If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.
Pull your Ghost out. That shows you the hidden platforms.
Yes it does. But with a one minute timer, you don't have time to stop and pull your ghost out. With help, I had under 10 seconds to spare. My teammate had less than 5.
If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.
Pull your Ghost out. That shows you the hidden platforms.
Yes it does. But with a one minute timer, you don't have time to stop and pull your ghost out. With help, I had under 10 seconds to spare. My teammate had less than 5.
It was the "stink". Found it by myself too.
Alternate geometry route leaves you with lots of time and is a solo method. :)
If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.
Pull your Ghost out. That shows you the hidden platforms.
Yes it does. But with a one minute timer, you don't have time to stop and pull your ghost out. With help, I had under 10 seconds to spare. My teammate had less than 5.
Move faster and pull your Ghost out.
In addition to that, move up your agility, equip the Mida and/or the Boots of Eao if you have them for your Hunter. Some friends to sit on the invisible platforms helps too.
If this is the one where you have to get the stink on, then have a minute to get across a chasm with invisible platforms; friends help. Have them stand on the hidden platforms so you can see the jumps.
Yes it does. But with a one minute timer, you don't have time to stop and pull your ghost out. With help, I had under 10 seconds to spare. My teammate had less than 5.
Move faster and pull your Ghost out.
In addition to that, move up your agility, equip the Mida and/or the Boots of Eao if you have them for your Hunter. Some friends to sit on the invisible platforms helps too.
Was wondering as well. I have been using stealth mode because I have started recording again. I probably need to start showing online soon, because I am getting to the point where one definitely needs a team to get thru stuff. Even the VOG story is almost impossible alone. So frustrating. Get almost all the way thru the last wave, die, and start over. Drove me nuts.
With the possible impending knee surgery I expect my real world activities to decrease and gaming activities to increase in the near term so I should be on a LOT.
Seems Bungie is pretty liberal in handing out the formerly exclusive year-one Playstation exotic guns. I got a Hawkmoon (hand cannon) the first day, a Monte Carlo (high RoF AR) the second and the 4th Horseman (automatic high RoF shotgun) on Saturday.
The Hawk I got is at year one attack level. The others are year two. The Hawk is pretty sweet, but I wouldn't have traded my only The Last Word, Thorn or Fatebringer for one. The Monte is just another high rate of fire low impact auto rifle - decent, but... I took the unleveled 4th Horseman into the crucible as soon as I got it. Then just as quickly swapped it for my year one Invective. Need to level it up and learn how to use it.
Daughter ranked up her Titan to 297 and went into a raid. They made it to the Oryx fight. Seems Bungie is stingy with raid drops, though she got a chest piece for her Titan and an exotic sniper. Some in the team just got worm spores and similar materials. I didn't go with.... Not till I can ride some coat-tails. Jump puzzles galore, I'm told.
I've been looking at every single pulse rifle (green, blue and legendary) I come across. The only "high impact" pulse rifle I've gotten so far is the rare "Temporal MSm". http://db.destinytracker.com/items/2024569241 I have just one more bubble to fill in its workup - a big stability perk. It shoots pretty well now, though not quite as good as a Spare Change. I'll see what happens after the stability perk becomes availability.
I received two of Dead Orbit's "Hung Jury SR4" scout rifles as drops. I like them a lot. Another Scout I like a lot is the fast firing "Suros SCO-43", a rare. Looks space-age and sounds cool. Mine is at 263, so it is useful for most quests and missions.
My favorite most fun new gun though is a rare "Izdubar-D" at 254 attack, a high rate-of-fire auto rifle. http://db.destinytracker.com/items/2887763142 It's controllably stable enough for some serious fire hosing at close to almost mid-range targets. I've used it to burn down strike and mission bosses (< 41s+). Mag holds lots of ammo and reloads really fast, so you can put a lot of continuous fire on hot targets. I intend to try it in the crucible too, on the more confined maps.
