PAX 2012 Halo 4 Reveals - Post your stuff here.

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#1 Fri, 08/31/2012 - 12:39
DEEP_NNN's picture
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PAX 2012 Halo 4 Reveals - Post your stuff here.

The XBox Press Site has some new video ans screenshots. The downloads are very slow for me.

Post your scoops here please.

I found a poor resolution video but I won't put you through the pain of watching. Better stuff available soon.


Better res version at Gamspot.


Direct Feed CTF on Exile. 343i VS NeoGAF. 720p.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 12:46
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Picture links to de-resed stuff.





Fri, 08/31/2012 - 13:33
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Fri, 08/31/2012 - 13:38
InfernalGiggler's picture
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Very cool.  Looks like some very fun times ahead.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 14:09
ks63's picture
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Good stuff Deep, thanks!

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 14:13
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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More huge maps incoming, apparently.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 14:20 (Reply to #6)
jtgjr007's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

More huge maps incoming, apparently.


That's what sells, no one watches 8 guys with BR's  run around a claustrophobic map and says, "Ooh, looks like a must-buy."

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 16:56 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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jtgjr007 wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

More huge maps incoming, apparently.


That's what sells, no one watches 8 guys with BR's  run around a claustrophobic map and says, "Ooh, looks like a must-buy."


It doesn't have to be 8 guys with a Battle Rifle in a medium-sized open map, but that's usually a good start.  It's just funny that they choose to showcase the big maps, for they've released two of them, and really only one map that looks any good to me.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 14:30
w0rm's picture
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Fri, 08/31/2012 - 14:50 (Reply to #9)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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w0rm wrote:


Thanks, I was waiting for that one to come out.smiley

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 15:32
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DMR looks deadly.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 16:07
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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According to some tweets, at Pax you can't drop the flag if you pick it up.  Hopefully that's a glitch or 343 is trolling and will need a huge title update out of the box.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 16:20 (Reply to #12)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

According to some tweets, at Pax you can't drop the flag if you pick it up.  Hopefully that's a glitch or 343 is trolling and will need a huge title update out of the box.

CTF is not the same as the older games. I.E. You (may) have an unlimited ammo Magnum. I do not believe it is a glitch, not being able to drop the Flag. We'll know details Sat. at the Halo 4 panel.

It appears to be a sign 343i is putting their mark on this game.

Someone suggested some people will specialize as Flag carriers. People like me, who can't hit the broad side of a Nirvana.

I am not going to sell this like it is great. It is so new, I just don't know. I am comfortable in my confidence in 343i though.


Sat, 09/01/2012 - 00:55 (Reply to #13)
CannedHeat's picture
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DEEP_NNN]</p><p>[quote=OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

According to some tweets, at Pax you can't drop the flag if you pick it up.  ....

I am not going to sell this like it is great. It is so new, I just don't know. I am comfortable in my confidence in 343i though.

I just can't believe this would be true. It doesn't make sense that the flag would stick to you unless it's a speedflag varient. If somehow it is true... what an absolutely terrible idea.

Personally, I've liked most of what I've seen from Halo 4 right now but after the Anniversary release and Reach TU... my confidence in 343 could be higher.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 08:08 (Reply to #14)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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CannedHeat wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

According to some tweets, at Pax you can't drop the flag if you pick it up.  ....

I am not going to sell this like it is great. It is so new, I just don't know. I am comfortable in my confidence in 343i though.

I just can't believe this would be true. It doesn't make sense that the flag would stick to you unless it's a speedflag varient. If somehow it is true... what an absolutely terrible idea.

Personally, I've liked most of what I've seen from Halo 4 right now but after the Anniversary release and Reach TU... my confidence in 343 could be higher.

I have only one idea for why this has changed to be like it is.

In recent months, objective holding has been widely called out for being unsportsmanlike like and even used for boosting KD/CR. 343i may have chosen this method as one solution.

1. You certainly can't hide with a waypoint over your head.

2. Teams really should be getting their weakest player to pick up the flag, so the shootists should actually be happy about that.

3. If a strong shootist accidentally picks up the flag, he is more likely going to try and cap it as quickly as possible. The alternative is death.

