Forza Motorsport 6

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#1 Mon, 09/07/2015 - 04:39
Dunkelheit's picture
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Forza Motorsport 6

Hi guys,

I have been with you in Forza 3 and 4 for a long time (European player), then lost a bit the interest in joining a racing community. But now I want to go back doing races, leagues and stuff like that and I want to know if you guys are still active and if you will do competitions for Forza 6?

Is this forum still active or are we using other means for coordination and communication?



Mon, 09/07/2015 - 05:21
Snoop SLR8789's picture
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Still active here although with the range of racers that have come out and the spread of consoles were a bit quieter than usual however expect with Forza 6 there will be a number of new series and a bunch of us all coming back for some good hard racing. 

Mon, 09/07/2015 - 11:56
Fitzy's picture
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Yep I'll be back
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 12:21
derekthetree's picture
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I'll be on FM6 from the 15th, see you there.

We at DBBQ are going to run an achievement bashing session on Friday 18th at 23:00 BST if anyone is interested (or hasn't done them all by then!)

Mon, 09/07/2015 - 16:10
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Hey Dunk,

 We've been divided a bit by the GT6/Forza 5 thing, but it looks like a lot of us will be racing Forza come the 15th. This forum and the Facebook page are the only two places where we coordinate race nights, so you're in the right place.

Tue, 09/08/2015 - 02:13
Dunkelheit's picture
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Thanks a lot guys, see you on the race track then :)


Btw, I will be online from the 10th since I bought ultimate edition. So if you see me, invite me for races :)

Tue, 09/08/2015 - 11:13
Zero7159's picture
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I will be playing Forza 6 starting this Thursday at 6:01 PST, thanks to the ultimate edition purchase.  My hope is that the game turns out to be popular around here again.  The reviews are starting to pop up and they are all quite good.

Wed, 09/09/2015 - 12:54
SoulTerror's picture
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I'll be on tomorrow night. SoulTerror08 is my GT.

Fri, 09/18/2015 - 10:19 (Reply to #8)
BigDaddy01901's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

I'll be on tomorrow night. SoulTerror08 is my GT.

hit me up. BigDaddy01901


Wed, 09/09/2015 - 20:50
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Same here will be on 15th.


Wed, 09/09/2015 - 22:44
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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I will be playing some tomorrow night but not only for a few days as I have company over right now.  Again, so looking forward to getting back on the track

Fri, 09/11/2015 - 10:07
Wheels's picture
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Cancelled Order on XBoner One which was due this month and Reordered the Xbox Elite which I believe will be shipped in December...Then I will pick up the Forza 6 and be ready to do some racing.

Fri, 09/11/2015 - 19:42
oldrustybelly55's picture
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I should be on by the 22nd of this month. Waiting for the tx wheel to arrive. See ya on the tracks.

Fri, 09/18/2015 - 10:21 (Reply to #13)
BigDaddy01901's picture
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oldrustybelly55 wrote:

I should be on by the 22nd of this month. Waiting for the tx wheel to arrive. See ya on the tracks.

That would be so awesome to race with you again.


Sat, 09/12/2015 - 08:59
gizziegod's picture
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good to see some of the old names in there again

Sat, 09/12/2015 - 20:57
SarcasmoJones's picture
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The suspense is killing me...what do you guys think of the game? One of my Upload buddies isn't digging it...but he's a drifter and can't be trusted.

Sun, 09/13/2015 - 00:17 (Reply to #16)
Nightfall's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

The suspense is killing me...what do you guys think of the game? One of my Upload buddies isn't digging it...but he's a drifter and can't be trusted.

It's awesome so far, I need more time though.  Still no gifting or custom public lobbies.  Distance meter is back.  Content is back.  Hydroplaning makes for some sketchy racing.  The game literally throws credits at you.  You can import FM5 tunes.  We had a multiplayer room tonight (gizzie, captn nasties, gtFOOT, drivebye, myself, and others) and there wasn't any lag or sling shotting but on the other hand most people don't have the game yet so I doubt the servers are too stressed.  The entire lobby was getting the "robot voice" effect though so we partied up.  There are some new vehicles that will make you say "why?" and others that make you say "finally!".  Single player is a linear experience now, it seems.

Just a couple of quick bullet points.

Sun, 09/13/2015 - 08:48
Parcells2's picture
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Finally, I have Sarcasmo's ear. Sit back guys this could take a while. But I got some FM6 to play so will have to make it brief.

The game is great. It could be awesome but Turn 10 will not allow people to drive on the track (practice) before the hosts starts the race and that just irks Parcells enough to drop my personal rating of the game I don't give a shit what anyone thinks LOL. 