Bungie stated in one of their Weekly Updates that the weekly Nightfall buff was going away in TTK. To accommodate for this, XP gains have been adjusted.
Also, some Strikes now have specific gear that only drops from that strike. I don't think every strike has a weapon or armor piece, but some do.
So doing some patrol's on Earth last night and one is to kill a target, get into the room pop my super to destroy everything but it was to late, he was ??. WTH are their patrol missions that cannot be performed at all levels. I'm level 32. Lucily I have a level 40 guy with me who went and extracted revenge on him for me. Similar thing happened to me when I had to go into the VoG for the HOW missions, there was a high level Proterian on my way up. He was just high enough that I could see his level but basically couldn't hurt him. Had to run past him.
There are now Level 40 targets. Reminds of last year when I was in dread of running into ?? enemies. Those early patrols could be pretty difficult when I was under level 20.
What's up with Destiny reporting that I'm using a trial version, and that I've progressed as far as I can without buying the game? I checked XBL's "Games & Apps", and it says TTK is installed. Can see no option to re-install - unless I delete it....
What's up with Destiny reporting that I'm using a trial version, and that I've progressed as far as I can without buying the game? I checked XBL's "Games & Apps", and it says TTK is installed. Can see no option to re-install - unless I delete it....
Wonder if a hard reset will help. If not, reporting this in the Bungie forums or tweeting @Bungie maybe? Worst that has happened to me is that I lost use of my pre-order emblem for a few days then suddenly got it back.
One other thought, are you running the preview dashboard? There were reported problems with Destiny via that dashboard but were supposedly fixed but may still be having some problems. I am in the preview program but did not opt in for the dashboard.
Wonder if a hard reset will help. If not, reporting this in the Bungie forums or tweeting @Bungie maybe? Worst that has happened to me is that I lost use of my pre-order emblem for a few days then suddenly got it back.
One other thought, are you running the preview dashboard? There were reported problems with Destiny via that dashboard but were supposedly fixed but may still be having some problems. I am in the preview program but did not opt in for the dashboard.
Thanks... I heard it was a "partner services" reporting problem - that seems to have self-corrected.
You'll need real money if you want the new dace emotes.
I'm have limited luck in getting the masks I need to finish the quests. I still need the Crota, Tiger and Atheon masks. Meanwhile, I've received 4 Cryptarch masks.
Compounding that, those damn Runestones that indicate which plate to get on. Nice people who give help say, watch for the order the stones to glow. Okay, simple enough. Myself and others don't see a dang thing! Watching videos later, I find out it's the backside that glows and someone should jump up to the right of the Warpriest to eyeball them.
Was just going to suggest that. I was that one on our raid team last night. We named them left, middle, and right. The problem is that when I was up on the platform the left pillar was to my right and the right pillar was more or less in front of me, so before I got the hang of it the dialoque went something like this -- "right...sh*t, no left" then wipe. Probably better to name the pillars something else. A couple of weeks ago we called them first floor for middle, second floor for right, and third floor for left. Might be a better way to do it Lol!
Consider trying "upper, middle, lower" or "top, middle, right".
As you've already figured out its a matter of everyone getting used to a set of names that don't depend on your orientation in the room.
The team I was with named the Warpriest plates 1, 2 & 3 (as you enter the room, left is #1, center is #2 and the right #3). A couple of the more experienced players kept track of what to do when. I just shot stuff where they said to do it from and when.
Seems quite a few use the Touch of Malice exotic scout on the raid for any shooting that involves shooting from inside an aura. It has a bottomless clip and you don't suffer damage from the gun when you're inside an aura. It's a tough to get gun, but definitely worth it.
The team I was with named the Warpriest plates 1, 2 & 3 (as you enter the room, left is #1, center is #2 and the right #3). A couple of the more experienced players kept track of what to do when. I just shot stuff where they said to do it from and when.
Seems quite a few use the Touch of Malice exotic scout on the raid for any shooting that involves shooting from inside an aura. It has a bottomless clip and you don't suffer damage from the gun when you're inside an aura. It's a tough to get gun, but definitely worth it.
