Exotic Sword Quest

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#1 Mon, 10/05/2015 - 07:43
DarthTabasco's picture
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Exotic Sword Quest

I thought it would be helpful to make a thread for those taking on making their exotic swords.

I'll post what I know.

Once you get your sword fully upgraded and 280+ Light, Shaxx will put you on your quest to turn it into an exotic. The first part is getting 50 Major/Ultra kills AND 25 Crucible kills. 

The major kills is easy enough, either just running a few strikes or farming the 3 Hive majors in the Cosmodrome. I got my 25 Crucible kills playing Mayhem Clash since heavy drops so much faster. Also, melee kills with just the hilt (no heavy ammo) count, but it takes two "swipes" and it's slower than a normal melee. Basically I just ran around with my sword equipped trying for melee kills and picked up heavy when it was available and took me about an hour (had to learn some of the new maps too).

After you get your kills, you have to visit the Dreadnaught and kill this special knight. The trick to getting in the room where he is, you have to kill the three guard knights all together in about 5 seconds and the door will open. Once inside you'll find the target and he can only be killed with your sword.

After that you return to Shaxx and the grind is about to get REAL! Depending on the element you chose - Void, Solar or Arc - you'll be sent off to collect 10 rare materials AND get about 500 ability kills. 

The rare materials ONLY drop from the material "nodes" and not chests. Basically you run around collecting relic iron (void sword for me, the others are different) and the rare materials drop after about every 10 of the regular material. This is where you'll want a ghost that can help locate materials - especially for relic iron since it's hard to easily see. I have one of each ghost for collecting mats - really helps out.

I would just slowly cruise areas and wait for the ghost to find mats, clear the area of mats and then move on to a new area. You can stay in the same area, but I just found stuff may respawn faster if you leave and come back. I had a pretty decent loop on Mars, but this still took a LONG time, all told I farmed close to 170 materials just to get the rare materials I needed. 

During your farming, you should also be working on getting your ability kills. Ability kills are kills with your grenade, charged melee and super. I used my Bad Juju and Obsidian mind to help keep the Nova Bombs raining, but still you'll need to get about 500 ability kills.

I was about 70% done with my ability kills by the time I had finished my rare material collections. To finish it off, I went to Siege of the Warmind and just farmed the thralls that ran down the steps. 

After this stuff, now you'll have to wait for Armsday and the quest will progress after speaking with Shaxx. This is as far as I've progressed.

The final part is a special 300 Light Sunless Cell strike. The final room will spawn 3 knights with either a Void, Solar or Arc shield. To finish your sword, for example Void, you'll have to kill the void Knight and then the Boss within a certain time. I think it's 30 seconds, but I'm not 100% sure. 

Then the quest is complete and you'll turn it in for a 310 Exotic sword. You will also get to keep your Legendary sword.

I have my Void sword ready for Armsday. I may try and get either my Arc or Solar ready too for this week.

Anybody finished this quest yet? Any additions or stuff I missed? 

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 10:53
DEEP_NNN's picture
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After reading that info, I may give up my current attempt. lol

Tue, 10/06/2015 - 12:10 (Reply to #2)
Zikan's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

After reading that info, I may give up my current attempt. lol

I was thinking the same.  I've almost got the resources/XP for one sword and I'm on that step with another, but so much more still to go ...

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 11:19
DarthTabasco's picture
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I love the swords, so I'll get them all done eventually. I'm thinking the other mats will be easier to collect. 

Also, after I finished killing the special Knight. I turned in for the next part and the material/ability kills farming popped for all three of my swords. I had them all on my Warlock, but only got the first parts done with one sword. This means I won't have to do the 50 majors/25 crucible kills for the other two.

I do still have to farm the materials, but it won't be for relic iron. I'm thinking the others are spinmetal and spirit bloom, but I don't remember. 

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 12:39
Minotaur's picture
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You know they'll nerf it once a certain number of ppl begin using it in the crucible.... (i.e. Thorn)

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 12:59
YEM's picture
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A tip for the 25 crucible kills. Go in rumble. Got my kills in 2 games. There are a bunch of people running around with the hilt beating on each other

Tue, 10/06/2015 - 07:39
SoulTerror's picture
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Just picked it up last night. This whole timer thing is going to be BS!

Tue, 10/06/2015 - 08:53
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'll be finishing up my solar sword tonight, so I'll have all three ready for Armsday tomorrow.

Message me if you want to try this out.

Wed, 10/07/2015 - 13:39
YEM's picture
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Whoever at bungie that came up with all these timed things needs a punch in the face. Killed my warden and went for the boss...... but of course he teleports and I couldn't find/ kill him in the 30 seconds
Sun, 10/11/2015 - 22:29
DEEP_NNN's picture
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If you only have a Titan and chose the Void Sword ... just go shoot yourself. It'll be a favour.

