Help Wanted: Crucible Boosting

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#1 Sun, 01/03/2016 - 19:42
Hammerdrake's picture
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Help Wanted: Crucible Boosting

I haven't touched Crucible and don't really have any interest to do so. I don't have time to play the modes and games I want to as it is.  However, I have two exotic weapon quests that require Crucible kills.

Call me which ever name you'd like, but I sure would appreciate it if anyone is willing to help me out.  I understand you can get into a "Rumble" match and pretty easily and quickly kill each other?  I'd be more than happy to return the favor.

I need 25 swords kills (I think) and 7 headshot kills in one game.


Mon, 01/04/2016 - 10:24
BLAMnation's picture
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It seems the max fireteam size for Rumble and Mayhem Rumble has been lowered to 1, so you won't be able to get those kills this way.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 11:06 (Reply to #2)
Hammerdrake's picture
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BLAMnation wrote:

It seems the max fireteam size for Rumble and Mayhem Rumble has been lowered to 1, so you won't be able to get those kills this way.


Hmmm, well there goes that plan. 

Any other suggestions?  If I just go in to get those quests complete, is there a preferred mode?  Gameplay advice?  I have a warlock with all three sub classes maxed.

Mon, 01/11/2016 - 13:26 (Reply to #3)
Minotaur's picture
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BLAMnation wrote:

It seems the max fireteam size for Rumble and Mayhem Rumble has been lowered to 1, so you won't be able to get those kills this way.

The legacy rumble playlist still allows a fireteam of 1-3. 

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 11:34
SoulTerror's picture
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For the sword kills, you do not have to pick up the heavy. You can just beat them down with the hilt and it still counts. 2 hilt hits will take a full health enemy down in normal crucible. As for the headshots, just have to be good with that. Use a sniper, scout rifle, or hand cannon probably.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 13:37 (Reply to #5)
BLAMnation's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

For the sword kills, you do not have to pick up the heavy. You can just beat them down with the hilt and it still counts. 2 hilt hits will take a full health enemy down in normal crucible. As for the headshots, just have to be good with that. Use a sniper, scout rifle, or hand cannon probably.

One other thing that could help - jump before the first hilt hit and then make the second hit just as you land - cancels out part of the animation and makes the pair of hits faster -> increases your odds of getting the kill.

You can also go into a Mayhem game mode (Mayhem Clash/Mayhem Rumble, when available). Heavy ammo spawns very quickly.

7 headshots in one game was simply impossible for me with the gun I was required to use - a crappy white (I think) hand cannon - in the quest for the First Curse. My son and I did what Hammerdrake wanted to do - we found each other and he stood in front of me while I shot him in the head. Even when he was standing still it often took more that one shot to get the kill. I just hope you are talking about a different quest...

Thu, 01/07/2016 - 10:30 (Reply to #6)
Hammerdrake's picture
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BLAMnation wrote:

7 headshots in one game was simply impossible for me with the gun I was required to use - a crappy white (I think) hand cannon - in the quest for the First Curse. My son and I did what Hammerdrake wanted to do - we found each other and he stood in front of me while I shot him in the head. Even when he was standing still it often took more that one shot to get the kill. I just hope you are talking about a different quest...

No, that's the one and it's what has me worried.  One way or another, I think can stumble into 25 sword kills eventually.

What game modes usually have the most kills?  Since that hand cannon is not super powerful, aren't there modes that level all equipment?

Hopefully matchmaking will help me since I've never been in crucible before.  Might try this Sat evening.

Thu, 01/07/2016 - 13:21 (Reply to #7)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:


BLAMnation wrote:


7 headshots in one game was simply impossible for me with the gun I was required to use - a crappy white (I think) hand cannon - in the quest for the First Curse. My son and I did what Hammerdrake wanted to do - we found each other and he stood in front of me while I shot him in the head. Even when he was standing still it often took more that one shot to get the kill. I just hope you are talking about a different quest...



No, that's the one and it's what has me worried.  One way or another, I think can stumble into 25 sword kills eventually.

What game modes usually have the most kills?  Since that hand cannon is not super powerful, aren't there modes that level all equipment?

Hopefully matchmaking will help me since I've never been in crucible before.  Might try this Sat evening.

I would say Control would be your best bet. I still need to do this portion of the quest as well, but just couldn't be bothered. 

Thu, 01/07/2016 - 14:18 (Reply to #8)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:


BLAMnation wrote:


7 headshots in one game was simply impossible for me with the gun I was required to use - a crappy white (I think) hand cannon - in the quest for the First Curse. My son and I did what Hammerdrake wanted to do - we found each other and he stood in front of me while I shot him in the head. Even when he was standing still it often took more that one shot to get the kill. I just hope you are talking about a different quest...



No, that's the one and it's what has me worried.  One way or another, I think can stumble into 25 sword kills eventually.

What game modes usually have the most kills?  Since that hand cannon is not super powerful, aren't there modes that level all equipment?

Hopefully matchmaking will help me since I've never been in crucible before.  Might try this Sat evening.


I don't like the way that replies are folded into the threads.  I just noticed this.  Has that always been the case, or did I somehow change things?

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 12:22
Minotaur's picture
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If you haven't played PvP yet, matchmaking should begin by matching you with noobier players. So, try to get the sword and head shot kills in the early games. Go into games solo during the peak player times - like after school or Fri/Sat evening.

Mon, 01/04/2016 - 14:00 (Reply to #10)
SoulTerror's picture
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That explains why I was slathering people the other day in crucible. I pretty much avoid it but have Quest for my Stormcaller that require it.

Fri, 01/08/2016 - 09:10
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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For the 25 sword kills, I waited for Mayhem Rumble. You respawn quickly and everyone is a target. Just run around trying to get hilt kills until the super is up.

One game, a player realized what I was doing and stopped twice when he saw me for the easy kill. smiley

Fri, 01/08/2016 - 12:59
SoulTerror's picture
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I had a similar situation. One player let me kill him easily. He got a thank you message afterwards.

Thu, 02/18/2016 - 08:21
Hammerdrake's picture
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Following our skip through crotas garden last night, and feeling emboldened by my relative success in crimson doubles (i wasn't noob stomped), I threw myself into rumble to see what I could see.

My first game I got 4 headshots and came in last, but felt like I could have gotten a few more with a little more effort. I was encouraged enough to try again.

My second game as a gift from the Destiny gods. Had my 7 headshots before midgame and switched to sword. Got 10 sword kills and would have won the match if I wasn't running around like a maniac swinging my sword hilt.

Third match starts with only 4 guardians. One drops out immediately. Another is so laggy I easily thump him each time I spot him. Last guy gets wise to me and pulls out his shotgun, but only has so many rounds. I get my final 15 sword kills and build a huge lead before a couple of ringers drop in. I manage to barely hold my lead, win the match, and wrap up my quests!

Thu, 02/18/2016 - 09:00
DarthTabasco's picture
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That's good Hammer - it's nice to get the Crucible part out of the way.

Thu, 02/18/2016 - 09:38
OldnAchy's picture
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That's awesome doing it alone.  I had help getting my 25 sword kills.  Went into Rumble with a fire team and the other two let me smash them with my sword hilt.  Got 25 kills in 2 games.  

Thu, 02/18/2016 - 12:32
Minotaur's picture
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We went into a classic rumble last week to complete the 7 headshot portion of the quest for The First Curse. We got it done pretty easily, but while in game I was killed once by a random with the Imprecation. I told this to my 2 buddies, so once we were finished we searched for the Hunter to help him complete the quest. He caught on quickly (we'd run up to him and wave) and he was appreciative. 

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