G'day, Howzit and all that heavy metal.

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#1 Sat, 09/19/2015 - 08:39
Primexes's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/17/2015 - 23:16

G'day, Howzit and all that heavy metal.

Hey everyone at 2O2P. 

aggghhh... I haven't had to do an introductory post for a gaming community for 5 or 6 years... always pains me on what to say. 

In the beginning.... 

no, that's not it. 

In a country so down under...


So hey. I'm Primexes.. a 31 (at the time of post) guy who lives in Australia. I haven't always lived in Australia, but that's a story for another day. Been a long time gamer and part of quite a few communities here and there, I won't bother with names - played a lot of games from WoW to Battlefield 4 to Diablo to DOTA2 to just about most things, but always one thing has stood out during that time, is the communities and friends I have made along the way. 

I've fallen into the same rote as I guess most of you are in; just tired of the "kiddies" or younger toxic participants - I was part of an older gaming community for a long time, however due to circumstances "relatively" out of my control, no longer and been adrift for about 2 years. I've umm'ed and arrr'ed over getting back into something like that for a long time and have been looking for somewhere to cast my lot.

Small things you might like to know about me... PC Gamer and I play a large variety of games, some 'flavour' of the month stuff too. I'm very patient and don't mind playing with people of all levels of skill... although I do shy up a bit if I am the one dragging the team. I have strange diction (I talk funny) not because of my 'all over the place' accent.. just from being able to speak a few different languages, I just have terrible flow. Some people say it's soothing... some people think it's characteristic.. idk. I just get quite a few people ask me why I talk funny - and that's pretty much why... strange diction.   

If you need to add me on anything... a search for my my user name with probably yield results on anything; Steam, Bnet, PSN, Origin, etc etc. 

so yeah... that's me. 


Sat, 09/19/2015 - 11:48
badmin's picture
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Sat, 09/19/2015 - 15:09
shamrogue's picture
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I lived in Australia for a few years till I got caught and sent back to where most of their ancestors came from.

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 07:23
SoulTerror's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 12/13/2012 - 15:28
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You had me at Heavy Metal. Welcome to 2Old2Play.

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 09:47
Sherb's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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