Court of Oryx Quest

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#1 Mon, 09/28/2015 - 12:18
Minotaur's picture
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Court of Oryx Quest

I completed this quest completely by chance the other day. I had already finished the six tier one fights and one of the three tier 2 fights, but had not completed the toughest tier 3 fight. 

I was doing a bounty on the Dreadnaught, which took me to the Court of Oryx. A couple guys were there fighting a losing battle, so I joined in. Then I got a party invite from one of them, so I accepted. Turned out the guys met the 2o2p age requirements... Then they invited 3 more guys. The six of us then completed the final tier 3 battle - a mini Crota fight (wizards, knights, a sword bearer and a tough mini-crota knight - and lots of ads). Wasn't too bad with the six of us. Some of the guys hung around to help me complete the two tier 2 fights I needed. The following link explains the quest's tier 3 fight.

​The reward from Eris was a 300 level artifact and some materials. 

Mon, 09/28/2015 - 12:29
DarthTabasco's picture
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I need the Tier 3. I have not had any luck just hanging around trying to find people running Court. I tried Tier 3 yesterday with one other random, but it's tough with just two people. 

I'll be around tonight if people want to run some CoO. 

What Light were you guys running? The best I can do on my Warlock is 292 since I've not had an opportunity to run the new raid.

Mon, 09/28/2015 - 15:51
SoulTerror's picture
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Didn't even know this existed. Was in there yesterday with some randoms and my brother in-law summoning the guys and killing them with little effort. Sounds like I barely did anything compared to this.

Mon, 09/28/2015 - 17:13
Minotaur's picture
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My Warlock is 294, but light level can vary depending on what guns are up. As I recall, most at the quest were in the same range.

The tier 3 wizards have solar shields, someone needs solar weapons for them. I had arc all around, which worked for most things. 

I don't know how you get 6 Guardians total from someone's friend's list to the area, since this begins from a patrol. We've all gotten together for a 3v3 PvP skirmish by beginning matchmaking at the same time, then stay in the playlist for game after game. Maybe that would work here too. 

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 08:48 (Reply to #4)
Bluestar's picture
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There is a way but it requires the help of some random in the patrol.  When you load up patrol with a fireteam of 3, invite one of the randoms on the dreadnaught to a party.  Have that random invite 2 of your friends to his fireteam and the party.  Then you have 2 fireteams of 3 each for the court.  If you get 2 randoms you could have 3 fireteams, but one person would be left out of the party chat.

I've gotten lucky with a patrol and knocked out 4 or 5 tier 3s in one go with a bunch of random guys that were running around.  2 of them joined me at the court after I popped a rune for a bounty and we just kept going at it, and then a third showed up.  The fight is not too hard if your level is high enough.  I was at 295 and we took down mini-crota easily.  Just kill adds, take out swordbearer, rocket mini-crota and swing away.  He usually went down in 2-3 runs and we had no communication.  I ran hung jury, scooty wizard for adds, 300 shotgun and truth.

Wed, 09/30/2015 - 05:47 (Reply to #5)
YEM's picture
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Bluestar wrote:
If you get 2 randoms you could have 3 fireteams, but one person would be left out of the party chat.
Not anymore. Party chat can now have 12 people
Tue, 09/29/2015 - 10:26
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I love it when I get knocked way out of the area and must run back or spawn and run back. Usually just in time to miss the chest.  :(

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 13:04
Zikan's picture
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I actually completed this quest without ever fighting the 3rd tier.  My last mission was to get 10k experience on the Dreadnought without dying.  It popped for me while I was fighting Taniks for some reason.  I'm guessing it was a bug.

Tue, 09/29/2015 - 13:53 (Reply to #8)
Bluestar's picture
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Zikan wrote:

I actually completed this quest without ever fighting the 3rd tier.  My last mission was to get 10k experience on the Dreadnought without dying.  It popped for me while I was fighting Taniks for some reason.  I'm guessing it was a bug.


That's the patrol bounty you get for the dreadnaught, not sure how it drops, I've gotten it randomly a couple of times.  Yes it seems to be bugged, you can get the 10K experience when you turn in other bounties, you don't need to be on the dreadnaught to complete it.  There should be another bounty after that one that requires you to kill the ultras from a rune in the court within a certain timeframe.  I've had it twice, once it was within 2 minutes, and once within 90 seconds of being summoned.  Can't remember if they were both on Tier 2 or not.

The quest is a different Eris Morn quest where the last step is to complete the Tier 3 Court of Oryx.  You get a 300 light artifact at the end from Eris.

Wed, 09/30/2015 - 06:56
DarthTabasco's picture
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I was actually able to complete this last night. I spawned into patrol and head over to the court and there were 4 other people playing. Most I've ever seen randomly.

I join (and another random showed up too), use my antiquated rune and we know it out without too much trouble. 

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