4. Giving the Flag carrier an infinite ammo Magnum is a very cool touch to offset some of the negatives.

Personally, I like the sneaky method of CTF but you know this new type of CTF with waypoint was somewhat possible in both Halo 3 and REACH.

We will play it and we will like or not. Chances are, the more Classic playlists will include the old style. You'll find me in the new playlists with the new CTF until it is a proven disaster.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 16:20 (Reply to #15)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

1. You certainly can't hide with a waypoint over your head.

2. Teams really should be getting their weakest player to pick up the flag, so the shootists should actually be happy about that.

3. If a strong shootist accidentally picks up the flag, he is more likely going to try and cap it as quickly as possible. The alternative is death.

4. Giving the Flag carrier an infinite ammo Magnum is a very cool touch to offset some of the negatives.

Personally, I like the sneaky method of CTF but you know this new type of CTF with waypoint was somewhat possible in both Halo 3 and REACH.

We will play it and we will like or not. Chances are, the more Classic playlists will include the old style. You'll find me in the new playlists with the new CTF until it is a proven disaster.


1.  That's where flag juggling came into play.  Do you juggle the flag and give up your position (but get to your destination faster) or carry the flag without giving up your location (but arriving to your destination slower)

2.  Teams should pull the flag when the best opportunity arises.  Waiting to pull the flag when only when Player X is near will slow down gameplay.

3.  Not necessarily.  I'm not sure on the scoring, but let's assume it's still a game to 3 caps.  What us objective holders do is either:  cap 2 flags early then hold until the last couple minutes, where we try to cap the remaining flag, or, we sit outside our base holding the flag while our teammates play slayer.  This will not stop or even minimize objective holding.

4.  Eh



Fri, 08/31/2012 - 16:57
Double T's picture
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I think there are too many waypoints on screen, and if you cannot drop the flag that is bad.


You need to be able to grap the flag and not sacrifice yourself if you have a power the flag to a spot, drop it for someone with spawn loadouts, and then cover them.


I will have to wait and see, but I don't think that is a good thing at all; and is a huge gameplay change from previous iterations.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 17:23 (Reply to #17)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Double T wrote:

I think there are too many waypoints on screen, and if you cannot drop the flag that is bad.


You need to be able to grap the flag and not sacrifice yourself if you have a power the flag to a spot, drop it for someone with spawn loadouts, and then cover them.


I will have to wait and see, but I don't think that is a good thing at all; and is a huge gameplay change from previous iterations.


i agree. early in the vid the guy picks up rockets then pulls the flag. there were a couple instances where he could have dropped the flag to use those rockets but had to rely on the pistol and a teammate that was luckily there to assist. basically, if you have a power weapon and are near the flag you will have to make the decision of waiting for a teammate to make his way to pull the flag or take the chance of pulling it yourself and possibly losing your power weapon. i can just imagine timmy grabbing rockets and sniper and pulling the flag.

Fri, 08/31/2012 - 18:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Someone's impressions.



So I recently did a thread here where I asked everyone to submit some questions for me to answer when I got my hands on Halo 4 here at PAX. Well, I did play, and now I'm here to deliver. I'll answer questions first and post my own impressions later. I'd like to preface this by saying that my time with the game was uncommonly short due to some absolute jackwad on my team who power-capped 3 flags in the span of 5 minutes.(WHO DOES THIS AT A CON WHERE YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN!?) I was very upset that I only got to play for such a short time, but I did get a lot of information as I began testing the second I started playing.

- Do armor mods/tacpacks have a large or small impact on gameplay?

This one was very dependent on which one you chose. The one I noticed the most was the reload speed up mod/tacpack. This one REALLY sped up how fast you could get back in the fight. But here's the takeaway; Most of this stuff was "under the hood". When I was fighting another player in a duel, all I was paying attention to was my strafe, my aim, and my shields. I wasn't thinking "Does he have this or this armor mod?!".

- Does it feel more like Halo 3 or Halo Reach?

Halo 3. The game was simply faster, more responsive, and the weapons felt very tight. Even the bloomy DMR felt accurate and strong. I actually preferred it to the BR, but this could have been because I was in a bigger team environment. I played CTF on the new map, Exile.

