Xbox One for $175 anyone?
Tue, 04/28/2015 - 11:29
Xbox One for $175 anyone?
Xbox One for $175 at Best Buy (with trade-in of last-gen console).
Because you need an Xbox One, and I need a longer friends list...
Details here:
Prettty good deal. If I didn't need/want my 360 still and had the extra cash I'd do it.
Same here. I still use my 360.
Sounds like a great deal...
Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim - 3 reasons to keep your 360.
100% game + DLC, heard mixed review on, 100% game and DLC.
My the amount of games I still haven't played on mine I'll likely never get rid of it.
So Best Buy wants me to trade in my 360 which I have 13 racing games that I still play every week for an XBOX one that has maybe 2 games (FM5 & FH2) you can't count PC as it's not out yet that I would play. I suck at FPS (I shoot myself sometimes). I'll wait for a while and chuckle as my FL gets smaller every mos.
+ Project Cars
He mentioned it. He called it PC....he's a rebel that way. Most of us refer to it as PCars.
As I mentioned many times. I'm a dinosaur and out of touch with the current vernacular that many use. So I called it PC instead of PCars. But the child in me has to giggle when you sound it out. PeeCars.
As to getting it the ONE cheaper. It has no pull on me at this time. I have never traded in one system for another. I still play all my systems occasionally. Hell, I still pull out the Intellivision 1-2 times a year.
I do consider myself informed on the new systems, games etc. I am a powerful and influential member of this community who gets Game Informer every month for the last 10 years. And there are only so many days in my life. This one has weight lifting and Tues is another 2 miles in the pool.
6 weeks to the next meet hopefully.
I'd say that's the cheapest you're gonna get a shot at one for a long time MeltyD.
Trade all those games in and you'll have a shot at a new one as well? Maybe a bit more? And If I were you, ( I'm not) I'd skip FM5 and FH2 and go straight to PCars. True it's not realesed yet, but it's already on my XBOne, just sitting there taunting me...
I'll got a step further, from all the video I've seen from Snappy, the single player vs AI racing is going to be phenimenal, which your schedule seems to necessitate(?). I've never seen AI racing this good so far.
Drivatar my ass.
Does anyone else out there have an ugly habbit of finding the best deals WHEN YOUR BROKE??? I got to get another 360 since mine and I parted ways during the last move. I think it was an inside the family job.......Bastard