Need more Halo5 players on my freinds list.
Mon, 12/28/2015 - 12:09

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 05/13/2008 - 23:00
Currently Playing:
Need more Halo5 players on my freinds list.
I've only have five or so regular Halo5 players on my freinds list and could use a few more. I mainly play Slayer, Team Arena, or Breakout. I don't care to much for warzone.
Gamer Tag: Lost Cannibal
Send me an FR or an invite if you see me on.
join us on thursday nights for custom games you will meet plenty of new friends there. im usually on around 8pm est but customs officially start at 9pm
Add BigBadMike, I'm on slightly less currently due to busy season but I'm usually on Halo Quite a bit.
Add me please.... GT: Kekule
I'm on regularly. Looking for people to play halo in the evening. add me/message me: LockedSolid
I've been looking for people to team up with for those exact game types. I play on the weekends mostly but will play time to time on weekdays. Basically I'll play whenever the wife and kid permits:) I do use a mic and try to communicate with call outs.
Looks like I may need to start playing Halo again, it's been forever you guys!