King's Fall Raid, Fri, Nov 27
Fri, 11/20/2015 - 23:12
King's Fall Raid, Fri, Nov 27
Sign up here for the King's Fall (normal) raid on Friday, Nov 27 at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. To participate, you should have a light level of 280 or better and a good sniper rifle (the 1000 Yard Stare from the vanguard vendor works very well). If you are one of the first five posters, we will be counting on you next Friday. If you need to change plans, we understand, but post here again as soon as possible so we can find a replacement. If there are already five participants, please consider signing up as an alternate. Stuff happens, even at the last minute. That goes double for this Friday, since it is Black Friday!
YEs please.
Ok, at the moment, looks like the Black Friday raid is a go. Any additional interested folk who might be available, please sign up as well! Would not be surprising if we need to do some last minute substitution on a holiday weekend.
Backup #1. Not sure if I'll be online around that time but I should be home and can hop on if necessary. If anything just send me a msg and I'll see it via Smartglass. Good luck guys!
Thank you, ver7tigo and BigBobbyBean for stepping forward as alternates! Makes me much more confident we will fill out a team tomorrow (Friday)! And Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today!
Also thanks to Vertigo for jumping in yesterday and helping a bunch of us from all over with the raid. We almost brought the big ugly down. I now have a much better idea of the end game and can't wait for tomorrow night.
Anytime, Achy! Just shoot me another invite if you guys plan on visiting Oryx again over the weekend and have an open slot on your fireteam.
BKVic, SoulTerror, Hammerdrake, OldnAchy, bryjoe and myself ran the raid last night. We had a pretty smooth run all the way to the Sisters, but small mistakes kept us from sealing the deal. I enjoyed the trip nonetheless, and I hope you guys did too. It was bryjoe's first time through the raid. Nice job, bryjoe!
Thanks again for all the support! Raid was pretty intense, but the group of guys that I was playing with made everything a little easier. . After the raid, I logged onto Youtube to do research on the Daughters stage. . I realized what I was doing wrong - but I am ready to atone for my mistakes! See you guys soon..