Destiny - Say anything.

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Mon, 08/17/2015 - 16:14
OldnAchy's picture
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Btw, I ran the NF solo with my Hunter this week and recorded it to show that it can be done (29 minutes) and an Etheric Light dropped -- bwahahahaha!!

Mon, 08/17/2015 - 17:17
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Son of a ...

Mon, 08/17/2015 - 17:49
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Say Anything...

So, they are forcibly erasing Peter Dinkiledge from all of Destiny. Re-recording every bit of dialog with the new actor. Seems like the ideal opportunity, to let us customize the voice of our own ghost - bot - dinklebot!!!

I came up with hundreds of actors and actresses that would work great. But I didn't want to list every one and why. So I found FIVE general themes that seemed to be the best or funniest. Imagine yourself on one of Destiny's glorious landscapes, you whip out your ghost and it sounds like this...

5. FEMALE - young, flirty, soft, sexy. Speaks broken English with a distinct Russian accent. Accent should be correct for the actual region in Khasikstahn(sp) that the Cosmodrome now occupies. [sounds like: Natasha, from Bullwinkle - Boris and Natasha. *"Keell dis Fallen Captain, than we must follow moose and squirrel."]

4. TECH - computer enhanced voice, it would need some clever dead-pan humor written into it's dialog. [sounds like: HAL from 2001, or funnier might be Stephen Hawking's robo-voice.]

3. STUPID - a bit low-on-light (dim), easily distracted and prone to incomplete instructions. [sounds like: Patrick from Spongebob, or Disney's Goofy. *"This wizard is magic... and comes from the... OH! Did you see that butterfly??"]

2. SPORTS - a classic play-by-play announcer, calling all the shots. [sounds like: Keith Jackson, Vin Scully, Joe Buck. *"...and our guardian is through 2 waves of Dregs, holding up well but running low on heavy ammo. Lookout! here comes a dropship, they are bringing in a Servitor, let's get back to the action."]

1. COMEDY - imagine that guy you know, Life is a party, Whoo-Hoo, great to go drinking with, always cheering you on. But with a sarcastic critical dark comic edge. [sounds like: Dave Attell, Dennis Leary, Louis Black - Equally as funny could be - Dave Chappell, Chris Rock, or Samuel L. Jackson. *"Man, that was awesome how you wasted that clown! This next guy is big, but I think you got him..." seconds later... "Um, you would be doin better in this fight, if you didn't have those crappy boots from that cryptarch loser."]

Cheers, JAMN

Tue, 08/18/2015 - 06:12 (Reply to #304)
hemihuman's picture
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I'd buy it! I guess we'll get customizable bot skins and abilities soon. Maybe multiple voices for Destiny 2.0?

Fri, 08/21/2015 - 07:02
DEEP_NNN's picture
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It finally happened. I reforged a better version of a copy of a gun that I had already ascended. I had been trying to get a NL Shadow with Full Auto, Explosive rounds and Firefly (headshots explode enemy). So I used my one precious Etheric light on it.

I doubt it was worth it it but it sure rains hell on crowds of Thralls. 

Fri, 08/21/2015 - 12:59
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I just noticed that Eris and her ship are missing from the Tower in the latest reveal video.

Fri, 08/21/2015 - 13:19 (Reply to #307)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I just noticed that Eris and her ship are missing from the Tower in the latest reveal video.

She's moved down to the Hall of Guardians - where Shaxx and Vanguard folks hang out.

Fri, 08/21/2015 - 16:45
OldnAchy's picture
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Special Orders has moved as well.  It is now just an automated Kiosk located near Eva Levante.  Gonna miss that sexy voice asking me if there is anything I need.

Fri, 08/21/2015 - 17:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Isn't it time for the Rag Tag Loser Patrol to try Skolas?

Sat, 08/22/2015 - 18:47
DEEP_NNN's picture
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The Lord of Wolves is now in my Inventory.

Tue, 08/25/2015 - 12:57
DarthTabasco's picture
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I've been waiting since last Friday for my Elder Cipher to be ready from Variks, so I can get on with grinding out the PoE boss kills. I'm a little annoyed at how long it's taken for this to show up. 

I'm hoping it will be ready for me when I get home from work today.

Sat, 08/29/2015 - 10:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FYI, just in case you can't find a place to post something about Destiny. I don't know what is going on in the forums.

Sat, 08/29/2015 - 11:01
Thom293's picture
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So I have been busy as hell at work. Does anyone have an understanding of what they are going to do with all of our exotics? I got the impression that all would be upgradeable, but someone mentioned that some may freeze at year one stats. Any news on armor or weapons? If some are dead, I'm going to stop using them.


nm. Found it!

