It's Black Spindle day!
Mon, 11/02/2015 - 13:54
It's Black Spindle day!
Today's daily chapter is Lost to Light, which has the secret side mission that drops the Black Spindle exotic sniper rifle (Black Hammer 2.0).
Here's a strategy guide:
Good luck, Guardians!
How about that! I lucked in to find this alternate mission. I didn't have a clue on what to do but gave it a go solo. It wasn't too hard until I got to the Walker room, where I ran out of time. Later three of us made it to the final boss but missed by 'that' much.
Some of the doors open before all Taken enemies are dead so I'm doubting it's required to kill all ads along the way.
Tried it, could not finish the last room. Had a 305, 301, and 287 for light level's. Almost had the boss down, but still had to clear out the adds. That room is just crazy!
Yeah we were really close. Probably should run all Titans so we can all drop bubbles and stay alive. I was running with Deep and Crab yesterday, but as a Hunter. I died a lot.
It's tough....We tried it about 5 times last eve. Killed the boss once, but not all the ads. Ads and difficulty appear to be scaled to the number of players.
Ran as a 300 arc Warlock. Used a 297-304 No Time or Nirwens's pulse rifle for a primary, a 305 1000 yard solar sniper (tried an Invective too), and a 297 solar machine gun for a heavy. Tried a solar exotic sword, but I died nearly every run after clearing a bunch of the ads. I also died nearly every time while Stormcaller arc-clearing the ads.
Need to rethink subclass/armor/primary to... 1- Begin health regen when picking up an orb. 2- Increased resistance to incoming solar. 3- Use Hung Jury scout, which sometimes regens health when killing ads or use the raid scout rifle for the increased damage to Taken. Or, just git gud scrub....
Having done this many times until successful, I'd say the best strategy is first kill all blights (make sure you get the one in back and on the far ledge when those pop), then one person clears adds with hammers or stormtrance while the other two pound the boss (best is dome with weapons of light and get on either side of him swords) until new blights appear then go back to step 1. Once more captains/heavy cabal start showing up, you may want to target them before going after little adds and boss (kind of step 1a). If you get to the room around 6 minutes, you should have the boss dead around 1 minute left to clear the last few adds. Again, watch those blights at the end, because adds can keep coming until those are gone.
I've done this a couple of times and talked a couple of other groups through it. The strat that works for most folks is to treat this fight just like SKOLAS. Clear adds, then DPS the boss. When adds respawn, retreat to the safe room and do it again. 3 times and you are done.
Best classes are the ones that generate orbs (nightstalker for hunter) and that kill adds the fastest (stormcaller and sunbreaker). The best way to run is to vary your weapons so that each member of the group (or everyone individually) can kill each type of shielded enemy. the Zhalo Supercell is my goto on this mission because of the lightning on enemies and the arc damage on some of the bigger enemies.
Blights and scions are top priority because they will increase the number of enemies. In a perfect world the supers and some light clean up are all that are necessary to finish the adds. Staying alive is key due to the respawn timer and the loss of orbs if you die.
It might take a couple of tries to get everyone coordinated, but the best teams will divide the room and get comfortable with their area, so you can finish everything off.
Ditto on the zhalo. Chain lightning from the zhalo really helps clear the psions and the arc shield taken cabal. And a solar sword for knight shields. We got it cleared with 20 seconds left on the clock. Well, I cleared it. Bubba and Taxi were in respawn at the time.
Looks like we have another shot at the Black Spindle today...
Lost to Light is the Daily today. Another chance to earn that Spindle.
I still need this. Should be around 4pm looking for a fireteam.
Achy, Crab and I came really close.
Interesting side note. On our second attempt, the special mission door was closed, so instead we finished the normal story mission but Achy and Crab didn't get their Legendary marks (I got mine in a solo mission). Third attempt had the door open again. All three attempts were essentially the same.
It dawned on me that the Red Death should work well for the Spindle mission. I got a 310 RD drop the other day, and it didn't take long to consider that the RD's health regen for each kill would be a benefit on this mission. So, I'll keep the 310 RD for a while to see if it pans out.
No worries. Perfectly willing to help people run this mission, but honestly, this is probably the hardest activity in Destiny for me. Needed lots of help to get my spindle, and we pulled it off with no time left on the clock.
Sorry I had to bail last night Hammer. I was literally powering off my Xbox when you sent that message.
The Black Spindle mission is probably the toughest challenge in the game. There are different schools of thought on how to handle that final room, but it's just a nasty mission.
Yeah. After the last time this mission came up and the frustrating runs, I decided to sit this one out.
Tried it one night and got my ass kicked. Would be down for trying it again since I'm higher level now. I think last time I wasn't even in the 300's yet.
Maybe next time around...
Tried unsuccessfully a few times this go-round with fireteams of 2 and 3 guardians.
There is a very noticeable difference in the number of adds and the damage they deal when there are three people in the fireteam vs two.
A good team of two with some patience and willingness to work together to get tactics right should be able to complete this.
Hopefully the next time it'll all come together.
Yep I remember you telling me this, my son agreed with this strategy, a lot less adds to kill. I still have to get mine.
I agree with Blam - Got my Spindle with a fireteam of 2 and a lot of determination. Def less adds compared to running with a fireteam of 3. I'm willing to help others with the quest if necessary. Just shoot me a pm if you see me online the next time the daily comes around.
The flat-out easiest way to deal with that final room is everyone is to clear blights and adds, then DPS boss. Once blights/adds spawn again, everyone clear the room and go back to DPS boss.
The blight/adds spawn based on boss health - like the Skolas fight - so putting too much damage without clearing the room will fill the room up fast with adds.
After three or four add spawns, they stop, then you'll be free to finish off the boss without worry.
We tried. Didn't get to the last room fast enough, and just couldn't get the adds and blights cleared before someone got killed.
Yeah, you need probably a solid 6 minutes to clear the final room, so clearing the other areas quickly is very important.
Finally got the Spindle this time. We ran 3 Titans, 2 were hammers and I with a blind weapons bubble. For heavies, I ran a Raze-Lighter exotic sword and the other two ran Dragon's Breath. The entire room was on fire the whole time. The boss went down with 38 seconds on the clock and just moments after all of the ads were killed. Surprised me. We'd failed a bunch in the weeks before. So much fire....
I also used a raid scout and 310 solar snipe for the boss. Another used a 310 Red Death till the last room, then scout and sniper. I used the sword on the majors if they got too close, and had planned to use it for ad clearing at the end.
It's Spindle day again...
You and me? Or are you looking for a pro to help? (I'm 301 Warlock)