King's Fall Raid, Fri, Dec 11
Fri, 12/04/2015 - 23:40
King's Fall Raid, Fri, Dec 11
Sign up here for the King's Fall (normal) raid on Friday, Dec 11 at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific. We usually run for about three hours more or less. To participate, you should have a light level above 290 (we have been typically getting to the Sisters or Oryx these days, and my guess is that you want to be in the 290s to be reasonably comfortable in those demanding fights) and a good sniper rifle (the 1000 Yard Stare from the vanguard vendor works very well). If you are one of the first five posters, we will be counting on you next Friday. If you need to change plans, we understand, but post here again as soon as possible so we can find a replacement. If there are already five participants, please consider signing up as an alternate. Stuff happens, even at the last minute.
I'm out for 9, but can be a later alternate. I should be on by 10:30.
Still one slot open for Friday!
I assume we will want to do the Golgoroth Challenge. The challenge involves every party member holding gaze. Auto or pulse rifles and machine guns are recommended for shooting the gaze blobs.
Ok, we have a full group, but with one person tentative. If anyone else is interested, please consider signing up as an alternate!
See you guys online tonight! Get ready to shoot a few gaze blobs!
Hopefully we can get the Golgy challenge completed. I'm mainly interested in the calcified fragment so I can finally get my Touch of Malice!
Finally got mine last week. Check out just put in your gamertag and it will tell you what ones you have/don't have and guides on how to get them.
Ghost hunters shows the ones collected per gamertag, not per character. Wonder if Touch of Malice quest works the same way.
No, it doesn't. You need all of the required number of fragments on the character running the quest.
I only need one more fragment to move the quest along, so I need it from one of the challenge modes in the raid or a CoO boss.
To see how many fragments you have on a particular character, open up the dreadnought on the mission selection screen. A fraction X/50 is displayed somewhere there.
It's very irritating that if the onlike fragment trackers show that you have claimed 45 or more fragments on your gamertag, but each character is below 45, there is no efficient way to figure out which fragments a given character is missing.
I knew about this problem in advance, so I chose to pick up fragments only on my Titan. Or so I thought. Sure enough, when the fragment tracker showed 45 on my gamertag, my Titan was only at 44. Somehow I had accidentally picked up a fragment on some other character. Since it was only one though, it wasn't hard to just pick up a fresh one to bump the Titan to 45. I feel bad for people that have to figure out the one they missed by searching for them again, fragment by fragment.
I only have 1 character so no problem for me :p
Sorry guys I won't be able to make it online tonight due to a family emergency. Apologies for the last-minute notice.
Hope it's nothing too serious, ver7igo!
BKVic, OldnAchy, SoulTerror, DarthTabasco, BLAMnation, Hammerdrake, and myself did the Golgoroth Challenge today. It took many runs, several of which ended with Golgoroth at a mere sliver of life, but the old people finally triumphed. Great persistence, guys! Special thanks to BLAMnation and Hammerdrake, who stepped in to help at the last minute.
Exhausting but fun last night. Can't wait to see what the challenge is next week![wink wink](
Good games everybody. We seemed determined to do the challenge and there was much rejoicing when he finally dropped.
Also, props to Soul Terror for helping me get the Touch of Malice afterward!
No problem, that was the easy part. As for the challenge, holy shit, what 2-3 hours trying to complete it?
Yeah, sounds about right. But perhaps we were a little unlucky. After the first two or three tries, we were already in the ballpark. But little mistakes added up to fails time after time. That's the way a lot of the raid feels to me. Everyone needs to have a good run at the same time to finish, so sometimes many repetitions are required.Good thing each repetition is pretty fun!
Well, if anything, we got a lot of practice on Golgy, so running a normal strat should be cake this week.
Not to change the subject (much) -- but there is a calcified fragment somewhere around Golgy, in the passage ways before we get there? After realizing I had only 14 fragments with my Titan (and catching some grief for that), I went thru a major fragment hunt and got the count up to 42 -- so close. The Golgy fragment is one I don't have (don't have the Argonaught one either but hope to get that today). There should be at least one more available in the next raid challenge, and there are still several tier 3 challenges out there for me. Like I said, so close.
Oh, btw, I agree that we should drop Golgy quite fast this Friday!!
When entering Golgoroth's Cellar, head straight forward and turn left at the first possible occasion. Follow the hallway and turn left again when possible, and find this calcified fragment hiding in the stones. It is at the third plate on the map.
I'm up to 46 after we completed the challenge Friday night.
Thanks to Deep and Agent I got to 45 last night but would still like to get that fragment. Still need to finish the raid to get that last drop for the Touch of Malice and do whatever else that needs to be done.
So I was told last night that we only needed to do challenge for 1 wave on him, not ever wave until he was dead.....................
For the Golgoroth challenge, you have to have everyone hold the gaze without losing it during each damage phase and repeat until he is dead, or else you don't get the challenge completion rewards even if you kill him and get the normal drops. I can attest to this - saw it in action on a couple of tries last week.