New Platform
Sat, 10/10/2015 - 14:39
New Platform
Hey Guys
We've just recently moved the site to a new platform/host. Let me know how the speeds are for you all with page loading. Our hope is that things are a bit snappier. There may still be some DNS issues where the site reports its offline or down. Generally these things will resolve themselves in a few days. Thanks!
Pages are loading in half the time. Nice change. Two thumbs up.
Much faster!
That's great news. We set up a new caching system and I'm also seeing about a double increase in speed. Thanks for the feed back all.
Much faster -- windows 10/firefox.
Doesn't feel like dial up anymore!
Much, much improved.
Great news!
definitely faster...the forum speed that is, not how long it took Parcells to respond.
Mr. Doodi Sir. FYI...On 9/24/2015 I got my latest "SUP Parcells" automated email from 202play titled "2old2play subscription digest". This was the last correctly formatted email (I could read it all the ones since are coming in as HTML code) I've received from the admin email account until recently.
I never received another SUP Parcells email until this past Saturday (all of them HTML format) and have received 7 of them since. All of them reference Knight's good morning thread for whatever reason I can't figure out any pattern to the timing either as it definitely doesn't match up to the number of responses to Knight's thread unless there;s some sorta timer control in place for automated emails?
What's more puzzling is as classic as Knight's thread has become I've never subscribed to any thread ever in my life and hopefully never do so the reference to Knight's thread is odd.
This information is disseminated for your support purposes only as it has zero negative effect on my the moment.
Ive noticed the issue with emails and im looking for a fix. Thank you kind sir for your efforts
I've not received hardly any of these html emails until the last couple days, now I'm getting 4 or 5 a day it seems.
Speed is much better now.
Is it possible to get a text color button as an option in the bar above? ^^^ Looks like there's room for about three more buttons?
What's up with the forums? My last post column shows "Fri, 07/21/2017 - 22:21" for every post in Off Topic.
Seriously "Badministration" up in here...
A ton of posts where moved from old dead forums into off topic is all. When they were moved the dates got updated
Off Topic - Where old dead forum post go to get buried.
Pretty much yes