Saved up 4 exotic engrams. Decoded all of them them in one session (I am +300). 3 came out 310
and were subsequently infused to existing equipment. Not bad, though it took a few days and a lot of 3oC to farm those exotics.
I saw that. Doing bounties hardly moved the needle and the daily heroic only got me up to about 50%. Didn't have enough time to grind it out. Maybe today...
Normally for the 10k bounty without dying, I just do around 3/4 other bounties then go on patrol somewhere. Turn them all in at that time and you got 10k xp. If you do it in orbit or tower the xp doesn't count towards the bounty. As my girls would say, easy peasy lemonade squeazy.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Has anyone else noticed a change in network performance in the crucible?
Since the most recent update, I am seeing more lag and almost never any shot registration (hits don't produce damage numbers). All this produces some pretty discouraging games with few kills and lotsa deaths.
I suspect Bungie changed the host selection process and a decline in player numbers may be forcing a draw from a larger geographical region. This may not impact those with screaming network speeds, but those on the margins in net performance can't play anymore. After nearly 17K kills in the crucible, this is new for me.
After a week of Forging in Halo I still managed to kick some butt in Iron Banner last night. I could never do that in Halo. Why is that? It's a mystery to me.
After a week of Forging in Halo I still managed to kick some butt in Iron Banner last night. I could never do that in Halo. Why is that? It's a mystery to me.
Ran NF last night and got a 266 chest piece and 272 sidearm for my efforts. Come on Bungie those are ridiculously low level rewards for a supposedly tough mission -- especially Saber. NF should have rewards consistent with the level of difficulty. Year 1 NF certainly did. End of rant.
Finally got my exotic arc sword last night. I just queued up with a group right above the pit and we all needed the same sword. Got it on the first run.
Finally got my exotic arc sword last night. I just queued up with a group right above the pit and we all needed the same sword. Got it on the first run.
My wife and I still need solar and arc versions. So if you want to run it just hit me up in game. Even if it's the void you need, I don't mind keep running it. I actually enjoy the strike.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Finally got my exotic arc sword last night. I just queued up with a group right above the pit and we all needed the same sword. Got it on the first run.
I've been waiting on this for months. Nada.
Same, just jumped in queue and bam in a server with 2 other guys about to start boss fight. Now that damn grind again....
Anybody with strong Rift experience have any strategy/tactics advice for older, average players trying to survive this round of Iron Banner? Played two hours of Iron Banner Rift last night, mostly with 2old2Play members, and it was a slaughter fest. This is the first time in a long time that I've gone multiple games past the 5 medallion cap with zero wins.
I've read that matchmaking will be re-set today with connection speed taking priority. Hope that makes a positive difference.
Connection quality won't make a lot of difference. Some games could blow out in either direction. Might make the difference in cashing in loser coins though.
Yeah I had a few matches that were pretty rough. It really depends on whether the other team is playing like a team vs yours playing like solo Rambos. You can usually figure out early if that going to happen. If its a slaughter fest I usually just get my kills for bounty and hope for a mercy for next one.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
I'm terrible at PVP but i must have had a lot of sherpas yesterday because I won more than I lost, filled most of the bounties and made it to level 4. Is there a big advantage to getting level 5?
At Rank 5 you get an Iron Banner gear 310-320. Easiest way to get 5 honestly is grab the dailies and weeklies and try to finish during the week. Don't turn in until sun/mon as that's the highest rep boost.
If you want to do with multiple characters the second/third gets even a bigger boost if they have a lower rank than your highest.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
I'm pretty lousy at PvP as well. Tuesday to Sunday, I selected any available IB bounty for my Titan, but only played my Hunter. Reached Level 5 with the Hunter Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening I ran my Titan with a friend on XBox 360. Ranked up to level 4 on the Titan in about 90 minutes of gameplay, all due to all those daily bounties and a few wins. Actually had some close games on the 360, including winning in a photo finish with a triple-down hammer super. Best gear I got was a couple 313 ghosts. I still prefer Control and Clash for IB, but Rift was quite the roller coaster ride. Hope to have time to play and reach Titan 5 tonight.
The Daily was not paying out today. As far as I know, it still isn't.
Bungie is aware.
Screw those Shield Bros Nightfall.