Keeping in mind I've played less than 3 hours (not counting demo) and half of that was on-line yesterday with Gizzie and the boys, a first for Parcells in nearly 2 years. That may not sound too appealing understanding the clientele we attract around here, if you know what I mean ha ha but it was a real treat to race with boys again,

To be more precise, in the same on-line game as the guys because I wasn't doing too much battling with the boys until they also started having difficulties as it wasn't just me struggling at times Parcells was just more consistent. I literally just finished the 3 race qualifier, chose my first career series and was heading out on my first practice lap when Gizzie sent the invite. Also didn't get around to downloading my free cars which was like 20 or so. My XOne headset was still unwrapped for christ sake, luckily that was easy to figure out and work. 

Bla bla bla having not played Forza in 2 years on a lot of tracks I've never done or haven't done in 2 years with a whole new SIM game it had little chance of being pretty but so much fun, looking forward to this afternoon's session. Last night I bought all my free cars and spent most of my half a million credits buying some Parcells favorites (Lotuses anyone?) and making sure I have some "go-to's" for each class for today's session. Unlikely I'll practice or upgrade or tune any of them today but they're cars I like so who cares. Surprisingly, no Opel cars. That saddens Parcells greatly, I want my Opel Speedster but in no way diminishes the game.

Hardly any of that matters though (except the practice mode while on-line - serenity now) because the graphics, sounds and physics are all top notch to the tune I'm pretty sure Parcells will stick to in-car view henceforth. The designers put so much work into these views and they are so much better than I've experienced on the older consoles it feels like the right thing to do. Not sure about the inability of privately hosted rooms (I think we were in a party yesterday so maybe thats it) but Parcells was in a room with a bunch of people I haven't raced with in years...seemed very private to me.

Game gets a Parcells yes 



Mon, 09/14/2015 - 06:00
Fitzy's picture
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Parcells you are certainly making up for your absence with quite a large amount of the written word. This is not a bad thing as Parcells usually has interesting things to say. I just missed you the other day as I joined Gizzie after you left. Coincidence, maybe not.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 09:57
SoulTerror's picture
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Loving the game so far. Night racing is just incredible looking. Looks almost real at times. My favorite race so far has been the "Moments in Motorsports: Unrestricted Early GT Racing" on Watkins Glen in the 1979 #6 BMW M1. So much fun! Never used this car before but I bought it right after the race though. I have not done any MP yet, just SP.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 11:23
Leviticus78's picture
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I also will be jumping back in to racing starting tomorrow night as well. I haven't played a racing game since GT on the PS2. I picked up the FM6 demo and was blown away so I ordered it. I will be looking for some fellow racers to help get rid of some major rust.

I haven't been on 2o2p in awhile but I knew there was a huge race following here.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 12:17
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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So... I still have time today to "pre-order" the ultimate version before tomorrow right?  Don't wanna rush into anything...

Or I could not and keep dealing with Gizzies incessant game invites...

I think I'll opt for plan "A".

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 13:35
Stewies_head's picture
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Hey Oldschool, your drivatart is already racing FM6! Taught him a lesson.
Mon, 09/14/2015 - 14:13 (Reply to #23)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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He's probably as rusty as I am.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 14:01
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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One issue that's been cropping up in multiplayer is the game chat cuts out sporadically.  You may only hear a few people in the lobby, they might not hear you, etc...  and it's in both public and private lobbies.  I'll keep my eyes peeled on the site but I'm betting T10 knows about this already and is working on a fix.

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 14:44
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, downloading...

Mon, 09/14/2015 - 17:11
SnappyDee's picture
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Hey Dunk, Gamertag = GENTLEMAN RACER
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 05:59
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, First impressions and my OPINION of the game after just scratching the surface ( one nights play)...
All I can say is Gizzie and Max kept me up waaaay tooo late last night and they're 5 hours AHEAD of me....
I don't know all the technicalities yet, but we played all damn night, people came and went, we had fun ( in party chat, must be something there with the lobby?) and the cars/tracks/crowd was a blast!
I think this is the one guys.
Tue, 09/15/2015 - 15:18 (Reply to #28)
Dante2411's picture
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Hello old FM folks

Good to see some old names here!

Have they changed the way you buy tunes? So have they brought back the store front? If not can you basically browse tunes?

(I know, I'm rubbish at tuning, I like to buy tunes and test them...)

I'm holding out till I find out if it's got the good stuff put back in - glad to hear the distance numbers are back.



Tue, 09/15/2015 - 16:15
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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No storefront.

I made 300k in paint downloads so far today with nary a single photo posted anywhere. all from in game downloads. They have added some data access so you can see what's downloading, what's not and how many uses, and you get paid for both now.

I'm happier than last go round. Now, Download my stuff please! And let me know if there's anything you want, any errors, etc. Times limited with classes but I aims to help out.

I will be doing paints for the Team Forza cars, all of them. DID a Nissan already, very popular.



Tue, 09/15/2015 - 16:24 (Reply to #30)
Dante2411's picture
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No SF!! Any idea how you download tunes?

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