ToM is perfect for killing the Sisters and Oryx from inside an aura. Haven't seen it used anywhere else in the raid very much. If you can remember to stop shooting and reload before you get to the last round, it's a fine scout rifle (not the best but good) in other situations.
Also, if your fireteam has a Titan bubble with Blessings on it you can dip in and out of the bubble and take advantage of the bottomless clip without killing yourself.
Yes it does. But with a one minute timer, you don't have time to stop and pull your ghost out. With help, I had under 10 seconds to spare. My teammate had less than 5.
Alternate geometry route leaves you with lots of time and is a solo method. :)
Move faster and pull your Ghost out.
In addition to that, move up your agility, equip the Mida and/or the Boots of Eao if you have them for your Hunter. Some friends to sit on the invisible platforms helps too.
I think we are now on the same page.
DEEP, I haven't seen you playing lately and I played a TON over the weekend. You must be hiding from me.
Friends list has been pretty wonky, especially recently.
Also, life ...
Was wondering as well. I have been using stealth mode because I have started recording again. I probably need to start showing online soon, because I am getting to the point where one definitely needs a team to get thru stuff. Even the VOG story is almost impossible alone. So frustrating. Get almost all the way thru the last wave, die, and start over. Drove me nuts.
With the possible impending knee surgery I expect my real world activities to decrease and gaming activities to increase in the near term so I should be on a LOT.
Some thoughts...
Seems Bungie is pretty liberal in handing out the formerly exclusive year-one Playstation exotic guns. I got a Hawkmoon (hand cannon) the first day, a Monte Carlo (high RoF AR) the second and the 4th Horseman (automatic high RoF shotgun) on Saturday.
The Hawk I got is at year one attack level. The others are year two. The Hawk is pretty sweet, but I wouldn't have traded my only The Last Word, Thorn or Fatebringer for one. The Monte is just another high rate of fire low impact auto rifle - decent, but... I took the unleveled 4th Horseman into the crucible as soon as I got it. Then just as quickly swapped it for my year one Invective. Need to level it up and learn how to use it.
Daughter ranked up her Titan to 297 and went into a raid. They made it to the Oryx fight. Seems Bungie is stingy with raid drops, though she got a chest piece for her Titan and an exotic sniper. Some in the team just got worm spores and similar materials. I didn't go with.... Not till I can ride some coat-tails. Jump puzzles galore, I'm told.
I've been looking at every single pulse rifle (green, blue and legendary) I come across. The only "high impact" pulse rifle I've gotten so far is the rare "Temporal MSm". http://db.destinytracker.com/items/2024569241 I have just one more bubble to fill in its workup - a big stability perk. It shoots pretty well now, though not quite as good as a Spare Change. I'll see what happens after the stability perk becomes availability.
I received two of Dead Orbit's "Hung Jury SR4" scout rifles as drops. I like them a lot. Another Scout I like a lot is the fast firing "Suros SCO-43", a rare. Looks space-age and sounds cool. Mine is at 263, so it is useful for most quests and missions.
My favorite most fun new gun though is a rare "Izdubar-D" at 254 attack, a high rate-of-fire auto rifle. http://db.destinytracker.com/items/2887763142 It's controllably stable enough for some serious fire hosing at close to almost mid-range targets. I've used it to burn down strike and mission bosses (< 41s+). Mag holds lots of ammo and reloads really fast, so you can put a lot of continuous fire on hot targets. I intend to try it in the crucible too, on the more confined maps.
Got a "Darkblade" Titan helmet on a strike with my Warlock. This one looks like a Hive Knight head. Looks cool. Thought it was a raid drop till I got it in a 36 strike. http://db.destinytracker.com/items/3848584870-darkblade-helm
Did the Nightfall with one character. No more blue flame helmet...or experience buff. :(
Bungie stated in one of their Weekly Updates that the weekly Nightfall buff was going away in TTK. To accommodate for this, XP gains have been adjusted.
