More Xbox Friends for Destiny
Wed, 04/20/2016 - 15:12
More Xbox Friends for Destiny
I could use some more friends to play all the Destiny stuff with. If you're trying to get your light level up and you need more people to join you leave your gamertag here. I'm a laid back guy that likes to have fun playing games.
Easiest thing for you to do is follow one GT you remember. Check who they follow and follow them. Play a few games and add more. Soon people will follow you back. My GT has plenty of GT you may remember from the old days.
I'm up for it, Osiris. What are your normal play times? I play in some evenings, usually after 5 or 6 pm (except Thursday night for couple more weeks).
I'm on most evenings from 9 to 12 eastern time.
What is your gamertag?
What is your gamertag?
You can add me in too. Hopefully I'll be able to play more soon. GT: Hammerdrake
Thanks, I will.
Osiris I still play as well on the weekend I think your still on my friend list hit me up if you see me on
and my user tag here is the same as my Xbox
For Osiris: my GT is CanHazChzbrger.
ra darkman is mine
Feel free to add me as well. XB1GT: Ver7igo
Osiris, we have the same schedule, im on everyday, i grind everything, so whatever you want to do, pretty good chance ill need to do it too.
send me a fr
FbK Clutch
Thanks everyone. I'll add all your gamertags.
ok now it my turn I am also looking for members to play with me as well because of my job I am only on weekends
looking to do Raids and strikes with just send me a pm saying your from 2old2play that way I know it not a random thanks ran into a lot if Timies of late