- Does 5sk BR feel slow? Compared to DMR?

The BR fired pretty damn quick. It felt like you could melt someone's shields at the right range. The DMR was very powerful too, though, and I unfortunately think that the DMR will suffer from the same problem it had in Reach: Because it has bloom, it'll be very effective at both close, medium, and long range. I think it has the POTENTIAL to out-pace the BR if the user knows what they're doing. I certainly preferred it, but I like my semi-auto weapons.

- Grenades other than Frag, Stick, EMP?

Pulse grenade is the EMP grenade. It is deployed once it hits the ground and pulses EMP for a second or two, then explodes doing damage. It's more like a deployable mine than a grenade. It didn't seem to stick to walls.

- Any more Brute weapons?

I didn't notice a single brute weapon.

- Has Promethean Vision Changed?

I did not personally try PV, but I did see it in use. It has a much shorter usage time and a much longer recharge time. This meant that if you used it, you got one shot and it could not be spammed. The guy who was using it only got to use it once every 15 seconds or so, and only got a second or two of looking at other players at a distance. This AA was very efficient at close range, but no longer the god-ability at long-range that it was at E3.

- Are there any new abilities they haven't talked about yet?

Yes! There was a regen field that looked like the Regenerator from halo 3, an Autosentry that was deployed at a stationary position, and I THINK that was it. I don't honestly remember any more, but I'm sure you can find a picture.

- Opinion on the Pistol.

Didn't get enough time to play with it at all. I blame the jerk who ended the game so early. I had a loadout set up for it.

- Jetpack?

Yep. But it was much more sluggish, with less thrust and duration. It's pretty similar to Reach, but I think it's been toned down in effectiveness. I didn't feel like I could fly that far or high with it.

- Any noticeable countdown to death barriers?


- How's the strafe?

Responsive. The base movement speed felt a tad slow, but that was made up for with Sprint. Strafing seemed effective if I wasn't a total re-re and got myself in a bad situation.

- Fall damage?

Couldn't test. Game ended too soon. Sorry.

- How does the camo AA work?

Same as Reach, as far as I could tell. Didn't use it, saw it being used. Looked a lot like TU camo.

- General weapon balance.

VERY balanced. BR was very good at making you feel like your shields are just crumbling, DMR was accurate and precise, but slow if you wanted that accuracy. Light Rifle was a beast when you could land the shots. I didn't get the Carbine, unfortunately.

- Is the pistol really a fast-draw or is it barely noticeable?

It was a super, super-quick reload. Never saw it getting drawn...

- Try new promethean weapons.

Boltshot was a lot of fun to use, Light Rifle is a fun alternative to the other staple rifles, and I didn't see a Promethean Repeater.

- (If there's Spartan Ops) AI intelligence, behavior, and exploitability.

I have not played Spartan Ops yet, but I don't think I could get this in-depth with it.

- Do the shadows cast by players and moving objects line up with shadows cast by hardcoded geometry?

Sorry, no time to test this =C.


Okay, that's out of the way. On to the impressions!

I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is "Does this feel like Halo? Do all the changes ruin everything?" My answer is "Yes, the game is Halo through and through, and the changes only re-enforce those ideals". I was fairly skeptical that all this would make the game feel different, but I was wrong. What 343 has done with the armor mods, new AAs, and all that junk is build a wonderful support system for an already well-developed formula.

When I was playing against other players, my focus was on strafe, aim, and positioning. I wasn't worried about what AA they had, or what armor mod they'd picked. I wasn't obsessing either. The AAs complimented the gameplay very well, and it really came down to skill. Even something as strange as the Autoturret felt like it wasn't out of place. I honestly don't know if there won't be something that rises to the top as the "Armor Lock" of Halo 4, as there are a LOT of factors to consider. However, from my brief time with the game, I think that this feels like what Reach was supposed to be. It takes that basic Halo formula and just adds this great support network that compliments, not overrides, that Halo feel we're all familiar with.

I know I'm now much more excited about the game, and I would love to play again (If the line wasn't nearly three hours long).