I finally finished the ability kills but what a friggin pain!

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 06:37 (Reply to #10)
hemihuman's picture
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Yep, that's me too. Titan with void sword. I've still got nearly 50% of my ability kills to go. Tried farming Siege of the Warmind, but that was ridiculously painful....grenade recharge too slow, thralls killing my grenades before they went off. I think I'm just going to back-burner this quest, and hope to get the ability kills over time without focusing on that. It might happen. I've been raiding every week with the titan, and he's always specced defender for the raids.

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 17:21
DEEP_NNN's picture
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BTW, Defender Titan with Skullfort has a melee glitch. I could never get the earned 2 melees. Even though two were showing, both would disappear after one melee. This issue compounded the Void ability kill problem.

The double solar melee works perfectly.

Thu, 10/15/2015 - 16:47
Double T's picture
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You guys are aware that you can "glitch" a portion of each quest to one toon right?   Reddit has a bunch of helpful hints to this :)

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 15:35
Minotaur's picture
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I put all three swords on one character weeks ago - as soon as the other two characters got them. I ranked them all up to 290+ on that one character too. Then I only got one sword quest.... so I thought I might have screwed up. Moving the swords back to the other chars didn't help. But, good news is coming....

I finished the 25 crucible kills a few days ago, and was then instructed to visit Shaxx. I did... He gave me 3 quest completions - yes 3 - collect mats and get void/solar/arc ability kills. I did that for all three, then Shaxx gave me the next gunsmith quest step for all 3 swords. We'll see what happens on Wednesday! 

Looking like the end result is that I only needed to complete the 25 crucible kills once....

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 15:48
SoulTerror's picture
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Waiting for Armsday and then onto the last step. Not looking forward to the stupid 30 second timer.

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 16:37
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Tried helping Kenjamin with his Arc Sword quest. Three of us concentrated on the one quest. Accidentally killed his Knight and never noticed. Shit.

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 16:52 (Reply to #16)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Tried helping Kenjamin with his Arc Sword quest. Three of us concentrated on the one quest. Accidentally killed his Knight and never noticed. Shit.


LBSUTKE did that twice to another member.  Accidentally killed his knight before he was ready.

Mon, 10/26/2015 - 19:32
OldnAchy's picture
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I now have all 3 quests at the collect materials and kill level.  Started out on the moon today and got kills up to 10% and materials (helium) to one!  I must have collected 25 heliums to get that one.  Gonna be a long quest, and with that other game coming out...

Tue, 10/27/2015 - 07:20
DarthTabasco's picture
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I've collected my exotic Void and Arc swords, but still need to do the Solar sword. If folks need help or want to go for the solar sword, please let me know.

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 08:27
BKVic's picture
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I can't even get my 25 kills in the crucible. Every time I manage to get heavy ammo I get shot in the back and trying to club someone without ammo doesn't seem to be working either....I just suck and pvp...
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 11:35 (Reply to #20)
DarthTabasco's picture
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BKVic wrote:
I can't even get my 25 kills in the crucible. Every time I manage to get heavy ammo I get shot in the back and trying to club someone without ammo doesn't seem to be working either....I just suck and pvp...

I got mine done in the mayhem FFA playlist (whatever it's called where you have high recharge for super). Heavy ammo drops more frequent in this playlist which also helps.

Basically I just ran around like a tool trying to get melee kills with the hilt and picked up heavy when it popped. I got it done in two games running around trying only for melee kills. 

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 10:08
OldnAchy's picture
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We need to set up a fireteam and cheese this for you.  We go into rumble, set you up in an unused corner of the map and the other two come to you.  You don't need ammo to get the kills.  Two melees to the head will do it.  Just rinse and repeat this.  Got mine in two games with a couple of pals helping.

Thu, 10/29/2015 - 08:39 (Reply to #22)
BKVic's picture
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I like this!
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 11:44
Minotaur's picture
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I got a crucible sword kill now and then after the games had ended... I just kept running toward the opposing team with the sword/hilt and got a kill after the game ended, but before you're frozen in place. Those kills didn't count in the game stats, but they did for the quest.

Also.... use the shield function of the sword (left trigger) to run up on an occupied control point or random opponent. Works pretty well. 

Wed, 10/28/2015 - 12:14
SoulTerror's picture
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Yep, Random and just run around whole match with the sword hilt. Takes 2 hits to take a full enemy down.

Thu, 10/29/2015 - 08:25
BLAMnation's picture
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I don't remember if this has been posted, but if you are trying for kills with the hilt, jump before the first melee and then do the second one as soon as you land. Shortens the time between melees and increases your success rate of kills. Practice on your own to get the timing down and it works well.

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