Sat, 08/29/2015 - 11:12 (Reply to #314)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Not all year one Exotics will be immediately available as a year two upgrade. That's where it stands now.

I expect more year one Exotics to be upgraded to year two with subsequent DLC. I also expect the next DLC to drop in early January.

Mon, 08/31/2015 - 13:42
Minotaur's picture
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Finally found a way for my Warlock to win against Bladedancers.... Rush em with the high RoF Invective. Three shots end it. Won 3 encounters over the wknd in IB. Bladedancers are not used to opponents rushing them - throws off their timing. The enormous aim assist a Bladedancer has works against them when rushed. They can't get away from your shotgun.... ;) Just gotta shoot fast... 

Wed, 09/02/2015 - 22:21
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Another 34 PoE, another etheric light. I still have a few pieces of equipment needing the treatment.

AARP, and Canhazcheeseburger were in the fireteam.

Skolas may have to wait until I level up in TTK. I suppose PoE will stay as it is for awhile.

Thu, 09/10/2015 - 09:27
Minotaur's picture
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2.0 hit the pulse rifle Hopscotch Pilgrim pretty hard. The "impact" bar, when viewing the stats, is now about half what it was before the update. I experimented with mine (shot a wall) and found its stability took a hit as well - more bullet spread. Sad face... Thanks Bungie.

However, I looked at my Spare Change.25 late last evening, and saw that its impact and range stats appear to be unchanged. It also appears to shoot just like it always had - not as stable as the old Hopscotch, but not bad. Don't tell Bungie... The magazine was increased by 3 rounds too - from 18 to 21.

Scout rifles now shoot a little better than before. They make a very small bullet grouping when shooting a wall. Pace your shots a little, and all rounds go into almost the same hole. The downside is all scouts (and all other guns) lost the perk "field scout", meaning they have much smaller magazines. The "perk" is still in the bubble lineup, but it does nothing. For example, Fang now has a 15 round mag and VoC has 19. Thanks Bungie...

Fri, 09/11/2015 - 15:44 (Reply to #318)
Thom293's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

2.0 hit the pulse rifle Hopscotch Pilgrim pretty hard. The "impact" bar, when viewing the stats, is now about half what it was before the update. I experimented with mine (shot a wall) and found its stability took a hit as well - more bullet spread. Sad face... Thanks Bungie.

However, I looked at my Spare Change.25 late last evening, and saw that its impact and range stats appear to be unchanged. It also appears to shoot just like it always had - not as stable as the old Hopscotch, but not bad. Don't tell Bungie... The magazine was increased by 3 rounds too - from 18 to 21.

Scout rifles now shoot a little better than before. They make a very small bullet grouping when shooting a wall. Pace your shots a little, and all rounds go into almost the same hole. The downside is all scouts (and all other guns) lost the perk "field scout", meaning they have much smaller magazines. The "perk" is still in the bubble lineup, but it does nothing. For example, Fang now has a 15 round mag and VoC has 19. Thanks Bungie...


I used SR, Hopscotch, Spare Change and Echo-33 in Crucible last night.  The Spare Change still has that damn high-left angular recoil, but it hits much harder than Hopscotch now.  The Hopscotch is still far more stable though.  It probably depends on the perks you roll, but my Echo 33 (blue) has literally zero recoil (has hand-laid stock and "more stable as you cause damage" perk), but is otherwise an exact duplicate of the Hopscotch stat-wise.  I prefered the Echo 33 out of all of them last night, but Spare Change allows you to be far more sloppy in your aim because it hits so hard. Stranger's Rifle, which I have used to the exclusion of everything but TLW in pvp, has had a significant undocumented nerf I believe.  It doesnt seem to be the best Pulse Rifle any more.  I would rank them in order: Spare Change = Echo 33, Hopscotch and then Stranger's Rifle last now.  Just my opinion.

Thu, 09/10/2015 - 11:28
DarthTabasco's picture
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Patch 2.0 brought about a huge change to weapon perks. As you've noted some of our favorites have now been changed in an effort to force more cause-and-effect when selecting perks. 

Truly, this is the way perks should work instead of having perks that have no negative effects on weapon handling.