Also, some Strikes now have specific gear that only drops from that strike. I don't think every strike has a weapon or armor piece, but some do.
So doing some patrol's on Earth last night and one is to kill a target, get into the room pop my super to destroy everything but it was to late, he was ??. WTH are their patrol missions that cannot be performed at all levels. I'm level 32. Lucily I have a level 40 guy with me who went and extracted revenge on him for me. Similar thing happened to me when I had to go into the VoG for the HOW missions, there was a high level Proterian on my way up. He was just high enough that I could see his level but basically couldn't hurt him. Had to run past him.
There are now Level 40 targets. Reminds of last year when I was in dread of running into ?? enemies. Those early patrols could be pretty difficult when I was under level 20.
It's GUN DAY at the Gunsmith.
Don't forget your Test weapons.
Don't forget to order your new weapons. Check them out in the b.net Armory before choosing. Or buy them all and shard them next week.
I'm looking ot run VoG tonight on Xbox One. 9 PM EST. GT= SoulTerror08
I'm can come out of the closet now.
My Titan has a full set of FWC armour including the exotic class item, space ship and a few weapons.
Pretty. :)
The ZHALO SUPERCELL is proving to be quite good at suppressing groups with that chain-lightning effect.
Its okay. I'm not very impressed with it, though. The arc doesn't happen enough for it to be super useful.
What's up with Destiny reporting that I'm using a trial version, and that I've progressed as far as I can without buying the game? I checked XBL's "Games & Apps", and it says TTK is installed. Can see no option to re-install - unless I delete it....
Hard reset is supposed to clear this.
Wonder if a hard reset will help. If not, reporting this in the Bungie forums or tweeting @Bungie maybe? Worst that has happened to me is that I lost use of my pre-order emblem for a few days then suddenly got it back.
One other thought, are you running the preview dashboard? There were reported problems with Destiny via that dashboard but were supposedly fixed but may still be having some problems. I am in the preview program but did not opt in for the dashboard.
Thanks... I heard it was a "partner services" reporting problem - that seems to have self-corrected.
Happy Halloween at the Tower.
Bring real money too.
You don't need real money at all. Just time and the willingness to grind.
You'll need real money if you want the new dace emotes.
I'm have limited luck in getting the masks I need to finish the quests. I still need the Crota, Tiger and Atheon masks. Meanwhile, I've received 4 Cryptarch masks.
Warpriest, is a bastard.
Compounding that, those damn Runestones that indicate which plate to get on. Nice people who give help say, watch for the order the stones to glow. Okay, simple enough. Myself and others don't see a dang thing! Watching videos later, I find out it's the backside that glows and someone should jump up to the right of the Warpriest to eyeball them.
Was just going to suggest that. I was that one on our raid team last night. We named them left, middle, and right. The problem is that when I was up on the platform the left pillar was to my right and the right pillar was more or less in front of me, so before I got the hang of it the dialoque went something like this -- "right...sh*t, no left" then wipe. Probably better to name the pillars something else. A couple of weeks ago we called them first floor for middle, second floor for right, and third floor for left. Might be a better way to do it Lol!
Just admit it you don't know your left from right Achy :p
The team I was with named the Warpriest plates 1, 2 & 3 (as you enter the room, left is #1, center is #2 and the right #3). A couple of the more experienced players kept track of what to do when. I just shot stuff where they said to do it from and when.
Seems quite a few use the Touch of Malice exotic scout on the raid for any shooting that involves shooting from inside an aura. It has a bottomless clip and you don't suffer damage from the gun when you're inside an aura. It's a tough to get gun, but definitely worth it.
ToM is perfect for killing the Sisters and Oryx from inside an aura. Haven't seen it used anywhere else in the raid very much. If you can remember to stop shooting and reload before you get to the last round, it's a fine scout rifle (not the best but good) in other situations.
Also, if your fireteam has a Titan bubble with Blessings on it you can dip in and out of the bubble and take advantage of the bottomless clip without killing yourself.