Halo 5 Mega-Thread

Halo 5 Mega-Thread
It’s that time again, as Halo 5 is only 30 days away from launch. Down below you will find an assortment of info. If you come across something that hasn’t been posted, feel free to add to this thread. Also, some information may change in the event 343/Microsoft issues a statement that’s contradicting to what I posted. I’ll do my best to make note in later posts.
Halo 5 Guardians
Release Date: October 27th
Size: 46.19GB Source - http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-has-gone-gold
Standard Physical or Digital: $59.99 (physical copy contains 14-day Xbox Live Gold trial)
Limited Edition: $99.99
- Limited Edition disk
- Steelbook Case
- 14-day Xbox Live Gold trial
- Warzone REQ Bundle
- Halo: The Fall of Reach animated series
- Spartan Locke’s classified orders
- Dossiers on Blue Team & Fireteam Osiris
- Metal Guardian model
- Limited Edition Packaging
Digital Deluxe Edition: $89.99
- Halo 5 digital download
- REQ Bundle
- Halo: The Fall of Reach animated series
Limited Collector’s Edition: $249.99
- Everything in the Limited Edition
- Statue of Master Chief and Agent Locke
- Can opt for either digital download code or disc of Halo 5
Fireteam Osiris Opening:
Blue Team Opening:
Some Campaign Info:
- Play as both Chief and Locke
- Co-op campaign will utilize servers
- If you’re playing co-op, whoever started/hosted the party, will play as Chief/Locke. The remaining players will get to choose from the three other members of Chief’s/Locke’s team.
- 13 skulls
- http://i.imgur.com/vCnOivi.jpg
- Blue team’s perks http://imgur.com/a/5553o
- Link to a thread linking a bunch of campaign footage released on 9/23. Majority of them are the same levels/areas. MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!! https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/3m0qlh/campaign_footage_923_rules_and_discussion
- I noticed in one vid that sticking hunters straight on may not work like in previous Halos.
- http://i.imgur.com/0qUNr78.gifv
- Interesting analysis detailing Halo 5’s dynamic resolution to maintain 60fps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOrsTigBMx4&feature=youtu.be
That’s all I have right now for campaign info. I know I’m missing a bunch, so feel free to add!
Some Multiplayer Info:
- Link to a Reddit thread linking numerous Youtube vids of Arena and Breakout released 9/25. I personally recommend RUL’s channel. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/3mattk/arena_footage_925_rules_and_discussion_megathread]
- 175 helmets
- 218 emblems
- 175 armor variants
- 28 weapon skins
- 17 assassinations
- 14 stances
- 53 visor colors/variants
- http://i.imgur.com/5wrH7ds.png
- Vid of one of the new assassinations
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgaFuYib534&feature=youtu.be
- Assassinations can be disabled if you simply want the quicker assassination melee of old
- Spartan chatter can also be disabled if you find it annoying
- Reduced medal count from beta
- In the multiplayer videos above, the bottom left corner details the actions of you and your teammates. If you kill an enemy player, your name will appear in yellow with an arrow marker. If you assist in a kill, an arrow marker will appear next to your teammate’s name. This is important as the assist medal was removed.
- Big Team Battle will not be available at launch. 343 has hinted BTB will be available anywhere from 2-6 weeks after.
- Spectator mode allows you to watch friends play in real time (minus delays from lag)
- Over 20 maps at launch and another 15 maps post launch
- Video detailing the REQ system for arena and warone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2&v=eN_tD5y6k6s
- Custom Games menu http://i.imgur.com/XivExsR.png
- Matchmaking and Custom games will utilize servers. No P2P in Halo 5
- Flag juggling has returned
- You can ‘spot’ the enemy flag carrier as they no longer have a waypoint marker over their head like in Halo 4. In order to spot them, you have to be looking at them (reticules on player) and deal some damage to the carrier.
- The Scattershot seems like it got a range buff and a spread decrease. The reticule is very tight and makes it almost a short-medium range scattergun.
That’s all I feel like posting for now. Have to get back to watching some football. Again, feel free to add anything I missed!
Not sure how to get youtube vids to show instead of just the link. I'll fix it later if possible.