As a side note, I'm still angry at that player. Seriously, you're playing Halo 4 for the first time, and you POWER CAP THE FLAGS?! Why? Why would you want to only have five minutes with this game? Nobody cares if you win or lose, we all just want a lot of time with the game. I can safely say that whoever that was, they ruined MY time with Halo 4. If anyone else is playing Halo 4 today, do your best to extend the time you have with it. Don't rush and try to be "teh winrar". Just enjoy the time you have with it so everyone can get their fill.

Okay, done. That's it. Hope you liked it!


Fri, 08/31/2012 - 20:11
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Another impression.


The Halo 4 booth had both CTF on Exile and Regicide on Haven, and there was only one line. I think the flag waypoint was a way to give casual players a chance.

I'm still processing my thoughts on the game. A number of personal factors went into the game, including the large size of the screen (I prefer smaller screens) and my unfamiliarity with the game. It's hard to say how H4 will be online because we were playing a LAN match.

That said, my CTF match was smooth and sexy. The HUD announcement of power weapons is amazing. I knew what was available so I didn't waste time running a certain route. Weapons wise, I used the DMR, BR, Pistol, Spartan Laser, Pulse Grenades and Sniper Rifle. Pulse Grenades do not disable vehicles, which I found out the hard way. Sniping is brutally difficult. Maybe it was the large screen, but I felt more aware of the non-centered reticle, and it threw off my sniping and shooting abiiities. Because of that, I'm not sure if I liked the BR or DMR more. It was easier to land shots with the BR on my setup.

I used the Ghost and, to a lesser degree, the Banshee. I believe it takes longer to kill someone with a Ghost in H4 than it did in the past, but that's judging from the one time I tried to do that. Splatters are where it's at, and those are still glorious to pull off. I hijacked a Banshee, but I didn't get to shoot anything. Banshee Lasers and Fuel Rod are still there, and you still have to switch between them. These two vehicles handled like a dream, and I can't wait to use them again.

I used the Thruster Pack and the Autosentry. The AS takes a few seconds to deploy (it hovers in the air), but I didn't get to see how effective it was.

I didn't get to test the bounce of grenades. I'll try to tomorrow.

I'm not sure where I stand on not being able to drop the flag. I liked the idea of being able to defend myself without dropping the flag, but the degree to which you can defend yourself is overall lower than before. The pistol reticle blooms quickly, so I found it difficult to nab a kill with it. Because of that, I felt weak as the flag carrier -- even more so than before. Why couldn't I drop the flag and switch to a more powerful weapon? The mechanic did make me rely on my teammates more, which made the game feel more team-centric.

Default layout puts crouching on B, so Toggle Crouch is essential if you want to play stealth.

I don't understand the flak toward ground textures. That's a total non-issue. They were beautiful except on one occasion.

Honestly, I would need more time with the game to have a stronger opinion one way or the other. At the moment, I'll say I enjoyed my first match and that I look forward to playing another match.
Fri, 08/31/2012 - 22:00
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Naked Eli video. Very interesting with on the go commentary.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 00:42
w0rm's picture
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Banshee looks much more manageable(compared to the flipping in Reach) from a defensive standpoint.

Beamrifle?  Nice!

Not so excited about inviz and jetpack, though jetpack shouldn't be as much of a nuisance with faster kill times.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 03:07
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Heat your post has me all confuzled. Lol
Sat, 09/01/2012 - 08:57
CannedHeat's picture
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@laser - no idea what happened there. I thought I just quoted you but I wrote this several rum and cokes into the night so who knows. 

@deep - if it stops k/d boosting in objective I'd be all for it. I can't see how it would though. BTW - I'm not someone opposed to changing up the game in general. I like most other changes I've seen so far. I just think this one makes about as much sense as my original post in this thread. 80

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 09:21 (Reply to #24)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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CannedHeat wrote:
I like most other changes I've seen so far. I just think this one makes about as much sense as my original post in this thread. 80

You are not alone in your thinking. NeoGAF/HaloGAF and some HBO (late teens and early twenties) are having a shit fit over it.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 10:45
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Apparently there will be a 10 minute ViDoc released today at the 5:30 PST Halo 4 panel. I assume it will be released to the rest of us around that time.