I read that shotguns right in front of the ground pounder work. Can't melee you there, I guess.
Saved up 4 exotic engrams. Decoded all of them them in one session (I am +300). 3 came out 310 and were subsequently infused to existing equipment. Not bad, though it took a few days and a lot of 3oC to farm those exotics.
Anybody notice the 10,000 pt without dying bounty was very difficult? Points were accruing at a very low rate.
I saw that. Doing bounties hardly moved the needle and the daily heroic only got me up to about 50%. Didn't have enough time to grind it out. Maybe today...
Normally for the 10k bounty without dying, I just do around 3/4 other bounties then go on patrol somewhere. Turn them all in at that time and you got 10k xp. If you do it in orbit or tower the xp doesn't count towards the bounty. As my girls would say, easy peasy lemonade squeazy.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Has anyone else noticed a change in network performance in the crucible?
Since the most recent update, I am seeing more lag and almost never any shot registration (hits don't produce damage numbers). All this produces some pretty discouraging games with few kills and lotsa deaths.
I suspect Bungie changed the host selection process and a decline in player numbers may be forcing a draw from a larger geographical region. This may not impact those with screaming network speeds, but those on the margins in net performance can't play anymore. After nearly 17K kills in the crucible, this is new for me.
I use a max rate AR and was owning in Crucible the other day. It surprised me.
I haven't noticed any differences in network performance during crucible. Occasionally see a red bar participant but not any more than usual.
I have a 20 MB connection, not the fastest but better than the 1.5 MB I had before switching to Fios a couple of years ago.
After a week of Forging in Halo I still managed to kick some butt in Iron Banner last night. I could never do that in Halo. Why is that? It's a mystery to me.
Ran NF last night and got a 266 chest piece and 272 sidearm for my efforts. Come on Bungie those are ridiculously low level rewards for a supposedly tough mission -- especially Saber. NF should have rewards consistent with the level of difficulty. Year 1 NF certainly did. End of rant.
Tips on soloing this week's Nightfall - Fallen SABRE:
He actually spent a little longer on the Nightfall than I did ... we both got the same loot, though.
Finally got my exotic arc sword last night. I just queued up with a group right above the pit and we all needed the same sword. Got it on the first run.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Same, just jumped in queue and bam in a server with 2 other guys about to start boss fight. Now that damn grind again....
With the Raze Lighter you can wade through the three Flayers in this week's solar Nightfall pretty easily with just a single heavy ammo synth.
Just got the materials for it last night, at about 70% for solar kills.
Anybody with strong Rift experience have any strategy/tactics advice for older, average players trying to survive this round of Iron Banner? Played two hours of Iron Banner Rift last night, mostly with 2old2Play members, and it was a slaughter fest. This is the first time in a long time that I've gone multiple games past the 5 medallion cap with zero wins.
I've read that matchmaking will be re-set today with connection speed taking priority. Hope that makes a positive difference.
Duke, last night was pretty difficult.
Connection quality won't make a lot of difference. Some games could blow out in either direction. Might make the difference in cashing in loser coins though.
Yeah I had a few matches that were pretty rough. It really depends on whether the other team is playing like a team vs yours playing like solo Rambos. You can usually figure out early if that going to happen. If its a slaughter fest I usually just get my kills for bounty and hope for a mercy for next one.
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Never won a game in Iron Banner yesterday. The bounties did not progress nor did my level. Last chance today.
I'm terrible at PVP but i must have had a lot of sherpas yesterday because I won more than I lost, filled most of the bounties and made it to level 4. Is there a big advantage to getting level 5?
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
FYI, I got 313 gauntlet at level 5.
crap i have to do some more tonight.Anyone know the cuttoff?
I'm pretty lousy at PvP as well. Tuesday to Sunday, I selected any available IB bounty for my Titan, but only played my Hunter. Reached Level 5 with the Hunter Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening I ran my Titan with a friend on XBox 360. Ranked up to level 4 on the Titan in about 90 minutes of gameplay, all due to all those daily bounties and a few wins. Actually had some close games on the 360, including winning in a photo finish with a triple-down hammer super. Best gear I got was a couple 313 ghosts. I still prefer Control and Clash for IB, but Rift was quite the roller coaster ride. Hope to have time to play and reach Titan 5 tonight.