I'm hopeful that the changes they made to make it more competitive will help retain the population months after launch. Halo 5 definitely will have its hands full to compete with Battlefront, Fallout 4, Tomb Raider, COD, etc. We shall see. I guess it's a good thing that Destiny disappointed me so it's not another game I will have to juggle between the above this winter. Anyway, here's some footage of Warzone on the map Raid on Apex 7. Looks like a great map. The first 2 vids are from Ready Up Live (RUL) who does a decent job showcasing all the various weapons with their variants. The third video is from IGN. They do a decent job explaining Warzone, the REQ system, and stuff (even if they bungled the plasma caster by calling it the 'plasma rocket launcher'). Gameplay isn't that great from IGN, but I thought it's a decent vid if you're confused by Warzone, REQ, etc.
RUL Vids
IGN Video
If you desire more vids, here's the link to a Reddit thread showcasing the above, plus others.
If you ordered the Limited Collector's Edition and prefer the disc over the digital version of the game, here's the link to the disc exchange instructions.
Also, not necessarily just Halo related, but here's a vid looking at the Elite Controller and the button re-mapping you can do. Just wish it wasn't $150. Oh well, I'll still probably buy it.
Forge info:
When the original Forge mode was released back in 2007, who could have known the impact it would have on Halo? More than just a map editor, Forge allowed players to collaborate with one another and create brand-new, unique experiences in a multiplayer session. For the first time, friends could test a map live while it was being built. This empowered creativity, allowed for rapid iteration and led to the discovery of all sorts of happy accidents. Best of all, building in Forge could be as fun as playing the game. Halo players embraced this new tool, letting their imaginations run wild. Since then, some of the most fun and creative ideas in Halo have come directly from the community, via Forge.
For Halo 5: Guardians, we knew we wanted to take a giant leap forward with Forge. The creativity of the Forge community knows no bounds and our goal was to give them more power and control than ever before. We wanted to remove as many constraints as possible so they can create high quality maps that rival the ones that we are shipping with the game.
Last month, we brought a group of five Community Cartographers (Forgers) to the studio to spend time with the Forge team and get hands-on with the new tools. Over the course of a week, each cartographer worked on a new map. It was amazing to see how much they were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. Throughout their visit, the cartographers provided feedback and feature requests that were then turned around in nightly updates from the Forge team. We had a camera crew on site to document this week-long collaboration and we’ll be sharing that footage in the near future. In it, you’ll see many of the new Forge features in action. For a small preview of what’s to come, check out the below video.
The new Forge mode will release in December, just in time for the holiday break. From there, we’ll be running Forge as an ongoing (free) service for Halo 5, taking feedback from the community and delivering new features and content on an ongoing basis. Halo 5’s Forge is the biggest evolution of the feature since the original was released with Halo 3. Check out an overview of some of the new Forge features and capabilities from Tom French, our lead designer on the mode:
TOM FRENCH, DESIGN LEADWhen we began working on Halo 5 a little over three years ago, we had the opportunity to take a step back and consider the future of Forge mode. This would be the first Halo game built from the ground up for Xbox One, and with it we wanted to deliver tools that would empower a new generation of Forgers. As we developed our vision, we challenged ourselves to think big, for Halo 5 and the future beyond. We compiled our ideas, scoured the internet for community wish lists, and stirred it all together. Rather than just tack a handful of new features on top of what’s already there, it was important to examine every nook and cranny to make sure even the foundations for building with Forge were up to snuff.
Building with Forge was a slow and methodical process, and we felt that was the first thing we needed to fix. We wanted to streamline building so users could build faster, build prettier, and build MORE, MORE, MORE! We took philosophical cues from professional level editing tools to redesign our core systems to make them more powerful while maintaining fluid controller-based editing. It was important for us to rip out arbitrary restrictions in order to unshackle map builders, empowering more creativity with every piece placed, enabling imagination to run rampant, and find ideas that we never even expected.
We’ve been using Forge internally A TON; battle testing it while we build new maps to push on the new feature set. Along the way we’ve made Forge fans out of people who weren’t fans before. Simply put, while still maintaining the core identity, the new Forge really feels a lot like a new tool that will improve the way maps are built with it.
