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#1 Mon, 09/03/2012 - 20:02
Double T's picture
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Is it just me, or do the armor permutations and color schemes seem to look like the people are playing CE?  The colors are flat and horrific.


Also, where are the medals?  All I see is tons of text and ZERO medals.  Disappointed :(


I really hope a lot of this is placeholders, but I highly doubt it.  The reds and blues seem to have contrast/brightness issues in every video (and no it's not my monitor, all other videos look normal).



Mon, 09/03/2012 - 20:12
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double T wrote:

Is it just me, or do the armor permutations and color schemes seem to look like the people are playing CE?  The colors are flat and horrific.


Also, where are the medals?  All I see is tons of text and ZERO medals.  Disappointed :(


I really hope a lot of this is placeholders, but I highly doubt it.  The reds and blues seem to have contrast/brightness issues in every video (and no it's not my monitor, all other videos look normal).



I am fairly sure I read this build has a glitch with the medals.

As for the colours, I recommend only using direct feed content from Waypoint or the XBox Press site.

I haven't experienced what you mentioned. At least, I didn't know I was. The word from people who experienced multiplayer action is the sound and imagery has been excellent.


Mon, 09/03/2012 - 20:20
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Correction. I think I see what you are talking about. I just reviewed direct feed video and yeah, pastel colours and seeming low-res armour.

The only comment I've seen is that the composting system for de-resing objects seems to kick in early.

I've got my fingers crossed this isn't an issue in the final build.

Mon, 09/03/2012 - 20:49
wamam87's picture
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i've thought the same thing for some time now, but didn't want to be a debbie downer. i think this is the worst looking coloration of all of the halo games.


one thing that drew me to Halo over other FPS's was the color scheme and crisp visuals.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 13:06 (Reply to #4)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

i've thought the same thing for some time now, but didn't want to be a debbie downer. i think this is the worst looking coloration of all of the halo games.


one thing that drew me to Halo over other FPS's was the color scheme and crisp visuals.


It's not being a Debbie Downer at all.  You're prefectly justified in questioning the product/looking for clarification about it.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 13:27 (Reply to #5)
badmin's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

wamam87 wrote:

i've thought the same thing for some time now, but didn't want to be a debbie downer. i think this is the worst looking coloration of all of the halo games.


one thing that drew me to Halo over other FPS's was the color scheme and crisp visuals.


It's not being a Debbie Downer at all.  You're prefectly justified in questioning the product/looking for clarification about it.

Holy fuck you're not being a dick!  WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN.

As for the topic I 100% agree with you.  The armor just has an off feel to it.  This personally doesn't bother me as I'm not much for graphics and generally focus on gameplay, but I can see how it would piss some people off.  

Then again, the style of the armor in general seems different so maybe this is just their attempt at making Halo their own.  I'd much rather see the solid blues and reds of the past though.  Pastel on master chief just seems silly.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 14:58 (Reply to #6)
wamam87's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

wamam87 wrote:

i've thought the same thing for some time now, but didn't want to be a debbie downer. i think this is the worst looking coloration of all of the halo games.


one thing that drew me to Halo over other FPS's was the color scheme and crisp visuals.


It's not being a Debbie Downer at all.  You're prefectly justified in questioning the product/looking for clarification about it.

the number one thing for me that seperated this game from all the other GOD's was the color scheme. I can't tell what's going on when my screen just looks like a smear of earth tone puke. Halo has been so crisp and bright that I could actually play and see what's happening. this isn't as drab as MW, but not what I'm used to either.
Mon, 09/03/2012 - 21:11
injustice4all's picture
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All I'm going to say is that if 343 fucks up the graphics in this game, I am going to be hugely disappointed.  I'm going to continue to hope that the game is awesome.  I will reserve my final judgemnt until I'm acutally able to play it.  That being said, what I've seen so far looks promising.

