My Mountaintop...

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#1 Wed, 08/03/2016 - 09:02
Hammerdrake's picture
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My Mountaintop...

I'm super pumped about Rise of Iron and relatively happy with my current LL (332).  The last thing I need for my Year 2 Moments of Triumph is the Mountaintop and I am WAY behind (I don't even have the quest yet).

So, instead of spamming my FL looking for people willing to pop into and out of random Crucible game types, let me know if you interested here and I'll know who to look for when I'm on.  I play two random daily class matches yesterday and it was pretty un-fun.  I expect it will get a little better with friends, but Crucible just isn't my thing.

At the point where I have to do the Salvage quest, I want to focus on that game mode and work to get the achievement to finish up my achievements before Rise of Iron hits.

Also, I think at some point I want to use Trials for one of the quests (I don't remember won't mode that counts as).  So, I figure I need 2 people either willing to carry me, or to go into it with me understanding that it's just for funsies.

Maybe for one night we can get a group together and just grind out our weapon kills (but I assume most of you are ahead of me on that).

Seriously though, I thoroughly unenjoyed those random matches and got some pretty crappy loot.  Definitely the least good part of the game for me.


PS - Once I knock out the Crucible quests and get that last achievement, I just need to clear out my crucible and strike sub-class quest missions!  I want the screen blank before I get Rise of Iron!

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 09:25
KalSC's picture
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I have mine done, but I have two characters working on their faction class item quests (maybe a 3rd soon) that need crucible wins so wouldn't mind joining a group to at least make it more fun than trying to grind it.

For weapon kill quests, we found the classic 6x6 free for all to work well.  I may or may not have cheesed some of my kills by shooting Ranger a lot in the head, but, I saw other fireteams doing imprecation in there. 

You can use Trials for the Elimination portion of that quest.  We helped RippingGester out one weekend when Elimination wasn't available by sacrificing ourselves in Trials.

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 10:53
hemihuman's picture
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I'm halfway through The Mountaintop quest proper. I don't play crucible much either, so I've just been doing the crucible daily each day. I actually enjoy crucible. Just wish I was better at it. Will look for you online, Hammer. I suppose you're mostly on evenings? Any predictable time?

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 14:09 (Reply to #3)
SCwrr's picture
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As someone who started playing in December and has finished the mountaintop twice (titan and warlock)'s just doing it despite disliking it that gets it done, and, as I'm sure the people that have played in the banner with me can attest, I'm pretty awful in the crucible, so if I can do it, anyone can :)

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 10:57
DarthTabasco's picture
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I would be happy to help you Hammer. I've finished it, but I don't mind running games with you. 

I'm not the best either, but sometimes playing with friends and having some communication can make things easier.

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 13:10
Hammerdrake's picture
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Thanks guys, good to know who to look for.  Mostly 9-11 eastern for me.

Luckily, very little of the quests look like they require much skill, so a fireteam of friends is much more about "funner" than "easier!"


Wed, 08/03/2016 - 13:15 (Reply to #6)
hemihuman's picture
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Yes, I agree. I didn't start the Crucible quest line until recently because I assumed that it would be difficult. But it turns out you just need to play a lot. If you're good, you will get it done much faster, but it's not so bad even if you're not.

I probably won't make it on this evening, but hope to catch you Thursday or on the weekend!

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 14:03 (Reply to #7)
BLAMnation's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:

Thanks guys, good to know who to look for.  Mostly 9-11 eastern for me.

Luckily, very little of the quests look like they require much skill, so a fireteam of friends is much more about "funner" than "easier!"


If you see me on and in Crucible, feel free to shoot me an invite. I'm usually in there working on Shaxx bounties.

Mon, 08/15/2016 - 13:39
SoulTerror's picture
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Just about done with mine. Just have to do the Elimination rounds and then the last step. I was playing the crucible like crazy this weekend.

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 11:22
Hammerdrake's picture
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
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Thanks all!  I'm making progress.  I hope to get through the weaponmaster quest with IB this week.  

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