CONTROLLER BASED EDITING 2.0Before we began delving deep into implementation of feature list, we knew our first revision needed to be to updating the core controls of Forge so every system had a solid foundation we could extend from. This was arguably one of the most important foundational shifts we needed to make, so we had to get it right.
In the beginning, my engineering partner Ben and I met and drew on whiteboards to work through ideas and break down changes. Ben would then head back to his desk and soon we’d have a new iteration up and running to try. We ended up experimenting with probably a dozen different methods but none of them felt right to us. Everything we tried wasn’t fluid enough for us because we were trying to cram things into the previous control schemes. After taking a step back and taking a weekend to soak on it we came back and put the new ideas up on the board. A few days later Ben had new controls hooked up that finally worked.
Grouping a collection of objects together to essentially make them behave like a single object is a brand-new feature, and one of the most powerful in the Halo 5 Forge suite. Built an awesome base on one half of a map that you want to put on the other side? Group it, dupe it, stamp it down, and maybe place another one for good measure.
That’s just a small sample of what Groups bring to Forge! We have bunch of functionality planned for them that will be discussing in the future that makes them an even more useful tool in user generated content.
OBJECT PALETTESEvery object in Forge is new. This doesn’t mean your past Forge favorites aren’t returning, it just means they’ve been rebuilt and brought up to meet the standards of the Xbox One.
Arbitrary dollar values for objects are a thing of the past. The new system separates the cost of an object across multiple different budgets that are tied to the real engine metrics (we don’t use dollars internally). This really enables Forgers to maximize what can be placed into a level to get the most out of the map.
Our lighting system has received a major overhaul. By default the improved lighting techniques will make your maps just look better right out of the box. Additionally our lighting artist Kevin and graphics programmer Adam worked closely together to create additional lighting features to help you make your maps look better than ever.
While you can Forge on any Arena/Breakout map, we’ve built three additional large maps custom tailored to maximize Forge-ability.
Alpine – A beautiful terrain with rolling hills sandwiched between a cliff side wall and lake front to rip a Warthog down. It has that classic Halo world look that feels like a chunk of the Pacific Northwest was transposed somewhere on a distant planet. We even left some space out in the water for building over which is fun. If you played our Halo 5 MP Beta, you would likely recognize this map from both Orion and Pegasus because they were built on top of it in different locations.
Glacier – A large snow and ice covered landscape with giant ravine cut down the middle. It’s pretty breathtaking to look at! So much that while it was up on someone’s screen today and Sparth randomly walked by it stopped him dead in his tracks so he could backup and say, “Wow! That looks amazing!” We agree.
“Space” (name TBD) – Space has no terrain because, well, it’s space. It’s a big empty map with nothing nailed down but the boundary markers at the edges of the map which go away at game time. It’s pretty much as blank of a map as possible so the sky (or space) is really the limit.
Each of these maps has three different lighting themes that change the mood of the map. The themes changes general level lighting, background skybox, and other various effects; several of which are tunable in the map settings.
COLORSThe new Forge loves color. Colors add a lot of personalization to levels so we built most of the Forge pieces to really maximize their color customization options on them.
There’s almost nothing that hasn’t been touched in this new Forge. In fact, I can’t think of anything we haven’t touched in some way shape or form to improve it in at least some way. Here’s a little list of some of the stand out revisions.
Our little team is crazy obsessed with making this Forge the best it can be. We often agonize over the thousands of details that generally the player will not even notice because it just feels like it should. This list doesn’t cover everything, but it should at least give you at least a solid understanding of where we’re headed. While there’s a ton of new features to digest, I say “headed” because we have long term goals to achieve with Forge and this is just the start of things to come.
Forge looks ridiculous.
I can't wait to see what the community can create with forge.
Also, some info regarding spectator mode from Josh Holmes:
You can spectate your friends in matchmaking or customs, in Arena or Warzone. It's a live Theater save film that streams directly from the server, with all of the Theater controls & camera options (1st person, 3rd person, Free cam). You can rewind, fast forward, adjust playback speed, etc. Player outines can be toggled on or off (as they can in Theater now).