Fri, 09/11/2015 - 13:38
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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I'm kind of two minds about this whole nerf business.. It just seems weird to take stuff that works and make it not work as good on purpose.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 12:14
Minotaur's picture
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I re-rolled my Hopscotch this past Saturday, giving up the etheric light I had already spent on it. My original roll for my Hopscotch put the stability bar at about 90%. Since stability was one factor that hit the Hopscotch with 2.0, I decided to re-roll my Hop to get 100%. So I did, and got an even better overall roll. It's now as stable as it was pre 2.0 and produces a small 3-shot pattern. I tried it in the crucible - hoping for the best. Its 2.0 impact downgrade now produces 32s for critical hits, which is about the same as Bad Juju. The Spare Change still produces 38s, but isn't as stable as the Hop. I have a a good roll for stability on my Spare Change that produces just vertical in the bullet spread, but that vertical is more than that produced by the Hop - maybe 25% more vertical spread. My Spare Change has Rodeo, Smallbore and Counterbalance all in the same roll. 

We played probably 30 games over the weekend... I tried just about every gun I have trying to find something that worked. Got a few kills with the re-rolled Hop, got a few kills with the Spare Change, got a few kills with the Red Death, got a few kills with the Thorn, got a few kills with the Vex, got a few kills with the Fang... Nothing stood out. 

Bungie didn't harm the Messenger, which has stats similar to the pre-2.0 Hopscotch. Why the Hopscotch?

Primaries I got killed most by in the crucible this past weekend were the MIDA and Red Death. Scores of other guns killed me too, ranging from the gunsmith's test loaners to stuff I'd almost forgotten about. Seems lots of folks were desperately trying to find a "go-to" gun too. I'm a head shot master with a scout rifle in PvE, but a scout rifle simply doesn't work for me in the crucible. Don't know why. 

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 12:15 (Reply to #322)
Thom293's picture
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I used the pulse rifles a lot and they are all pretty similar, with the Spare Change seeming like its slightly better.


I used ARs a lot too. Low Down P seems ok. Pest Control Matrix seems pretty good. But out of all of them, I rocked out on the old Grim Citizen III. It has the same impact as Pest Control (which has the highest of purples). I went on a tear with the Grim Citizen. I think the trick with ARs now is they have to have a RANGE perk, persistence, and the Red Dot ORES sight. (NOT the other Red Dot OES). With those, you have the ability to fight midrange. Otherwise the falloff is too detrimental.


Also I didn't use them as much, but the higher ROF scout rifles seemed much better now. Might be my new favorite.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 14:01
DarthTabasco's picture
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If you have the exotic autorifle Hard Light, its updated perks give it more bouncing orbs of death AND no nerf to the range for damage falloff. This makes it pretty lethal.  

I played a few games with it and it's fun, but ARs just aren't my "thing". I keep going back to an assortment of Scouts and Pulse Rifles. I've been having fun with my 55a-Allfate that you can get from the either the Vanguard or Crucible quartermaster (can't remember which). Anyway, I rolled one with Battle Runner and Hidden Hand with almost maxed stability. These perks make it a fun gun for Rift and other assorted fast game types. 

I'm glad to see more variety in the Crucible - mainly just fewer Thorns and Last Words. I can't wait to try out the new stuff coming with TTK. 

Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I went into the Vanguard Heroic playlist and got my first trip into Undying Mind. That was the good.

The bad was, I was working on my Faction Quest and had to wear a 140 Class item. That brought me down to 240 avg. I couldn't stand in the open for 3 seconds without dying. Thank goodness the other guys were higher lvl. I still made my mark with decent weapons and did my best to stay alive while they respawned. Two wipes at different stages I think.

The moral is, being under leveled with Light is a party crasher. Maybe more so now than in Y1.. 

Sun, 09/20/2015 - 15:58
DEEP_NNN's picture
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The puzzles are proving hard to figure out and harder to execute. I found one on my own. Now I have to practice executing it until I succeed. It involves lots of running, and careful jumping on a one minute timer.

I just might have to enlist friends to make it easier. ;)

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 00:42 (Reply to #326)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

The puzzles are proving hard to figure out and harder to execute. I found one on my own. Now I have to practice executing it until I succeed. It involves lots of running, and careful jumping on a one minute timer.

I just might have to enlist friends to make it easier. ;)


You're going to have fun in the new raid.  The jumping puzzles are interesting.

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 06:22 (Reply to #327)
YEM's picture
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Where are these jumping puzzles?
Mon, 09/21/2015 - 07:00 (Reply to #328)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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YEM wrote:
Where are these jumping puzzles?
The puzzle I was referring to was using those invisible stones in the Mauseleum and it is more of a timed point A to B event. The mystery is finding out why you would do it. I completed the one I hinted at by looking at 'other' tricky geometry. The pay out was a mystery because I was so busy I never noticed it. It wasn't gear.

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:32 (Reply to #329)
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 10:46 (Reply to #330)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Blue_Stiehl wrote:

If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.


Pull your Ghost out.  That shows you the hidden platforms.

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