topic issue
Fri, 07/10/2015 - 09:25
topic issue
I created a topic in Destiny called "how to beat skolas"
when i hit save i didnt know that meant it would post it, so then i went to preview and then hit save again and it created it again.
so then i went into edit the one duplicate topic and delete it and it created a 3rd copy of it.
when you hit save i was expecting the window to go away, instead you could just keep hitting save and keep posting the same topic over nd over
Makes sense. Save probably isn't the right word and I'll need to add in something to block duplicate posts. Is the preview something used a lot? If so I should probably look more into that since I never really tested it.
it's possible im just used to "submit" , nothing wrong with "save" just need time to get used to it.
I'm not sure if preview will be used a lot or not, imo i would think people would use it for long posts maybe to review what they wrote, but for short responses probably not.
also one more question, if you hit "edit" I had the option to delete my thread, will this be something you will leave in? or is that a function for admins only? I have no opinion on whether i like or dislike it, just something I noticed.
The plan was to leave it in, but I do see your point. There are some threads that become huge that people love and sort of go beyond what the OP started with. We should probably protect that kind of thing from being nuked.
I would leave preview in. In the past, when adding a picture; I would use preview to make sure it worked.
Changing Save to Submit should help clear things up as well.
Makes sense. I'll change up the wording this weekend
Changed naming of button
The button will now also disable after you click it to stop from double posting.
Still think the preview button would be usefull when posting images or links. Easier than posting and then having to edit and repost if you did it wrong.