There is theoretically no limit to the number of clients that can spectate on any given session, so long as you are friends with one of the players. The is a delay of 15-30 seconds from the live gameplay because the server is writing out the save film as it simulates the session, streaming it out to attached clients which are then replaying the film from there. This delay is configurable to make it longer, but we figure that 15-30 seconds is sufficient to address concerns RE: cheating.
We'll keep augmenting spectator mode over time based on feedback from casters & TOs. Just getting it to work as a streamed save film in the cloud without any impact to server perf was a big engineering effort.
Looks like the Halo 5 Forge will be everything that a forger could want. We'll have the ability to make our maps almost exactly the way we envision them. Even down to environmental details like wind, fog color and density, and map lighting. That's great. I've complained about some of these things before. I've found that the fog on forge maps like Awash and Skyward can be annoying, and I usually don't want any fog on my maps. Also, the lighting on H2A forge maps has been the worst yet. You can't build indoor maps because of how dark it gets indoors, and the light objects they have available look terrible. So, it appears that these concerns of mine will become a thing of the past. I just wish that we didn't have to wait until December. I guess we'll be stuck with playing only on the 343-built maps for several weeks. So, I won't be able to forge for a while but I do find myself writing down some ideas for maps when I get them.
A few things. Here's the official launch gameplay trailer:
Halo 5 will total 55gb of space. 46gb on install and a 9gb day 1 patch.
Launch playlists have been revealed:
copypasta from halo subreddit
A weekly playlist that features a mode voted on by the community via Halo Waypoint/Channel.
The weekend social playlist will features modes selected by the community, and offer bonus XP and REQ Points. Additionally, the most popular modes have the potential for becoming their own playlist.
Forge looks awesome, I preordered so looking forward to quasi normal play. :)
I almost had a heart attack when I saw forge, I got too excited.
Great thread! The req system looks pretty good to me. The achievements for multiplayer are weak. I'll have all those in a week or less.
Whew! What a week. Sorry for the delay as I’ve been rather busy, but lots of info incoming!
First, 343 talks about skill rating and how it works. It contains all the rankings (bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, onyx, & champion, and all the levels). Good read if you’re interested.
Second, another blog post from 343 going into more details about the rankings, commendations, and medals. This post is quite longer as it lists all commendations and medals you can earn in the game.
Third, you can begin customizing your spartan online (although you're limited due to the game having yet to be released).
Finally, clans (or Spartan Companies) are back! Feel free to start one for 2o2p if you wish.
That’s if for now.
http://experience-halo-5-guardians.xbox.com/experience.html Go here and watch the 10 short videos to get a free Halo 5 in game gift. Also if you don't have the Halo Channel already, get it and watch it to get a free req pack.
I completely uninstalled Destiny, it's all Halo for at least a month or two.
Well maybe you could try hell as well.
It wasn't available at 12 midnight Atlantic. Steel yourself for a 9GB update. Mine was going well until it hit 84%.
The 12 midnight was eastern time based as I learned from Chaos, so the Maritime's got the short end of the stick with a 1am start time. I'd complain to the new PM!
Just finished the achievements, time for pure matchmaking goodness
I played a few games of FFA last night. MM worked fine...kind of a relief after the buggy mess MCC was.
As for gameplay, I'm reserving judgment until I get in some team based games. The FFA's were fun. The game mechanics felt good and were enjoyable (and challenging). I also liked the smaller map sizes and felt like there was a good balance of being able to safely spawn and find some action without looking too hard.
Overall I think this game is a huge improvement over H4 and has some upside. At this point I don't think it has the ceiling of H3, but it's a very solid Halo release.
Total update time was about 30 minutes for me. Same %. Zipped right out to over 80% and ground to a slow crawl.
I wish there were more playlists for matchmaking. No flag, oddball, assault, grifball, infection, race, snipers, normal big team, king of the hill... But at least it works!
First multiplayer impressions from FFA (which I hate) is that H5 is the best Halo game since H3, but there's a learning curve on the movement front and the H3 maps were a lot better.
Fired up my digitally downloaded H5 some time after 11pm Central. No additional download needed. Played one session of Slayer and one of Warzone. Both loaded quickly with no noticeable in-game lag, and I could hear and communicate with other players (not 100% sure about the latter, since it was pretty chaotic). Dedicated servers appear to be doing their job.