One hour I can do! I'm not very knowledgeable about Crota, but if you want a shooter bot to come and provide firepower, I'm your man, er, bot! Just tell me where to stand and what to point the blasty end of my gun at. I'm not much of an achievement hunter, so I'll bow out if you find five others who want it.
Another item checked off on the bucket list Took 2 passes, but the second, successful run was pretty darn quick -- only problem was that the achievement only popped for two of the team. Hopefully it will show up for the rest of us soon!
Good run last night, would of had it the first try if I didn't have lag hitting Crota with the sword and him still being able to 1 shot us. Not bad though, 2 runs in an hour. I streamed it to Twitch so I'll try to get it on my computer and up on YouTube tonight.
I posted on the Bungie help forum about the achievement not unlocking. Responses indicated that the achievement list may have been locked and not updating -- I remember now an earlier achievement taking several weeks to unlock. Suggestion was to sign out (from profile), start Destiny, then sign in when prompted -- or go to settings in Destiny and select change profile, confirm, then sign in when prompted. Second option worked for me. Link to help thread:
Great times last night everyone! I've been having fun running the older raids under these different conditions.
Thanks for the help with the cheevo, I sure hope it pops in for the rest of you. If not, it'd be happy to try again!
I just have 4 achievements left now. One week of IB popped all my crucible achievements except the 2 salvage and control ones. So I'll be tackling those soon
That just leaves me 2/3rds of the way through Hunger Pangs and finally Oryx on Heroic. So close to completion. I'm excited!
I got my cheevo to pop last night by doing the second option listed above in Achy's post.
I started Destiny and signed-in as normal. Then went to Settings, and Log Out. You want to log out (not just change characters) completely from Destiny. You will then be prompted by the game that it requires you be signed in to play. Sign back in and choose the character that completed the cheevo and it should pop up once you've logged back into the game.
I had fun doing this too and would be happy to help others looking to try this cheevo.
Glad I asked for help in the forums. I was surprised at how quick the responses were. As for me, Kings Fall HM and Salvage are the two I still need to do.
One hour I can do! I'm not very knowledgeable about Crota, but if you want a shooter bot to come and provide firepower, I'm your man, er, bot! Just tell me where to stand and what to point the blasty end of my gun at. I'm not much of an achievement hunter, so I'll bow out if you find five others who want it.
Count me in! I will be practicing my Titan Abyss cheese.
I will try to be available for this too.
i am in if u need someone
I should be available.
So we have:
For those of you collecting dead ghosts, there's one in the room to the left (when you're facing Crota) where one of the wires meets the wall.
Another item checked off on the bucket list
Took 2 passes, but the second, successful run was pretty darn quick -- only problem was that the achievement only popped for two of the team. Hopefully it will show up for the rest of us soon!
Good runs last night. My cheevo didn't pop, even after signing out and doing a reset - guess we'll see if it eventually shows up.
Good run last night, would of had it the first try if I didn't have lag hitting Crota with the sword and him still being able to 1 shot us. Not bad though, 2 runs in an hour. I streamed it to Twitch so I'll try to get it on my computer and up on YouTube tonight.
Congrats all!
Destiny Titan on Xbox Live: Tenryuu N7
Destiny Warlock on Xbox Live: Chiryukai (Wife's Account)
Twitch stream for anyone interested
I posted on the Bungie help forum about the achievement not unlocking. Responses indicated that the achievement list may have been locked and not updating -- I remember now an earlier achievement taking several weeks to unlock. Suggestion was to sign out (from profile), start Destiny, then sign in when prompted -- or go to settings in Destiny and select change profile, confirm, then sign in when prompted. Second option worked for me. Link to help thread:
I'll give that a try tonight.
Thanks Achy, I'll give that a try.
Youtube link for last night's run
I got my cheevo to pop last night by doing the second option listed above in Achy's post.
I started Destiny and signed-in as normal. Then went to Settings, and Log Out. You want to log out (not just change characters) completely from Destiny. You will then be prompted by the game that it requires you be signed in to play. Sign back in and choose the character that completed the cheevo and it should pop up once you've logged back into the game.
I had fun doing this too and would be happy to help others looking to try this cheevo.
That also worked for me Darth.
I'm also down to 4 achievements. Need the clan 1, finishing upgrading a hunter subclass, Hard mode of Oryx, and then the salvage one.
Glad I asked for help in the forums. I was surprised at how quick the responses were. As for me, Kings Fall HM and Salvage are the two I still need to do.
Sounds like we need to run some salvage.
3 man fire team and salvage is one of the choices in the crucible playlist and from what I can see, always available.
If there are more that need to, I'd be happy to go again to help.
Achy and Soul, want to hit up Salvage Sun or Mon night?
Sunday night is fine with me.
I probalby wont' be on again until Wednesday, but things change. If you see me online shoot me an invite.