First post
Sun, 03/29/2015 - 14:51
First post
Hello, my name is Paul I've been looking for a good community for the older player (41) . The previous community I was involved with the player base was just to young so I'm hoping that I've found a winner here..
Right now I only play on my xb1 my PC is down and out for the count. Play Destiny but really looking forward to Neverwinter on the 31st, I hope I can make a few friends here that will play it on a regular bases.
My xbl gt is Freemann H2O
Welcome to the site.
Welcome to 2Old2Play. Most of the people I play with are older then me and I'm 31 so I say it's safe to say your in the right place.
Hi Paul. Happy to have you aboard. Nice lot here so feel free to ad me on you Xbox1 account!
Welcome to 2o2p, amigo. It's good to see a youngster roll in ;)