my time) and most sunday! :)
Not to put a damper on this otherwise semi-complicated system but most people buy parts for free so wouldn't this require pre-determined pricing for ALL upgrades?
Yes, i've contructed some thing as a test on the linked spread sheet :) The prices will have to be adjusted and engine/drive train swaps disabled :)
This sounds more like accounting than racing. And I know there's a huge side of the sport that is indeed just that, but tracking all this could be rough.
Are you going to pick three or 4 manufacturers and keep everyone in the same fishbowl?(or maybe just one and everyones stuck with the same toychest? Still would have the flexibility to move around class wise within the one manufacturer?)
Although I can see someone upgrading the piss out of a F class car and continually dumping cash into it vrs the guy that sells his off and buys a D class and starts over. There are appealing aspects to it.
the accounting is fairly easy - just a running total under your name where you put your parts on. So each driver will know how much they have to spend and others can look and see what they did.
So tracking is trust and entering the price of the part from the table attached, the spreadsheet should do the rest :)
And yes, it'll be funny to see some F class shitters beating the piss out of someones shiney new D class car! :D
Yeah i was just looking at the car purchasing actually - I've now based the price of the car off the PI :)
This looks like its working.. haha I have an Aygo with sport cams LOL
Would be interested to know more about the fun events on offer? this is what this should be about - laughing at others shitters!
It has been a few years but here are some I remember.
We ran a challenge on benchmark layout F, [img][/img] where 2 cars raced in opposing directions. First to finish 3 laps won. It basically wound up being a game of chicken, with damage off. Hilarity ensued, single elimination format.
Down and back challenge was two cars lined up at the back straight on Sebring and ran down to the final turn but instead of taking the corner stayed straight until they came to a third pole car and had to complete a 180* turn around said pole car then race back to the start at the beginning of the back straight. Single elimination.
Various paint challenges, replay video challenges where you had to film your particular car doing something cool and submit it as a 30 second long replay, drag racing.
Other ideas:
Top speed challenge oval/standing mile
Car soccer
That is pretty hilarious!
I think a world of fun could be had with this, beer fuelled saturday night racing.. :D
This is sounding pretty interesting
I might use some of your ideas RX7 in my incarnation of ChurchPro Challenge
So how many people are interested in this -
Got some fun events lined up also.
Bowling the the 1st set of skittles on the event list
Down and back Duo
Banger racing
and normal racing