EA sale on PS store

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#1 Wed, 05/13/2015 - 09:01
shamrogue's picture
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EA sale on PS store

So EA have a sale on PS store, and Hardline standard edition is down 46% to €37.79, and the deluxe edition is down 48% to €41.59.

Is it worth it? or should I just pick up BF4 for €15?


I also posted this in the Battlefield forum just to increase the chances of an answer.

Fri, 05/15/2015 - 09:17
CiaranORian's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 08/26/2009 - 23:00
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Hardline is the first console Battlefield game I havent bought.  I played the beta a bit and it was just more of the same.

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