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 15:35
Sat, 09/01/2012 - 17:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OXM Article.

Capture the Flag may have existed in games before the Xbox (and in real-life for even longer, whatever), but the concept really hit its stride when Halo: Combat Evolved first pitted red against blue. Even within the mode-defining game, one particular level became a haven for the snatch-and-grab-and-don’t-get-shot action: Blood Gulch. Said map isn’t in Halo 4 (it did just return in Halo: Reach), but we got to play its spiritual successor; Exile, a battleground that mixes bright, lush outdoor environments with plenty of man-made installations hiding weapons, powerups, and on rare occasion, a flag-holder who now has a halfway decent chance of killing you.

After Bungie spent nearly a dozen years making the flag-capturer the biggest sitting duck in all of multiplayer gaming, 343 Industries is switching things up in a major way by giving them a bit of offense. It’s nothing major, mind you – you won’t be able to tote a Rocket Launcher while waving your banner – but now you’ve got a fighting chance. Now, whenever you grab a flag, your free hand pulls out a pistol. Granted, once the opposing team finds out you have the flag, they’ll likely come at you with far stronger artillery, but it makes for a nice way to diversify your post-grab tactics. If you’re with support, it helps you lay down secondary fire as they protect you. If you’re alone, it’ll keep the opposition from bum-rushing you. If they do get in close, though, that pistol’ll be too weakened to serve as much of a deterrent, so you’ll have to depend on Halo 4’s other CTF change – melee executions.


Sure, in previous iterations of Halo’s Capture the Flag, you could give opponents a bop on the noggin with your pole, but it was usually as physically ineffective as it was visually unimpressive. In Halo 4, 343 has realized that a giant blunt object can also be used as a killing device, which has given way to flag executions. If you’re able to get up close and personal with a member of the opposing team, you’ll be able to knock them out, with the death being played out in a brutal melee animation. Flag-holders will be rewarded for putting themselves in the thick of the action, as the game will include post-match medals for performing kills while holding a flag, whether you’re offing an enemy or executing the other flag-holder.

Though if you want to ignore the other team's flag-holder that's acceptible now, as Halo 4's CTF awards points solely based on whether you return your own flag (previous Halos required you to keep your own flag safe in order to score). As a result, the matches we played had a much quicker pace to them, as our team would rapidly fluctuate from grabbing our flag while trying to keep the other side from grabbing a flag and running up the score on their side.

343 has shown that they’re not afraid of mixing up the Capture the Flag formula (flagormula?), and our matches in Exile were all the more exciting for it. With a few more months left before we jump online with everyone, we’re looking forward to seeing how they’re remixing the rest of the franchise’s multiplayer. Keep it tuned as we reveal more!

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 17:15
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I just read a hint the inability to drop the Flag is a bug. The Halo 4 Panel should (and likely will) answer this kind of question.

Just realized OMGaLaserPewPew mentioned Flag juggling and it giving away position. So I guess the waypoint to the Halo 4 Flag holder is not such a big deal after all. Looks like he can still move fairly fast (guessing a bit).

Sat, 09/01/2012 - 17:18
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Comment from a GAF member at PAX.


Ellis said flag questions will be answered today, I believe.

Not a glitch but a purposeful design choice to make flag carrying a bigger deal and encourage team play. It took some adjusting but it really did get us talking and strategizing more than I have in Reach to date.
Originally Posted by VivaciousJazzy: View Post
Like it will take teamwork but the problem is its something drastically different and makes CTF something completely different from what is halo CTF.

It's absolutely different. In fact, it couldn't be considered remotely close.

That being said, it's more fun than any variant of flag I've played on Reach or possibly 3. It was frantic, fast paced, and flag carrier base speed was equivalent to non-carrier base speed for those curious.

This could all be me in the honeymoon phase but who says that phase has to end? I want to keep going back and playing over and over. It's a finely polished product and having a magnum wasn't like OMG THIS IS TOO OP.


Sat, 09/01/2012 - 20:10
DEEP_NNN's picture
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The ViDoc. I haven't seen any of it yet.

Better res version at Gamspot.


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