Mon, 09/03/2012 - 23:59
Double T's picture
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Deep, the graphics of the environments look fantastic. The armor colors look like those died egg shells from around easter time. Flat, with no luster or sheen. I'm really hoping it is not the case, but it seems to me that it's potentially a shading/lighting engine failure that is only effecting the armor. I am hoping it's just a placeholder issue, but I'm also fairly certain that the H3/Reach betas only had medal placeholders, and the image issues were across the whole graphic spectrum, not just implicitely armor related. I am hoping that my hunch is wrong, but I think they want that lackluster armor to help people recognize spartan from environment; but I hope I am wrong. We all know how certain maps give the blue guys a camo advantage :(
Tue, 09/04/2012 - 01:33
Lou_Keymia's picture
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They might have their brightness up for the video, that could be a factor.
Tue, 09/04/2012 - 08:25
Double T's picture
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I doubt it, everything but armor looks fine:




They all look like "flat" and not "glossy" like previous iterations.







There is something off with the armor in most every live gameplay video.  Looks almost ok in their high res screens, but is off in all of the videos :(

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 08:33
zombiekitten's picture
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i see what you mean, T. The armour looks too light? Pale? Not a REAL red and blue, like we're used to. i don't like it!

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 10:18
injustice4all's picture
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I think the armor does look pastel, as opposed to a solid red or blue. I'm not sure I think it looks bar, but definitely different. I hadn't even noticed until this thread.
Tue, 09/04/2012 - 14:50
DarthTabasco's picture
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I guess I had not noticed until this topic was posted, as I was more focused on watching the gameplay, but I do see what you mentioned.

Overall, I'm not too concerned and I think the graphical standards for H4 are set pretty high based on the beautiful maps we've seen. Plus all of the the different armor combinations, you have to figure they want the Spartans to look the best they can look. I'm fine with a slightly muted look, but not "pastel"

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 14:50
ekattan's picture
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I don't think its just the armor. Everything in H4 graphic wise looks like H3, like ODST, and like Reach to me.


But hey, at least it doesn't look like Black Ops 2. 

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 15:42
DEEP_NNN's picture
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There is an official Bulletin Q&A topic about PAX on Waypoint and I asked about this issue in there. If they answer, we'll know late Wednesday.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 19:31
Double T's picture
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Thanks a bunch deep.  I'm on here and another forum 99% of the time, and follow 343i on twitter, no way I can keep track of all of their QA stuff. :)

Anxiously awaiting their response.

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 20:04
Hoplite's picture
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I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 09:31 (Reply to #18)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Hoplite wrote:

I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 


This.  I really don't care about the graphics and details.  I just want the game to play great.

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 13:30 (Reply to #19)
Hoplite's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Hoplite wrote:

I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 


This.  I really don't care about the graphics and details.  I just want the game to play great.

Dixon stop trying to erode my credentials. I care about the visuals, but just a little more on how it plays.

I want it to look good, but not by way of sacrificing smooth and well done gameplay.

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 14:00 (Reply to #20)
jtgjr007's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Hoplite wrote:

I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 


This.  I really don't care about the graphics and details.  I just want the game to play great.

True, most of us would say the same thing. To an extent, graphics should take a backseat to gameplay.  As awesome as Crysis 2 looked, it just wasn't all that fun to play. On the other hand, graphics shouldn't be so poor that they effect gameplay either *coughHomefrontcough* . Not that anyone is suggesting that here with H4, but all things considered, the graphics should be polished up and much as possible. (This includes no pastel armor colors...)

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 18:05 (Reply to #21)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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jtgjr007 wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Hoplite wrote:

I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 


This.  I really don't care about the graphics and details.  I just want the game to play great.

True, most of us would say the same thing. To an extent, graphics should take a backseat to gameplay.  As awesome as Crysis 2 looked, it just wasn't all that fun to play. On the other hand, graphics shouldn't be so poor that they effect gameplay either *coughHomefrontcough* . Not that anyone is suggesting that here with H4, but all things considered, the graphics should be polished up and much as possible. (This includes no pastel armor colors...)


I totally want pastel yellow Spartans.


Yeah, Homefront had such horrible problems with hit detection and shooting around objects when zoomed in.  Looked like a decent enough game, played like an alpha.

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 19:30 (Reply to #22)
Lala Calamari's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:


Yeah, Homefront had such horrible problems with hit detection and shooting around objects when zoomed in.  Looked like a decent enough game, played like an alpha.


WTF??? Homefront a bad game?  That's just UNPOSSIBLE!

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 21:39 (Reply to #23)
wamam87's picture
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jtgjr007 wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Hoplite wrote:

I guess maybe I'm in the minority for caring more about how the game plays than how it looks. Call me old fashioned. 

