Games Roll Call! - What are you playin'?

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#1 Tue, 09/22/2015 - 09:46
Primexes's picture
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Games Roll Call! - What are you playin'?

Hey guys

Putting the feelers out there for the PC games... what game or games are you playing right now? (or 3... max) 

There is a lot on the shelf, hopefully by putting up your list, we can get all interested parties together for some good old fun. 

also... does anyone know if we have some comms channel (mumble, vent..etc) I can't seem to find any updated details.  At the moment, I am playing a bit of Diablo, Heroes of the Storm and Shadows of Mordor on Steam. (Also been playing a tiny tiny tiny bit of Starve Together Beta, and Ark Survival) I have a massive Steam library.. (400+) so I am sure I'll can jump into some fo the games you guys are playing. Also have GW2... although haven't played for a while, I updated and looked at it a few days ago... I have no idea what i am doing 0_0!.  So who is playing what? Or interested in playing some games.. make a suggestion. 



Tue, 09/22/2015 - 11:36
Sherb's picture
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I tend to bounce around a bit.  Guild Wars 2, iRacing, & rFactor regularly.  Borderlands2 is a current sidetrack (still working on getting through the story line for the first time).


I'm going to be shutting down my WoW account for now (haven't touched it in a couple months), and will probably revisit Wildstar a bit once it goes "free".  I need to get back to Diablo 3 and get my crusader leveled up for this season.

Tue, 09/22/2015 - 11:52
Sherb's picture
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I know we had a Mumble channel.  I don't know if it's still active or not.  It's been forever since I've tried logging in.  Doodi would know (if he trolls this sub-forum), otherwise I can try to see if I can still log into it sometime this week.

Wed, 09/23/2015 - 08:50
Primexes's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/17/2015 - 23:16

Thanks Sherb. I have seen a few mumble details about.... but nothing with a time stamp for this year. 

You got Borderlands 2 on Steam? I don;t think I've made it too far in the story line... maybe 3/4 

Like I said for GW 2... just returned to it... and i have no idea what i am doing at all. lol

Wed, 09/23/2015 - 09:16
Sherb's picture
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Yeah I had stepped away from GW2 for a few months (post-legendary burnout & busy w/ RL)...and during that time they had their huge UI overhaul.  When I logged back in a couple months ago I was scratching my head trying to figure out what the hell I was doing again (of course it's a stretch to say I ever "really" knew what I was doing laugh).  Send me a FR (Sherb.3602) if you want someone to run with, at least for PvE stuff.  I'm still on Fort Aspenwood for the WvW stuff.  I'm usually on in the evenings mid-week at least long enough to get my daily achievement loot (between 7 & 9:30pm PDT), then off & on throughout the day Friday-Sunday.  I'm in a couple guilds, 1 larger one that is great for completing guild events & stuff (but it's not the same place it was when I joined), and a member of a much smaller but closer knit group (these are the ones I typically run with).  Both fo the guilds use comms, one uses TS the other uses Dolby Axiom.

And yeah, BL2 is on Steam (helios16v if I recall correctly).  I've got a Siren @ lvl4 & a Mechro @ lvl 21.  The Mechro I've been running with a couple guys from the GW2 guild.

Wed, 09/23/2015 - 09:20
Sherb's picture
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Oh yeah, and I just picked up EVE Online to check out for a couple months.  Glutton for punishment.

Sat, 09/26/2015 - 06:20
Primexes's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Sounds good... i'll look to add soon as i can. 

Eve ey? yeah... it's a whole other ball game. If you need direction, probably the best thing to hook up with is a bunch of dudes called BRAVE. They are on reddit and they help and train people. Good bunch. 

Wed, 09/30/2015 - 10:05
Sherb's picture
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Just fired up Wildstar again for the first time in a while.  What a laggy mess even 24 hours'd think it was a brand new launch.  I'll probably try again in a couple days, or when I hear from a couple friends that things have improved.

But for now I need to get ready for a big race this weekend.

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 09:21
Snoop SLR8789's picture
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Hi new here on the PC side usually around the 2 old 4 forza threads 

Just recently given up on Star Trek Online and Knights of the Republic Online.

BUT! I have started playing a little more PC and currently flipping between SIMCITY, Space engineers and Euro truck 2

Play a few of the olides once in a while like theme hospital and evil genius

I played a little bit of EVE a very long time ago and it was not the most intuitive to say the least but may give it another go if theres a few of us knocking around.

Wed, 10/07/2015 - 07:23
Primexes's picture
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just when you think you have all your ducks in a row, life comes along for a bit... sorry i went a bit dark for the last two weeks. it's car registration time as well as we are gearing up at work for a new manager. 

I haven't tried Wildstar yet... might look into that as soon as someone can clarify it has improved. 

What's going on with the steam group? that would be an easier way to keep up with what everyone is playing...etc. 

Tue, 11/24/2015 - 08:54 (Reply to #10)
unsub073's picture
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Primexes wrote:

just when you think you have all your ducks in a row, life comes along for a bit... sorry i went a bit dark for the last two weeks. it's car registration time as well as we are gearing up at work for a new manager. 

I haven't tried Wildstar yet... might look into that as soon as someone can clarify it has improved. 

What's going on with the steam group? that would be an easier way to keep up with what everyone is playing...etc. 


There is one set up.  It's invite only.


Been playing BL2 and Dirt.

Wed, 10/07/2015 - 09:54
Sherb's picture
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Wildstar is getting better.  I haven't had any issues on the second PvE server (login que or lag).  The first one I still have a que to get into and can run into skill lag (and sometimes not).

I don't know much about the Steam group to be honest, as I haven't delved into it yet.  Hell, I really haven't delved much into Steam's whole program.  I've really only used the friend's list and the library to launch the games.  laugh

Wed, 10/21/2015 - 07:10
Primexes's picture
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Joined: 09/17/2015 - 23:16

my girlfriend just got us NETFLIX... and by "just got us" I mean we've had it for a month...OMG what has she done!! Besides playing the odd bit of Shadows of Mordor, some Borderlands 2 and Batman: Arkham City... i have been consumed by NETFLIX. :'(  trying to get back to playing more, but my list has about 14 TV shows on it and at least 20 movies I want to watch... holy moving pictures, Batman! 



Wed, 10/21/2015 - 09:15
Sherb's picture
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I've been mostly consumed with rFactor, iRacing & GW2 when I have the time (usually get in an hour or 2 a night)...and a little side of Wildstar.  Lately I've been trying to paint some iRacing cars in GIMP (think free version of photoshop).

I'm still a noob at it, so I'm just using existing template schemes, add the colors I want, and apply "decals".

Tue, 10/27/2015 - 09:46
shamrogue's picture
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Playing Mad Max at the moment, Want to get it finished 100% before Battlefront drops but don`t think I will. Ah well, can always come back to it when the servers are down or some other disaster happens at launch. 

Other than that just playing a little Speedrunners, cause I like quirky games like that to chill to. 

Tue, 10/27/2015 - 12:18
Sherb's picture
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I was amazed at the launch of the Guild Wars 2 expansion (Heart of Thorns) this past Friday.  I pre-loaded/installed the expansion patch 30 minutes prior to going live.  They flipped the switch at 00:00.....and I got right in.  Minimal lag.  Minimal broken stuff.  Sure there were various updates over the course of the first couple days.....but no game breaking things like overloaded servers & being unable to load in.

It's probably been the first online based game that I've played that didn't have huge playability issues right out of the gate.

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