I've wondered since we first started seeing footage if it's not some sort of gamma setting within the game to better highlight the background details and all the other pretties so that they were easily visible. Side effect being that the spartan armor colors tend to look washed out and pastel. 


This.  I really don't care about the graphics and details.  I just want the game to play great.

True, most of us would say the same thing. To an extent, graphics should take a backseat to gameplay.  As awesome as Crysis 2 looked, it just wasn't all that fun to play. On the other hand, graphics shouldn't be so poor that they effect gameplay either [b]*coughMineCraftcough*[/b] . Not that anyone is suggesting that here with H4, but all things considered, the graphics should be polished up and much as possible. (This includes no pastel armor colors...)



Wed, 09/05/2012 - 11:25
badmin's picture
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To be fair I think most people here would agree that they care more about how the game plays, but how it looks is still a partial reason a lot of people chose to play the game.  

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 12:03 (Reply to #25)
ekattan's picture
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admin wrote:

To be fair I think most people here would agree that they care more about how the game plays, but how it looks is still a partial reason a lot of people chose to play the game.  

Oh, teach me great one. 


Seriously. Of course gameplay matters but I really think it mostly depends on the maps, then you have things like weapons, cough* BR. Nitpicking physics like gravity or bullet spread is just a bit to extreme in my preference. 

Of course graphics matter also. I feel scammed being sold a packaged game that looks the same and the only difference is the 3 or the 4 on the box. Buying new consoles is the sole purpose on improving graphics, if not then why even bother? 

Wed, 09/05/2012 - 22:53
jtgjr007's picture
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So what you're saying is that Master Chief needs a diamond pickaxe?

Thu, 09/06/2012 - 06:13
DEEP_NNN's picture
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343i was kind enough to answer my question. Well, one of my questions. They also changed my proper Canadian spelling of colour and armour to American. Horrors.

Members of 2old2play watched much of the video footage from PAX and are finding the armor color to be kind of pastel and eggshell in nature. Are any changes to the quality of color of armor expected in the final release of Halo 4? -DEEP NNN

As a very old, gray-haired fart, I resent you guys speaking on my behalf. But yes, these are indicative but hardly comprehensive color schemes.


This is what I had originally asked.

Members of 2old2play watched much of the video footage from PAX and are finding the Armour colour to be kind of pastel and eggshell in nature. We remember the Halo 3 Beta used similar colours but then the released product was quite improved/different. Are any changes to the quality of colour of armour expected in the final release of Halo 4?

We also are wondering why there seemed to be a high frequency of a low resolution look to the armour during kill cam sequences? We are used to seeing higher quality in both Halo 3 and REACH under the same circumstances.


Thu, 09/06/2012 - 10:17 (Reply to #28)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

343i was kind enough to answer my question. Well, one of my questions. They also changed my proper Canadian spelling of colour and armour to American. Horrors.

Members of 2old2play watched much of the video footage from PAX and are finding the armor color to be kind of pastel and eggshell in nature. Are any changes to the quality of color of armor expected in the final release of Halo 4? -DEEP NNN

As a very old, gray-haired fart, I resent you guys speaking on my behalf. But yes, these are indicative but hardly comprehensive color schemes.


This is what I had originally asked.

Members of 2old2play watched much of the video footage from PAX and are finding the Armour colour to be kind of pastel and eggshell in nature. We remember the Halo 3 Beta used similar colours but then the released product was quite improved/different. Are any changes to the quality of colour of armour expected in the final release of Halo 4?

We also are wondering why there seemed to be a high frequency of a low resolution look to the armour during kill cam sequences? We are used to seeing higher quality in both Halo 3 and REACH under the same circumstances.


I wonder who at 343i is old, gray and would be answering our questions?

Am I reading the response correctly?

Thu, 09/06/2012 - 08:02
wamam87's picture
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well done DEEP.
Thu, 09/06/2012 - 09:41
Hoplite's picture
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So basically they said themselves, general not specific colors. Leaves them some wiggle room to tweak them. I'm sure they themselves were more concerned about how the game played than how it looked for what are essentially public beta tests of the builds.

And good point about H3 being slightly tweaked. Just means we can still get the colors you crave and the gameplay I do.

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